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  • Howard

    02/03/2019 at 07:09 in reply to: The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz

    Well done Jung. I think it was a little easier than some of the others, for me at least.

  • Howard

    01/03/2019 at 13:51 in reply to: The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz

    The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz # 6

    For what it’s worth, I scored nine out of ten, and even though one was an educated guess, I’m quite pleased with myself.

  • Howard

    01/03/2019 at 08:59 in reply to: MonaLisa Twins Lyrics Quiz

    Probably too complicated for this technological hillbilly! But thanks all the same Tomás.

  • Howard

    27/02/2019 at 02:28 in reply to: Happy MLT-ING 2019 !!!!

    Now surely you didn’t have me in mind there Tomás! Maybe not, but this old fart has certainly been around the block a few times, and since discovering the awesome MonaLisa Twins, has grown new legs, heart, lungs and soul and is now capable of many more turns around the block!

    More power to the MLT experience! Can you imagine just how much they’ll be rocking by the time they are fossils like some of us here!

  • Howard

    26/02/2019 at 07:08 in reply to: Nothing Is In Vain

    You are right about Mona and Lisa being good at so many things. I was going to ask them if they managed to perfect how to ride a surfboard while living in Adelaide. Their last video shows them carrying surfboards on the beach. I know they managed to make time for ice skating, of all things while in hot Adelaide and also would have spent much time busking in the Mall. It seems they got into the Aussie habit of mucking up in music classes too, something I’m sure they wouldn’t have been guilty of in Austria. But then again, you never know with these twins. I never thought I’d see Mona poking her tongue out at the camera, even at the tender age of 15! I’d love to see more of these early videos of them.

  • Howard

    26/02/2019 at 05:35 in reply to: Happy MLT-ING 2019 !!!!

    Yes, a poster of all those guitars would be a welcome addition to my MLT poster collection. We can only hope that either Mona or Lisa is reading this!

  • Howard

    26/02/2019 at 04:27 in reply to: MonaLisa Twins Lyrics Quiz

    Well done with this Tomás. Are you able to advise where I could find a template of this to use? As for Jung, I don’t know how someone who works can possibly find the time for his prolific posting!

  • Howard

    26/02/2019 at 03:56 in reply to: Nothing Is In Vain

    Yes Jung, wonderful watching the Twins floating through space and going down the drain. I wonder how they manage to keep their eyes open under water, especially chlorinated pool water. I’m a swimmer, but can’t swim without goggles. I have the same issue in the surf. I wonder if contact lenses are involved. Wouldn’t know myself as I’ve never worn them. I also wonder who came up with that fish idea. Just where do they pull these ‘out there’ ideas from! If members haven’t already, I recommend watching the behind the scenes video of this song.

    It is definitely a highlight of the “When We’re Together” album, of which there are many highlights. I especially love listening to this song while watching the amazing video.

    As for “A Day In the Life”, it’s unbelievable how well it stands up over 50 years later, considering the incredible improvement in recording technology over that time.

    Now Jung, as for that “famous classical symphony that starts off with a similar off tune effect”, are you going to enlighten us further? Not Beethoven by any chance!


  • Howard

    25/02/2019 at 10:39 in reply to: MonaLisa Twins Lyrics Quiz

    I agree. Brilliant. Exactly what I wanted to do but unfortunately lack the skill. I got 8 out of 10! I’ll have to start listening to all their originals again, a bit more closely this time!

  • Howard

    25/02/2019 at 06:36 in reply to: What strings do you use on your guitar?

    Yes, there are lots of interesting classical musical instruments out there. The dulcimer also comes to mind (and another Brian Jones instrument). I have no doubt Mona and Lisa would love to have a go at some of these more exotic instruments. Unfortunately though, I guess that with all their writing, video production and practicing of their main instruments, they wouldn’t have much time for experimentation. I figure Mona is probably still coming to grips with the flute and Lisa with the Cello, unless they just leave instruments like these for when a song requires it.

  • Howard

    25/02/2019 at 06:02 in reply to: What strings do you use on your guitar?

    Copied fromWikipedia.

    The clavichord is a European stringed rectangular keyboard instrument that was used largely in the Late Middle Ages, through the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical eras. Historically, it was mostly used as a practice instrument and as an aid to composition, not being loud enough for larger performances. The clavichord produces sound by striking brass or iron strings with small metal blades called tangents. Vibrations are transmitted through the bridge(s) to the soundboard.

    The clavichord was invented in the early fourteenth century. In 1404, the German poem “Der Minne Regeln” mentions the terms clavicimbalum (a term used mainly for the harpsichord) and clavichordium, designating them as the best instruments to accompany melodies.

    I’ll be Bach and you can be Beethoven, Jung!

  • Howard

    24/02/2019 at 09:42 in reply to: What strings do you use on your guitar?

    It does have a familiar clavichord and harpsichord sound to me now that you’ve mentioned it. Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones also liked experimenting with different instruments and you can find similar sounds on their ‘Aftermath’ and ‘Between The Buttons’ albums in particular.

    Lulu’s ‘To Sir With Love’ is a favourite 60’s song of mine. She sings it with such passion, the type of passion that only Mona and Lisa could do justice to with a cover today! So many songs I’d love MLT to cover and so little time. We definitely need to clone them!

    I’ve just listened to Lulu sing this again and I’m able to imagine the awesome Lisa sing this song in her ‘Still A Friend Of Mine’ style.

    Thanks for sharing Jung.

  • Howard

    24/02/2019 at 04:53 in reply to: Thursday's Creative Teasers…

    Yes, the colours on the black background remind me of ‘Nothing Is In Vain’, a beautiful, colourful song with a beautiful, colourful video!

  • Howard

    20/02/2019 at 09:14 in reply to: The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz

    Well done Jim. The later ones haven’t been easy. You are obviously a Beatle expert. I know some people don’t like the music playing in the background, but I find classical music quite relaxing.

  • Howard

    19/02/2019 at 09:22 in reply to: Yesterday – New movie coming out

    Yes Tomás. An Australian author, Nick Millican’s ‘Enormity’ (2009), has a similar plot. You can purchase his book on Amazon. A little darker (more adult) than the Danny Boyle, Richard Curtis ‘Yesterday’ movie. Nick isn’t to happy about it for some reason!

    I think ‘Yesterday’ is going to be huge, considering Richard Curtis and Danny Boyle are involved. Yes, it’s a pity MLT didn’t get a gig, but then again, they can write their own material and don’t need to claim someone else’s as their own.

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