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  • Leif Mortensen

    26/10/2022 at 12:23 in reply to: My shopping cart keeps on being filled


    First thank you for the nice answer. I didn’t know you had already sent the parcels. I will pay the extra customs and give cd and calender to my daughters daughter. About the shopping cart. I don’t know really. In my mind it disappeared after my buy at the second of October BUT reappeared when I logged on a week or so later. Saw it and didn’t react to this until a week later where I reacted by placing the order – again. Then I wondered if I had ordered once before – and I had unfortunately. Hope it gives some meaning. Must be something about connecting the shopping cart to the final order payment which should give a feed back to the cart to empty it.

    Many kind regards from your Danish nisse.

    Leif Hoergren Mortensen

  • Leif Mortensen

    09/03/2022 at 20:04 in reply to: Eurovision songs 2022

    A womens day special drum cover by Eddis drummer – fasten seatbelts

  • Leif Mortensen

    07/03/2022 at 18:59 in reply to: Eurovision songs 2022

    Fine to see a former song from earlier years but please follow up with your countrys tune when it’s chosen,

  • Leif Mortensen

    01/12/2023 at 13:45 in reply to: Yuletide is coming and greetings to you all

    Thanks – seems you have your festive days programmed 🙂

  • Leif Mortensen

    01/12/2023 at 13:44 in reply to: Yuletide is coming and greetings to you all

    Thanks I’ll do my best 😎

  • Leif Mortensen

    01/12/2023 at 13:42 in reply to: Yuletide is coming and greetings to you all

    Thanks – have a good yule

  • Leif Mortensen

    07/05/2023 at 20:28 in reply to: Colorize the old days ?

    Glad you find it interesting – try and post a before and after picture.

  • Leif Mortensen

    07/05/2023 at 17:45 in reply to: Colorize the old days ?

    Hope you accept that I only talk about b/w photos – and that uses IA as every greytone has a colorvalue. Remember the photo of me – it’s quite precisely as this of Gretha Garbo which to me is far more interesting to talk about than the B/W photo. Young people are pretty bored of b/w but put some colors to the photo the case is diffrent. I don’t say delete the black and white just have the other option when your grandchildren is passing by 😉

  • Their latest hit is MONEY from 22/3/22 then you understand why I say heavy rock

  • Leif Mortensen

    11/03/2022 at 11:59 in reply to: Eurovision songs 2022

    Sina is a very good drummer coming from a Beatles area too like our twins. Was her daddy not in a Beatles tribute band – think so?

  • Leif Mortensen

    09/03/2022 at 19:47 in reply to: Eurovision songs 2022

    To me the reason for the great interest is that it’s an evening where families and even towns are joining together to watch and celebrate a positive show. Lot of families in Denmark and also Germany is having a party. Of course it’s nice if you country is doing well but the “hygge” situation is the most important. Anybody else who know traditions about this event in your country?

  • Leif Mortensen

    07/03/2022 at 18:57 in reply to: Eurovision songs 2022

    Hope you’ll follow up with the Norvegian song when you know.

  • Leif Mortensen

    07/03/2022 at 18:56 in reply to: Eurovision songs 2022

    Nice you’re taking up the topic – could be fun to se all contestants before the big day.

  • Leif Mortensen

    07/03/2022 at 18:54 in reply to: Eurovision songs 2022

    Yeah she’s a pretty good drummer 😉

  • Leif Mortensen

    07/03/2022 at 18:53 in reply to: Eurovision songs 2022

    I just think it’s nice to see and hear girls performing rock – and they are nice to look at – like our Twins 😉

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