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  • Ian Boggs

    20/08/2023 at 06:37 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    A little hope right here:

  • Ian Boggs

    18/08/2023 at 15:36 in reply to: MLT Joy

    Sweet indeed!

    I catch myself singing along and/or grabbing one of my basses from time to time. No complaints about any of it. Totally relate. 🙂

    Plenty of birds here too though not humming birds. The sly cat is mine and needs a good talking to….

    Kangaroos galore and very occasionally, a deer.

    Life is good.😆

  • Ian Boggs

    18/08/2023 at 15:19 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    Nima; Thank you for this post. It has gotten me thinking. More on that later……

    MLT Team; Thank you for handling a potentially tricky situation so well. Kudos to you all.

    This could have gotten out of hand but thankfully, it didn’t.

    I didn’t intend to be political with my comment.

    Some may have figured that my position was political.

    Some may have figured that I am anti political.

    In fact, I am an equal opportunity despiser of all things political. Totally disgruntled with all things left and right. That is a political statement in and of itself. Make of it what you will.

    I regard my own position as a-political in precisely the same way that, “I bought Myself A Politician”, is a-political. It was that song that brought me to MLT in the first place.

    I am looking for solutions; ways in which the job might be gotten done.

    The media if full of doom, doom, gloom, gloom, knee jerk reactions, pandemic and climate change. And more knee jerk reactions. “Do as your are told or die and/or kill grandma”.

    But where is the positive? Where are the solutions that work now??? Where is the “who and how many need what”,?

    And who has it?

    And how to get it to where it needs to be?

    Beyond encouragement, I don’t have a whole lot to offer the people of Maui. The small amount of money I have would be swallowed up in seconds by the NGO’s.

    Okay…..; So what about the situation here?

    I’ve been living in the Australian (Victorian) bush for thirteen years. I am no stranger to floods nor fires having experienced both. For the most part, earthquakes are not a thing here.

    My little cottage is built on a ridge. That part of my fourteen acres (5.65 Ha) that is valley may flood and has done so more than once but my house is safe. No problem. Been there; done that.

    But fire is a different issue altogether.

    In these thirteen years, I have lost count of the times fires came within ten miles (16Km) of my humble abode.

    Just once, a fire came to the property across the road from mine. Pretty scary, for sure.

    But the Country Fire Authority (CFA) and it’s people (Yes; just ordinary people) had it under control within a coupe of hours and out altogether within a day. Wheeeewwwww! They gave me some advice re: things to do, which I did………..

    So……, I figured out a fire plan and it goes like this:

    Backpack in car. A 100 liter backpack with sleeping bag, tent, petrol stove, pots, fire lighting stuff, basic fishing stuff, basic bow hunting stuff, clothes for all or most seasons, some non perishable food and a bit of room for other peoples’ stuff. This is a permanently packed and ready to go thing.

    More non perishable food for people and dogs in car. Whatever I can lay my hands on.

    Acoustic musical instruments in car. This is important. I can do music in my head or just sing it. But music and humour are survival tools for a whole community. Two acoustic guitars and an acoustic bass is a start for sure. I like to play bass. The guitars are for others to play. As for my electric instruments, PA, guitar and bass amps; I have a car, not a truck and there is only me to load it. They can all burn.

    A small package of important documents. Family life is something I would rather forget so photos are not a priority. Aren’t I the lucky one!?

    A cooler box placed beside the frreigerator so I can grab as much as the cooler box will hold at the last minute…….

    Key in the car’s ignition key hole!

    Open the inspection covers in the pipes that connect my house and shed roofs with my water tanks so that ash/soot/creosote/radioactive dust don’t contaminate my drinking water.

    Now, I’m ready to go should I have to.

    If, I have to…….. shoehorn dogs and cat in car and beat it.

    So far, I have been in this state of readiness three times.

    As a refugee, I have a plan I I am prepped to carry it out.

    But what if I still have my place and my neighbours are burned or flooded out???????

    I have multiple hundreds of kilos of non perishable food. I have a tiny garden. I have beds for two others if they are a couple, or two kids. One or two or three more could be improvised indoors.

    If others can bring their own car or tent or caravan, we could do a few more.

    I have catered for eight and ten during Christmas/New Year holidays in the past and could do so again. I have firewood falling off the trees faster than I can burn it and a stash of LPG for my gas stove.

    But what if there are more than ten or so……?

    My wood burning heater needs to go in favour of the wood burning stove I already have but have not installed.

    I have seven sleeping bags. One for me and six to lend or give away.

    I have two tents suitable for two people and a bit of stuff.

    I could do plenty more. I have work to do. Seriously! There is much more I could do.

    If I am the refugee, I have skills to offer those who give me refuge. I have it covered but that’s a bit selfish if I am not the refugee; if I am the provider.

    I could do more. My garden needs to be bigger and more productive. I am a terrible gardener. A like minded but proficient gardener, female and of the opposite sex to marry would be ideal but failing that, a gardening housemate, male or female, would suffice. Things just might get done…… (?)

    So, people, what is your situation? Urban? Suburban? Rural?

    What are the biggest dangers in your region? ( Include WW3 and potential loss of electricity and water supplies)……?

    If you are the refugee, do you have a plan? How prepped are you to carry it out?

    If you are the provider for refugees, do you have a plan? How prepped are you to carry it out?

    Please bear this in mind: Prepping is not about doom and gloom or about being superheros; it is about making do (or doing well) when things are bad. Perhaps more importantly and especially if we are generous, it is about helping neighbours do the same.

    What say you?

  • Ian Boggs

    13/08/2023 at 03:49 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    Nima, Diana, Jackie and everyone,

    I wasn’t aware of this as I don’t watch TV or read newspapers any more. So, I went looking.

    It’s messy indeed. My thoughts and prayers are for you and especially for those who have lost loved ones.

    But I have hopes too.

    I hope for communities and their becoming stronger. In my lifetime, I have seen communities the world over fractured by various agendae; terrorism (response), pandemic (response), woke, and now climate change (response) to name just a few.

    All of the articles I read about these fires finished with pushing the climate change agenda. (Yet another reminder of why I no longer watch TV) We can be sure that this agenda will be used yet again to tighten the shackles around our ankles still further. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

    I got curious and wondered how much of Maui was not burned…..

    And I found this:

    While the news showed us total destruction, the fact is that the biggest part of the island is unburned.

    It seems that if neighbours are good neighbours, those displaced might be accommodated without leaving the island. Perhaps more importantly, accommodated without depending on government or it’s agents.

    I’m sure there will be plenty of farmers who could use some help with harvesting, fencing or building/maintaining fire breaks……..

    As soon as folks get busy, they start to feel better and make progress. If all the guitars and ukuleles were not burned, there will be music.

    I do no mean to minimize this. It is big. I jut hope that something bigger can come out of it.

    After good wishes and prayers, the biggest thing we can send is encouragement.

    For those who have family or friends there, I hope you send plenty of it.

  • Ian Boggs

    29/07/2023 at 05:15 in reply to: How is this physically possible?

    Gents, you have set me on a new journey of discovery.

    For me, the two standout classical pieces of the 20th century would be Ravel’s Bolero and Gershwin’s Rhapsody In Blue.

    After watching the Rick Beato video about Wang, one of the suggestions was her with the Wiener Philharmonic playing R. I. B. Naturally, I had to watch.

    Well! What to say?

    I’ve heard a lot of versions of this piece and since I was a kid, I thought that Leonard Bernstein at piano and conducting the Columbia Symphony was the best I’d heard. Others seemed a bit dull to me.

    That has changed.

    As far as I can tell, the arrangement is the same. I could be wrong here. I just hear all the right notes on all the right instruments………

    But the feeling is changed; intensified, if you like. The brass use more wah on their mutes, the tempo is bent back and forth more and then there is Wang.

    What she does with the tempo, dynamics and syncopation floored me. I don’t have words for this.

    Watching her face, especially during her little solos, shows that she is feeling every note and loving each one. If I close my eyes and not watch, I can still hear it and feel it myself.

    Music really is a language.

    Thank you very much for this pointer. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  Ian Boggs. Reason: Forgot to add link
  • Ian Boggs

    24/07/2023 at 16:38 in reply to: 10CC?

    Oops! Guitar solo on a Les Paul. The Bass is a Rick.

  • Ian Boggs

    24/07/2023 at 15:44 in reply to: First music bought however embarrassing

    The first LP bought and paid for by me was Steeleye Span’s “All Around My Hat”. That was followed in no particular order with “Commoner’s Crown”, Several Manhattan Transfer, Beatles, Dire Straights and Queen albums along with a smattering of Classical compilations.

    Interestingly, I’m not at all embarrassed by any of those late teen purchases. I still love them and listen to them still. I will say that there are the odd few tracks that I really don’t like and regularly skip. Queen’s “Tie Your Mother Down”, would be one example. Not my style at all. Icky Poo!

    You may notice a preference for melody and harmony?

    I didn’t buy any Jazz as my parents had plenty which got snuck onto cassette tape. 🙂

    There are a lot of eclectic and interesting responses to this post from some very cluey people.

    Well done Sara for a cluey question.

  • Ian Boggs

    14/08/2023 at 11:36 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    Dear Nima,

    I likewise meant no offense nor to minimise and said as much. There is nothing to defend.

    My grumble is with the news reporting.

    I should add that I did not read local news outlets; only those that appeared at the top of my search (Guardian etc)

    You have answered my question regarding boats. Much appreciated. This was not mentioned in any of the reports I read nor did I see any photos/video of this.

    I’ll repeat my hopes for a strong community.

    If you would like my comments deleted, I would be more than happy to do it.


  • Ian Boggs

    13/08/2023 at 16:31 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    Yes; it’s kinda the CBD that got hit the worst according to the maps. There’s still plenty of greenery not so far away.

    So, my question would be, What is the media doing suggesting that the whole island is black and blaming it on climate change?

    Again; not to diminish the losses, personal and property, is it not interesting to examine the story as told versus the bigger picture?

    Another thing that jumped out at me; in the ‘before’ satelite shot, the harbour was full. In the’after’ shot, almost empty. Did all the missing boats burn and sink or were they taken to sea and saved?

    If there are boats, there will be fish for the taking, nes par?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  Ian Boggs. Reason: Fix typo
  • Ian Boggs

    02/08/2023 at 08:17 in reply to: How is this physically possible?

    Yes; the commitment.

    I see no reason why any of us who play anything shouldn’t join him on the battlefield.

    Getting out and playing acoustically in streets and parks might spread a little joy where it is needed. Besides; why should Mona and Lisa have all the fun?

    What if playing outdoors for the joy of it just kinda became a ‘thing’? I mean, when I was a kid, guitars at the beach was pretty normal.

    We can’t bring those days back but we can make today a little brighter.

    Here comes the sun, doot ‘n doo doo…………

  • Ian Boggs

    31/07/2023 at 08:42 in reply to: How is this physically possible?

    Indeed. I;m far from the first to have said it.

    Maybe folks would like to share this around:

  • Ian Boggs

    28/07/2023 at 09:47 in reply to: 10CC?

    Thanks for your comment, Bill.

    I wonder if you have any suggestions?

    As I said, I have my own ideas but I’m curious to see what other people think.

    If everyone puts their minds to it, some kind of pattern might emerge. If Mona and Lisa see it and like it, who knows what the result might be………

    Okay; I’ll try again to get the ball rolling.

    Use imagination here……. How would it be if the ever lovely and proper ladies were to put their sweet spin on ‘Good Morning Judge’? Would it be an image destroyer or would it be hilarious?

  • Ian Boggs

    27/07/2023 at 15:03 in reply to: 10CC?

    It seems that when anyone thinks of 10CC, they think of “I’m Not In Love”.

    For me, this technological approach to music is kinda the opposite of what MLT do and the opposite of why I enjoy their work so much. How do you feel about this?

    I was looking at 10CC from the melody and harmony and staying groovy standpoint.

    Howzabout everybudgie checking the back catalogue for groovy stuff our favourite flamingos might make their own????????

    I have my own opinions on that. Things We Do For Love is one and only one.

    What else? Your thoughts, please?

  • Ian Boggs

    24/07/2023 at 16:07 in reply to: First music bought however embarrassing

    Hi Daryl,

    I too drive an old vehicle. I use a bluetooth adaptor which broadcasts a weak FM signal to my FM radio. My android phone connects to that. I can answer calls on the rare occasion that someone loves me and for the rest of the time, I sing maniacally to MLT or other melodic groups whose work I have on the phone. Problem solved.

    When I’m riding, I’m too involved with that to be bothered with music.

    I, like yourself, am learning a lot from other posters. Glad to have found myself here.

    Thanks for your contributions.

  • Ian Boggs

    24/07/2023 at 14:38 in reply to: Great Covers by Obscure Artists

    Yummy, indeed.

    I have loved the Mamas and Papas upbeat and bouncy version since I was a kid.

    I’m hearing a Duo Session in my head. 🙂

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