Forum Replies Created

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  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    31/07/2022 at 12:28 in reply to: Simultaneous MLT YouTube Views

    Yeesh, David! You had just one job…..just kidding! We all appreciate the immense effort and time you expend keeping these stats for us clubbers! I sure couldn’t do it! I believe the first 24-hour-view numbers were real close to 30K, give or take.

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    04/12/2021 at 15:29 in reply to: Simultaneous MLT YouTube Views

    Many thanks, David! Very encouraging numbers! I expect an uptick in Christmas vid views, too.

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    23/11/2021 at 21:16 in reply to: Steel guitar

    That’s awesome, Lisa! It’s gorgeous, and I can’t wait to see and hear it on your new song! You both are self-depricating to the point of distraction! Your prowess with so many unique, diverse instruments is always impressive! I love that you have it as a reminder of Steve, an awesome and incredibly generous man we all miss. As far as slide and whammy aptitude goes, I think your “Sunshine Superman” video could serve as a great tutorial for anyone wanting to learn the technique!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    27/10/2021 at 00:42 in reply to: Mike McCartney

    I read this to Mom, and she said to tell you that you two and your folks seem like a lot of fun, too! (and provide us all with loads of joy) And don’t tell Michaela or my Dad ????, but I think she kinda has a puppy-dog crush on your PapaRudi!

  • Great to see “Stuck in the Middle With You” reach 100,000 today! Sept. 26th to Oct. 17th. Exceptional mini-milestone for one of my favorite Duo Sessions!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    29/09/2021 at 00:57 in reply to: Oops!

    Right on, David!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    28/09/2021 at 23:44 in reply to: editing

    It’s even funnier now, knowing Mona edited it! I gotta guess a little Lisa payback may be in store for Mona someday….of course, she whacked Mona pretty good for saying ‘stay tuned’ in the “Blackbird” video intro, and did bash her a good one with a hammer at the end of “Maxwell’s”, so maybe they’re even, or Lisa may even be up one. ????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    28/09/2021 at 21:20 in reply to: Oops!

    Awesome! And you linked it to one of my absolute fave Ringo (and Buck Owens) tunes! You’re the best, dear Mona!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    28/09/2021 at 21:13 in reply to: “Stuck in the Middle”

    Thanks, Lisa! I surely look forward to any and all new vids that you share with us in the club and on YouTube! You pamper us clubbers much more than we deserve! As far as YouTube goes, every Saturday and Sunday in my household starts with an MLT video marathon. I usually click the subscription link, and the vids play in order, newest first. Other times I start with whichever song is rattling around in my head at the moment and the order is random, with a few Beatles and other tunes sprinkled in, but probably 90%+ MLT. Weekdays all start with surprise jukebox bluetoothing to my kitchen radio. I can’t imagine starting any day without my favorite songstresses!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    28/09/2021 at 19:07 in reply to: A third actress in “Politician”?

    I thought so! Happy you got to be on camera, even if it was anonymously!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    01/05/2022 at 02:08 in reply to: Simultaneous MLT YouTube Views

    Hi, Maureen! If not for my family’s views, this would have about 2 dozen fewer! We love it, and I always lose it when Mona chucks the bread at the camera! I do feel a bit sorry for the lad next to Lisa whose legs are too short to lift his half of the table. He has to work extra hard to compensate. Hard to tell in the vid but Mona is wearing a groovy cat apron, to boot! I know there’s a good picture of it roaming around in club MLT.

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    21/02/2022 at 12:54 in reply to: Simultaneous MLT YouTube Views

    But, David… your data is never questionable! Oh wait, I see what you did there…..????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    24/01/2022 at 11:51 in reply to: Simultaneous MLT YouTube Views

    I couldn’t agree more, with this being one of my favorite duo session covers! And thanks again for all the time and work you put into compiling these stats!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    02/12/2021 at 22:15 in reply to: Club Demographics

    Right on Jung!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    29/09/2021 at 04:47 in reply to: editing

    Agreed, Diana! I have nothing against dogs, but I’m undeniably a cat person! I also loved Mona’s cat-adorned apron in the wooden spoon routine they did with the two boys back in school.

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