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  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    02/02/2021 at 23:20 in reply to: Ukulele Day

    I probably should’ve tipped a small hat to Tiny Tim, as well. “Tiptoe Thru the Tulips” was all the rage when I was in my formative years. I even named my first pet cat “Tiny Tim”, but in my defense, I was only about 3 or 4, and that song was EVERYWHERE!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    02/02/2021 at 23:13 in reply to: Ukulele Day

    One of my favorite Twins’ uke songs, too, Jung. Also “Daydream” among others. I looked up “You Belong to Me” a while back to see who first sang or wrote it. Surprised it goes back all the way to the 20s, and has MANY covers.

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    30/01/2021 at 22:44 in reply to: favorite

    Also interesting and very gracious of you Lisa, that you chose two songs with Mona on lead vocals as your favorites to perform. Of course, you both shine in them, and your backing and guitarmanship (guitarwomanship?) are soooo amazing!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    27/01/2021 at 03:37 in reply to: Green Light a Cover

    Great question and response! I think it’s awesome that the songs need to have meaning to you for you to cover them. It’s also gracious of you to let us fans make suggestions, as it makes us feel important to you in a way. It’s just as important that you never feel obligated to any degree to cover something that doesn’t speak to you in order to appease us. The end product of a cover you don’t feel ???? behind probably wouldn’t satisfy you. I, for one, couldn’t be happier with the variety you’ve covered, not to mention your originals! Now….when the heck are you gonna cover some ELO or Wilburys? ????????????????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    27/01/2021 at 03:20 in reply to: favorite

    That’s great to hear, Lisa, because “My Generation” and “Revolution” are among my faves, too. It’s also evident you both, and Mona in particular, enjoy performing “You Can’t Do That”, as well.

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    26/01/2021 at 02:11 in reply to: What question…

    Be careful what you wish (ask) for! Pudding and tea en route from the British Corner Shop. Probably a cheap substitute for the pudding and you’ll have to brew the tea yourself, but it’s the best I could do from six time zones away. Please share with Mona and the fam, and ENJOY! ???? ????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    25/01/2021 at 23:28 in reply to: What question…

    Very clever, my dear young lady! Not exactly what I had in mind, but I gotta hand it to ya; you got me! ????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    08/01/2021 at 01:36 in reply to: Dense fog +sub-freezing temps= WOW!

    Yes, Jung, freezing rain is the worst! I once drove home from a long weekend about 150 miles in a freezing rain storm. On one long hill, I got a run to make it, and just before cresting the hill had to dodge a ???? sliding backwards down the hill toward me. Sure thanked God for getting me home that day! This freezing fog we just had posed no hazards, just provided beauty!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    05/01/2021 at 11:21 in reply to: Dense fog +sub-freezing temps= WOW!

    Oops! My local meteorologist just pointed out that this is rime ice, not hoar frost. My bad! ????????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    03/01/2021 at 13:09 in reply to: Trombone – Flight of the Bumble Bee

    Nice, Jung! I wonder how many years of practice went into that!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    25/12/2020 at 08:39 in reply to: Merry #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Xmas/Happy Holidays

    Thanks, much! And Merry Christmas to you and all club members and fans! Special blessings to Mona, Lisa, Papa Rudi, Michaela and staff for making us all a community of lovers of incredible, spirit-lifting music! God bless us, every one!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    13/02/2021 at 17:41 in reply to: Jim Croce

    Absolutely! Even some of his fun, frivolous ones like “Roller Derby Queen” and “Car Wash Blues”, etc. I can dream, but I won’t bother suggesting any to them directly, as they’re VERY busy young ladies and do an incredible job creating originals and covering songs that move them personally.

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    07/02/2021 at 01:56 in reply to: Radio Air Time?

    Thanks, Mike, good to know they’re at least getting some airtime there. I guess I’m just cursed to be listening at the wrong time. I tend to play their cds whenever I can while at work, and while in the kitchen at home, and play their vids on YouTube weekends at home. Car time is Beatles sirius channel. Probably the only drawback to living 10 mins. From work and less than that from shopping; less airtime exposure! ????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    06/02/2021 at 13:04 in reply to: Radio Air Time?

    Im glad to hear MLT has been on the Sirius Beatles channel. I have that channel playing almost exclusively while in my car, and haven’t yet had the pleasure of hearing them there. I was really wondering why, but I guess I just haven’t been driving at the right time! Do you happen to remember which MLT song(s) they played?

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