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  • Jürgen

    06/11/2019 at 17:39 in reply to: Hello, somebody out there?

    Hello Jung,

    thank you for your nice welcome. Schnitzel places in Vancouver, really? That sounds interesting. Another good reason to visit Canada. But I’m sure Vancouver surely has a lot more to offer. I find it exciting that so many different nationalities are represented here.

    I wish you a nice day and all the best.


  • Jürgen

    05/11/2019 at 19:11 in reply to: Hello, somebody out there?

    Hello John,

    thank you very much for your reply. Good to hear that the Music of MLT has awakened the spirit of the Beatles in you and that you have drawn new energy and hope from it. I understand your enthusiasm for the music of MLT and that you think that it’s better than the original. It sounds funny,  but when I first heard the MLT, I thought that’s how the Beatles would have sounded if they had been born as women. Mona&Lisa have translated the music from the 60’s into the sound of today, not too close to the original but also not so far away that it sounds strange. I believe that’s the trick. Thank you for sending the video-link “Leise rieselt der Schnee”. A traditional “Weihnachtslied”. A little bit old-fashioned but it awakens childhood memories in me. Really nice.

    (Sorry, if I sometimes don’t hit the right phrase or vocabulary, my english is like the sleeping beauty from the fairy tale. It sleeps in a tall tower, waiting to be kissed awake by the prince. But the prince just doesn’t want to come…-to be continued-).

    Best regards



  • Jürgen

    05/11/2019 at 16:08 in reply to: Hello, somebody out there?

    Hi Jacki,

    thanks for your answer. At the moment everything is new and interesting here. I let myself be surprised. But I can already say, that the Club Members are courteous and friendly people. That feels good.


    Best regards


  • Jürgen

    05/11/2019 at 15:52 in reply to: Hello, somebody out there?

    Hello Howard,

    thank you very much for your quick response. I’m glad to hear, that I’m not the only non- musician here. Do you still own your Sgt. Pepper Album? Unfortunately, I gave away all my Beatles Records a few years ago. It’s not the sound of the LP’s that I’m missing, but the “touch” (the big cardboard/ cover) and watching the LP doing its job on the turntable.

    Best regards


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