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  • Jürgen

    03/01/2024 at 08:17 in reply to: Wanderlust

    As a musical introduction, a short medley in which traditional and modern music styles from Singapore and Malaysia are taken up. Singapore combines the traditional and musical heritage of different nations. Including Malaysia, South Asian, East Asian and Eurasian influences

  • Jürgen

    03/01/2024 at 08:16 in reply to: Wanderlust

    The Heart of Southeast Asia

    I’ve wanted to introduce Southeast Asia in this thread for a long time because I’ve grown very fond of the cultures and people there. I just didn’t know exactly how to start, since Southeast Asia is a huge area, a microcosm of its own that is almost completely unnoticed by our Western world. A dazzling kaleidoscope of cultures, customs, colors and exotic scents. As diverse as the many languages spoken there, as colorful as the breathtaking landscapes that spread out in front of you and as delicate as the many delicious dishes there to try. If you want to discover Asia for yourself, you should do so with all your senses. Pictures can only give an imprecise idea of what awaits you there. When I traveled to Thailand for the first time many, many years ago, I was very surprised: the variety of impressions that awaited me there: the scents of exotic plants and flowers and the tasty smells of the small restaurants and food stalls that are everywhere are found. Impressions that images unfortunately cannot convey. So the idea came to me to simply introduce the individual metropolises of the countries there. A good start to a colorful, varied trip to Asia.


    I would like to start with Singapore. In general, Singapore is a good place to start if you have never been to Southeast Asia. Modernity and culture flow seamlessly into one another and the city seems both familiar and exotic to us Western travelers. Singapore is a small island and city state that was once part of the British Commonwealth. A melting pot of different nations and cultures. The smallest country in Southeast Asia, geographically part of Malaysia. In modern times, Singapore has become a wealthy and influential nation. One of the four so-called Asian Tiger States (South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong). An important financial and shipping hub and perhaps the westernmost of all the Asian metropolises I have gotten to know so far.

    “The traveler sees what he sees; the tourist sees what he visits.”
    -G.K. Chesterton -

  • Jürgen

    24/12/2023 at 09:26 in reply to: Wanderlust

    My wish for the next year sounds like this:

  • Jürgen

    24/12/2023 at 09:14 in reply to: Wanderlust

    Guthrie Castle is more of a country house than a real castle. It was built in the village of Guthrie in County Angus, Scotland. The tower of this complex was built in the 15th century. The remaining buildings were added in the 19th century.

    • Jürgen

      24/12/2023 at 09:20 in reply to: Wanderlust

      What goes better with Scotland and Christmas than the song “Mull of Kintyre”? Published on November 11, 1977. Not actually a Christmas song but still a great Christmas hit wonder. The single was Wings’ biggest hit in Britain and is one of the best selling singles of all time in the United Kingdom, where it became the 1977 Christmas number one and was the first single to sell over two million copies nationwide. Thanks to Paul.

      I wish everyone here a wonderful Christmas time and may your dreams come true for next year.

  • Jürgen

    24/12/2023 at 09:11 in reply to: Wanderlust

    Trakošćan Castle was built in the 13th century within Croatia’s northwestern fortification system, as a rather small observation fortress for monitoring the passing trade route.

  • Jürgen

    24/12/2023 at 05:01 in reply to: Thank You For The Livestreams

    Liebe Mona und liebe Lisa,

    I would also like to say thank you and wish you and everyone else here in the forum a wonderful Christmas time.

    Viele herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße


    PS: I brought four guys here who would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas 😀

  • Jürgen

    17/12/2023 at 10:07 in reply to: Wanderlust

    Of course, the Palace of Versailles cannot be missing from this collection. This is the largest palace complex in Europe. Construction began in 1661. The palace was continually expanded and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    • Jürgen

      17/12/2023 at 10:08 in reply to: Wanderlust

      Il Est Né (He is Born). A traditional French Christmas song that was published for the first time in 1862 by Jean-Romain Grosjean, Dawot Michel, and Pol Wobber, organist of the Cathedral of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, in a collection of carols entitled Airs des Noëls lorrains.

  • Jürgen

    03/01/2024 at 18:11 in reply to: Washboard, Teabox and other unusual instruments

    David, I like the password, but I don’t like the sound the door makes. This is not worthy of Miles Davis. But doors are idiosyncratic constructions and as the following film material shows: even in the future, doors will often not do what they are supposed to. With or without a musical password.

  • Jürgen

    03/01/2024 at 07:00 in reply to: Wanderlust

    Hi Bud,

    thank you for posting the video. I selected the same video clip and posted it at the beginning of the topic. Apparently the link is no longer current and the video is no longer available. That happens here sometimes with topics that are a little bit older. I actually only know the song Wanderlust from Paul McCartney’s album “Tug of War”. I’ve only seen excerpts of the movie “Give My Regards to Broad Street” so far, but I’d like to finally see it as a complete film at some point. Did you watch the entire movie? Do you like it?

  • Jürgen

    03/01/2024 at 06:57 in reply to: Wanderlust

    Hi Jung,

    thank you for the touching feedback. Glad to hear you liked it. There are so many beautiful and interesting things to discover, foreign countries and places, the music that goes with them and of course the people who write this music. I’m always happy when I can share these impressions with other people who like it.

    I wish you and everyone else here in the forum a happy new year (or at least a year that turns out the way you want).

  • Jürgen

    17/12/2023 at 19:22 in reply to: Wanderlust

    Hi Tom,

    you’ve given me a real brain teaser. Who is “Migros” ? Then it clicked. No, no multi-lingual musical Christmas card this year, but a new adventure of Finn the Christmas elves (Weihnachtswichtel). 😀

    PS: I think Leopold Mozart lived in the shadow of his famous son and was therefore not recognized as an independent musician and composer. Maybe Jung knows more about it.

  • Jürgen

    17/12/2023 at 13:32 in reply to: Christmas pictures

    Hi Chris,

    I roughly estimated how fast the vehicle you showed could be. Let’s assume that 1 reindeer power (1 RP) corresponds to 3/4 horsepower (PS or HP), then this vehicle would have around 3 horsepower. The Benz Patent Motorwagen from 1886 (see first photo), for example, had around 0.75 hp and thus briefly reached a speed of 16 km/h (9.94195555556 mph). The vehicle pulled by the reindeer should have a speed of at least 20 km/h (12.4274444444 mph). This does not take into account the weight of the driver, the current tire pressure of the wheels, the condition of the road or the general condition of the reindeer (hungry, thirsty, motivated). The vehicle may even have a top speed of 22 km/h (13.6701888889 mph). At this breathtaking speed, Santa Claus has to be careful that his hat doesn’t fly away. 😁

    PS: Today’s Santa Claus likes things a little more comfortable and faster (see second photo).

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