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  • Jürgen

    25/01/2022 at 06:02 in reply to: The Magic of Water

    The Magic of the elemental forces Rain and Wind

    Water, rain and wind create worlds of breathtaking beauty

  • Jürgen

    24/01/2022 at 18:56 in reply to: The Magic of Water

    Yeah David, that’s really funny (I love ZAZ). First of all I have to wipe away my (laughing) tears. I almost forgot a contribution on the subject of diving and the deep blue sea:

  • Jürgen

    24/01/2022 at 09:14 in reply to: The Magic of Water
  • Jürgen

    24/01/2022 at 09:11 in reply to: The Magic of Water

    The Magic of Rivers

    “Nobody can build you the bridge on which you have to cross the river of life, nobody but you alone.” Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Jürgen

    23/01/2022 at 16:47 in reply to: Art frees our spirit to soar

    Hi Jung, thanks for the videos on Mona Lisa. What I meant is this: When you stand there in front of the portrait in the Louvre, you have very high expectations, precisely because the picture is so famous and there is so much information about it. I don’t know exactly what I expected to see there, but this rather inconspicuous painting clearly did not meet my high expectations. If I had known nothing about the painting, had more time to look at it, and had been allowed to get closer to it, it would have had a very different effect on me. That’s the problem when certain things are hyped too much.

    I know the picture Night Hawks well. It always looks very cool and sober to me. Maybe because the white surface in the middle of the room is so dominant. The figures in the big naked room seem lost and somehow lonely, as you so rightly said. The people exist simultaneously in the room but they do not exist together. But that’s the way it is with art: one and the same picture can have a completely different effect on every viewer. That’s why I always find it very difficult to analyze and interpret pictures or paintings. One can agree on whether a picture belongs to a certain epoch, whether it corresponds to a certain art style and whether it fulfills certain formal criteria. But in my opinion that’s all. In this context I always have to think of the Rorschach test: put a complex inkblot in front of ten different people and you will get ten different interpretations. None is wrong or right. Each point of view expresses the experiences and feelings of a particular person. It is the same with art.

    I don’t know the artist Thomas Kinkades by name, but I’ve certainly seen his paintings before and I like his pictures very much. Thank you for sharing. They radiate a lot of warmth, the colors and shapes seem soft and harmonious. Sometimes he drifts for my taste almost a little bit into the kitschy without really landing there. Some pictures somehow remind me of Tolkiens Shire from the movies. The cozy little houses with the round doors, the rolling hills, the lush green of the landscape and the beautiful gardens full of flowers and vegetables. An oasis of peace and security in the wild and threatening Middle Earth.

    I personally like pictures with a photorealistic effect very much. These images are frowned upon among so-called art connoisseurs, because they simply depict reality. But it is difficult to paint or draw realistically what you see, and I find pictures fascinating that look as if you could walk straight into them. Otherwise, I like pictures that consist only of shapes and colors. So non-objective or abstract art.

    Sometimes I also really like comic art. I am a self-confessed Donald Duck fan. As a child I devoured these comics. As you probably know, the Duck Clan is not an invention of Walt Disney, but was designed by Carl Barks. This man not only drew comics for Walt Disney, but also created oil paintings. His stories about the Duck Clan were full of bizarre characters, funny situations and sometimes politically motivated. Most of the time, old legends have been brought back to life. I liked that a lot when I was young. For example, I learned something about Jason and the golden fleece, went in search of El Dorado or explored the Seven Golden Cities together with the Duck clan and was able to experience the Klondike gold rush first hand. A bit like Jules Verne, only in pictorial form, sometimes Indiana Jones with ducks.

  • Jürgen

    24/01/2022 at 13:44 in reply to: The Magic of Water

    Hi David, thank you for the song. A beautiful melody. Perhaps the penchant for drama or sentimentality reflects the attitude to life at that time. I have not heard the term „tearjerker“ before. Sounds interesting. It would have to be the English equivalent of „etwas drückt auf die Tränendrüse / Das Lied drückt auf die Tränendrüse“

  • Jürgen

    23/01/2022 at 18:01 in reply to: Art frees our spirit to soar
  • Jürgen

    23/01/2022 at 15:52 in reply to: The Magic of Water

    Hi David. Nice that the song has awakened youth memories in you. I hope only good ones. I didn’t know Running Bear at all and I don’t know the songs you listed either. The music scene in the 50s and 60s was completely different for us than for you. Many American songs from this time were only known to us through corresponding movies. Such as songs by Frank Sinatra or Doris Day.

  • Jürgen

    23/01/2022 at 08:13 in reply to: The Magic of Water

    „Mein lieber Bär, was für eine Musik…“ (My dear bear what a music…)

  • Jürgen

    23/01/2022 at 08:11 in reply to: The Magic of Water

    The Mariana Trench is a deep-sea trench in the western Pacific Ocean and measures about 11034 meters (36 200 ft) at its deepest point. On January 23, 1960, exactly 62 years ago, the Swiss Jacques Piccard and the US American Don Walsh explored the Mariana Trench and dove down to an incredible depth of 10916 meters (35 813 ft).

    And what was happening in the music world at the same time? On that day, Johnny Preston took the number one spot on “The Hot Bilboard Charts” with his song Running Bear. The song also became a chart hit in GB.

  • Jürgen

    23/01/2022 at 08:06 in reply to: The Magic of Water
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