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  • Jürgen

    17/12/2021 at 12:18 in reply to: Great albums in your life

    Kitaro (喜多郎) with real name Takahashi Masanori (高橋 正則) is a Japanese artist who fuses the traditional influences of his homeland with Western music.

    An album that now accompanies me for about 30 years and that I like to listen to again and again.

  • Jürgen

    15/12/2021 at 06:15 in reply to: Great albums in your life

    Several times I was able to experience this song live at the presentation “Night of the Proms”. Each time newly arranged and each time differently presented. But the goosebump feeling was always there: Music

    Experiencing music with all your senses is something unforgettable and something wonderful.

  • Jürgen

    11/12/2021 at 23:51 in reply to: Great albums in your life

    But yes, of course: we forgot U2. I love U2. Very many and beautiful memories. During my road trips I never used to have any particular music with me. I had a radio in the car with a built-in cassette player and the music on the cassettes was always very mixed. Whatever was played in the charts and I liked. I spontaneously think of “Fury in the Slaughterhouse” (that was the same time as U2). Music for traveling, for partying or whatever. Not a nice name, but very nice music.

  • Jürgen

    11/12/2021 at 15:59 in reply to: RIP Mike Nesmith

    Very sad David. There was once a TV series by the Monkees. It was broadcast in our country around 1967. At that age I was more interested in Mother’s milk than in music. What was this series about exactly, was there a frame story or was it more slapstick, like “A hard day’s night”?

  • Jürgen

    11/12/2021 at 11:35 in reply to: Great albums in your life

    Hi Jung,

    I really like the Enigma songs “Sadeness” and “The Rivers of Belief”. Groovy. Yes, it’s probably pretty cool to drive through the countryside in a convertible and listen to this music. I haven’t really got to grips with this group yet, although Sadeness were also represented in the charts here. When I saw now the video for “The Rivers of Belief”, I almost fell off my chair. The man with the curly hair and the glasses is Michael Cretu. A veteran of the German music scene: a great producer and musician. I have researched: Enigma is his current project. He actually wanted his name to remain unrecognized as a producer, that’s why on the album “Curly M.C.” is named as producer (“Locke Michael Cretu“). He also produced „Moti Special“ and the singer „Sandra“.

    Michael Cretu, by the way, is a native Romanian. His affinity for monks and possibly also Prince Vlad III Draculea does not surprise me that much. I find this monk singing, which is to be heard in “Sadeness”, has but also sometimes something slightly eerie. I had already told you that I regularly went on vacation with my parents and my sister to Bavaria and Austria when I was a child. There are still many old monasteries that we have visited. I was always very fascinated by the atmosphere of these monasteries, but I must add that we have always visited this locations only in the summer time and in good weather conditions. The sun was shining, in the vegetable and herb gardens of the monasteries the bees were buzzing and the birds were chirping. If I imagine a monastery then in autumn or winter, these dark little cells in which the monks lived, by candlelight or torchlight, the narrow cloisters in the church, outside howl the werewolves, pardon howls the wind, the rain whips against the old walls and then sounds this singing of the monks: Creepy. Then it’s much better to cruise through summery Canada with the roof wide opened.

    If you like this kind of music, then you will like the music of „Schiller“. Do you actually know „Schiller“ (no, no not the writer)? This is the stage name of a German musician who composes and produces instrumental music. Since he doesn’t sing himself, he enlists very different singers, similar to what Alan Parson did. Very varied music and fantastic sounds.

    PS: I must apologize for the first version of this text: Frank Farian produced Boney M. and Milli Vanilli. He was the fudge, not Michael Cretu. That’s how rumors get started. Now the text is correct.

  • Jürgen

    09/12/2021 at 13:47 in reply to: flip side

    Hi Will,

    since I don’t know you or your band very well, I don’t know what your preferences are or what songs you can play or would like to produce. If I follow your ideas, the following two titles come to mind:

    • Manfred Mann – “Do Wah Diddy Diddy”
    • The Beatles – “Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da”

    PS: Otherwise I think “Shama Lama Ding Dong” and “Oh, pretty woman” would be a good choice. It’s great that you are still swinging the guitar at almost 75. Keep it up.

  • Jürgen

    09/12/2021 at 09:42 in reply to: Great albums in your life

    Hi Jung,

    I have another album here that has accompanied me for many years. It’s produced by the German band Propaganda. They released a total of two albums of music and were scorned by the music critics at the time: music that was too cold and too sober. Strictly speaking, they were ahead of their time, just like the group “Kraftwerk” once were.

    I know that I am not hitting the mainstream with this kind of music here in the forum, because it is electronic synthi-pop. Doesn’t seem to be much in demand here. After many years I still like to listen to the albums. They bring back fond memories of the 80s in me. Just like Kim Wilde or Depeche Mode do.

    They were at the top of the charts for a while with this song. The rest of the tracks on the album are not so smooth and chart-worthy, but very cool if you like electronic sound. They were kind of the „hard rockers“ of the synth-pop scene (rough, fast beats and carrying synth sounds).

  • Jürgen

    15/12/2021 at 19:56 in reply to: Great albums in your life

    Hi Jung,
    I did some research once and if I understood it correctly, Enigma released 8 albums. Which of them could you recommend to me as a start?

  • Jürgen

    12/12/2021 at 15:23 in reply to: Great albums in your life

    In keeping with the theme of monasteries and monk chanting, here are some impressions of a monastery from a neighbouring town. It was founded around 1123 and is by far not as huge and impressive as the monasteries in Bavaria, but also not as oppressive as other buildings of its kind. For me, it is a place of peace, tranquillity and reflection.

  • Jürgen

    11/12/2021 at 16:47 in reply to: RIP Mike Nesmith

    Thanks, David. Sounds a little bit like “Big Bang Theory” with music. I’ll have a look for it.

  • Jürgen

    09/12/2021 at 19:17 in reply to: Christmas Faves

    Tom I also know two Canadians, unfortunately not personally, who are singing us a Christmas serenade here:

    PS: I hope you are doing well Tom.

  • Jürgen

    09/12/2021 at 18:42 in reply to: flip side

    A very nice idea to bring the generations together like this, Will.

  • Jürgen

    07/12/2021 at 10:42 in reply to: Christmas Faves

    Thank you for the animated film. The whole thing reminds me of the “Sandmännchen” (The Sandman) in terms of style. Do you know this story in the US and Canada as well? At night the sandman comes and sprinkles sand in the eyes of the children, so that the eyes get tired, the children then fall asleep and dream? In the morning you can sometimes still see yellow remains in the corners of the eyes. This short animation program was broadcast daily at 7 PM and I was allowed to watch it before I had to go to bed. As the highlight of the day (I loved it, even if I had to go to sleep afterwards). I just wanted to show it once. After the first two minutes, it unfortunately continues only in German and should be uninteresting for most (The little guy in the sled is the Sandman). But is very funny made.

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