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  • Jürgen

    07/12/2021 at 10:24 in reply to: Christmas Faves

    This song was at the top of the charts in German-speaking countries 20 years ago. Apparently the group has become active again and is re-releasing their old hits. Either desire to make music again or desire to earn money again. Sometimes you don’t really know with such comebacks. In any case, a catchy tune.

  • Jürgen

    06/12/2021 at 06:43 in reply to: Christmas Faves

    Hi Jung, this piece of music you might like or am I wrong now ? 🙂

  • Jürgen

    05/12/2021 at 12:40 in reply to: Great albums in your life

    A really nice topic Jung, but also somehow difficult: I have collected in the course of my life now many music albums from very different styles, as probably many here in the forum and now to say: this is my favorite, I find difficult and I’m just like you: in different episodes of my life were very different music styles in vogue. So I take the ones that mean something very special to me. Albums to which I have a very special emotional connection, because they have accompanied me in very special situations of my life. My very first LP, which I loved, was a Christmas record. I must have been 5 or 6 years old. A narrative voice told about the little boy Peter (Peterchen), how he experienced the time before Christmas, what he saw and felt. Christmas carols were then played to match. Too bad that I no longer have this LP. And then came countless fairy tale records, some almost scary: „The devil with the three golden hairs“, „From One Who Went Out to Learn to Fear“, both Grimm’s fairy tales.

    But that didn’t really have much to do with music. My first Albums were actually MC’s (music cassettes), because as a 11 year old I didn’t have a record player, only a cassette recorder. At first I just recorded music from the television. Current pop songs and soft rock ballads. And so I gained my first experience as a sound engineer: equipped with my cassette recorder, pointing the mono microphone at the TV, pressing the play and record buttons and putting my finger on the pause button to be able to start or stop the recording at any time.

    My first “real” music album was “The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl”, also an MC, which my mother had bought me. The red and the blue album of the Beatles I got from friends who had transferred the albums to MC. When I was 14, I finally had my own record player and a stereo system. Now it could really start with the LP’s. Unfortunately I forgot which was my first self-bought LP. It must have been an album by the Beatles. Only which one? Otherwise, I bought some “Best of” albums at the beginning of my music career to get an overview of different bands.

    Long story short, here are a few albums that have accompanied me throughout my life for many years and that mean something special to me. Timeless music and a lot of great memories:

    • „The Red“ and „The Blue“ Album by The Beatles
    • „Decade“ Neil Young (Music for dreaming, sinking, meditating)
    • „Shades of Deep Purple“ Deep Purple
    • „Catch as Catch can„ Kim Wilde (I have all her albums, I find the synthi-pop of the 80s just “geil” (great), until today).
    • „Oxygene“ und „Equinoxe“ Jean Michel Jarre (often copied but always unmatched)
    • „Get the Knack“ The Knack
    • „Living in the material world“ George Harrison
    • „Shaved Fish“ John Lennon
    • „Cosmic Thing“ The-B 52’s
    • „Genesis“ Genesis
    • „Blue Sky mining“ Midnight Oil
    • „Five Miles Out“ Mike Oldfield
    • „Eye in the sky“ Alan Parson’s Project (I initially found too soft, in the meantime I have all his albums)
    • „Appetite for Destruction“ Gun’s and Roses
    • „Never Mind“ Nirvana
    • „Vision Thing“ Sisters of Mercy
    • „Thunder and Consolation“ New Model Army
    • „Some great Reward“ Depeche Mode (here too I have all albums in the meantime)
      and many, many more……

    PS: Sorry for writing so much, but lately I suffer from the “old people syndrome”: Once they start to tell, they don’t stop 🙂

  • Jürgen

    04/12/2021 at 10:53 in reply to: Christmas Faves

    Hi Jung, very nice selection. Lindsey Stirling makes great music and also always produces quite elaborate music videos.

    The following song is also one of my favourites that I like to listen to outside of the Christmas season, maybe because it’s not necessarily a classical Christmas song but fits well into the season (I hope you don’t mind if other songs than MLT’s are presented in this topic).

  • Jürgen

    02/12/2021 at 09:05 in reply to: Washboard, Teabox and other unusual instruments

    Hi Jung, I’m glad to hear that the article made you reminisce. Yes, I always find it fascinating what people can come up with and then implement. And all without relays or modern microchips.

  • Jürgen

    02/12/2021 at 09:00 in reply to: Christmas Faves

    Your last post made me think a lot Jung: things have been happening around us for many years now that also make me feel very serious and everyone would like to know what will happen next. However, wanting to understand the future is a paradox: it means knowing something that doesn’t yet exist, in a timeline that has yet to emerge, with people who are not yet born and with a mind that is constantly seduced by its feelings.

    Perhaps the French writer Marcel Pagnol is right when he says:
    “Why do people find it so difficult to be happy? Because they see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is and the future rosier than it will be.”

    So I try to follow your advice, tell the universe that it has to wait for a while and let my inner essence shine.

  • Jürgen

    30/11/2021 at 10:51 in reply to: Washboard, Teabox and other unusual instruments

    A fully automatic violin, certainly also a very unusual instrument:

  • Jürgen

    30/11/2021 at 08:01 in reply to: MISSING GEORGE HARRISON

    All things must pass. Some things unfortunately much too early.

  • Jürgen

    30/11/2021 at 07:29 in reply to: Christmas Faves

    Hi Jung, thanks for the photo and the video. That looks very nice! And I can imagine, if it has then still snowed and maybe even the lake is still frozen, then the whole thing gets a very special Christmas charm.

  • Jürgen

    29/11/2021 at 08:50 in reply to: Christmas Faves

    A lake with illuminated trees? I imagine that very beautiful, Jung. Do you maybe have one or two pictures you could show here? I also like the song Winter Wonderland very much. I think the very first time I heard the song was in Doris Day’s version. That must have been quite a while ago 🙂

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