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  • Jürgen

    20/11/2021 at 09:12 in reply to: Music, Myths and Fairy Tales

    Im nin’alu daltei n’divim daltei marom lo nin’alu:

    “Even if the gates of the rich are closed, the gates of heaven will never be closed”

  • Jürgen

    20/11/2021 at 09:08 in reply to: Music, Myths and Fairy Tales

    The Orient and the tales from 1001 Nights

    From the icy myths of the North to the vast fairy-tale landscapes of Europe and on to the Orient. Scheherazade and the Fairy tales from 1001 nights: Exotic and colorful like an oriental bazaar and refreshing like an oasis in the desert.

  • Jürgen

    20/11/2021 at 07:58 in reply to: The Beatles and Elvis

    Hi Jung,

    an interesting topic. As far as I have gathered from documentaries and interviews, Elvis actually saw the Beatles as competition and therefore did not want them to enter the North American continent (as you have already described above). Especially since his career as a musician stumbled in the early 60s, not least because of his relationship with the very young Priscilla.

    I have to admit: Elvis is not my great love. Often very schmaltzy songs. Perhaps he too was just another celebrity victim of the music industry. The kind of music he would have liked to sing, namely “Raw” Rock’n Roll as he had called it, he was not allowed to produce because his managers had given him a different image. At a certain point in his career, probably only the sales figures were in the foreground, not his music and his passion. And I think towards the end of his career he was a very lonely person. Maybe that’s also what he envied about the Beatles: they never walked alone, not always harmonious, but never the lone riders in the music business like he was. But still, he produced some very beautiful songs. The following is my favourite song of his:

  • Jürgen

    17/11/2021 at 15:34 in reply to: Music, Myths and Fairy Tales

    The song is from the 1954 movie „20,000 Leagues Under the Sea“, and that almost brings us back to „Yellow Submarine“ and „Octopus’s Garden“.

  • Jürgen

    17/11/2021 at 15:32 in reply to: Music, Myths and Fairy Tales

    Siren, Mermaids and sailor tale

    The siren “Lorely” has already been mentioned here. Now that we have arrived at Atlantis, it is time to turn to her relatives in the depths of the ocean.

  • Jürgen

    17/11/2021 at 04:59 in reply to: Music, Myths and Fairy Tales
  • Jürgen

    16/11/2021 at 10:20 in reply to: #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Creative Spirit …

    Very well done Jacki! Reminds me a bit of Andy Warhol.

  • Jürgen

    16/11/2021 at 10:00 in reply to: Music, Myths and Fairy Tales

    The Dwarves

    Elves, trolls, unicorns, dragons. I think dwarves should not be missing. The cute little guys with the red pointed hats. True cheerful creatures that you like to welcome as guests whenever you meet them.

  • Jürgen

    20/11/2021 at 21:44 in reply to: #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Creative Spirit …

    Hi Jacki,

    I would like to tell you a little story (because that’s what I like to do). During my time at school, my art teacher let me feel that I was not artistically talented. Because I don’t know the classical drawing styles: I can’t draw a potrait or a still life. But I have always known that I like to “work” with colour. I like taking photographs and making films. A few years ago, rather by chance, I got to know some people who drew and painted. And one woman from this group even had a small studio and sold her pictures. She taught me a bit about how to use colours and different drawing tools and I started to paint pictures myself. My kind of paintings: not representational, but just shapes and colours that blend into each other. I can’t describe it exactly, but you have to see it. And with one of my paintings, another woman said: I would even hang that painting in my living room at home. That comment made me quite proud and I didn’t really care why she liked this picture. The important thing for me: she liked it. I don’t know if my art teacher’s drawings have ever hung in anyone’s living room. Probably not. What I want to say is: why don’t you take it easy with your way of drawing or even writing poetry? And if someone like me comes along and says: “Hey Jacki, your painting reminds me of Warhol”, then that’s a good thing, because I like some of Warhol’s prints, even if I find the guy quite strange. Whatever you paint or write, it will always trigger associations or feelings in other people. And as long as there are positive and good feelings that are reflected back to you, that’s great. It doesn’t matter if your pictures remind me of old Warhol or someone else. What I wanted to tell you is that I like your picture very much and I like your way of drawing. Why I do so it is my own business and not at all important for you as an artist. Don’t try to be what others might see in you, just be what makes you feel good.

  • Jürgen

    20/11/2021 at 17:11 in reply to: #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Creative Spirit …

    Hi Jacki,

    when I wrote that your drawing reminds me of Andy Warhol, I meant it as a compliment and not as a criticism. The intense colours of your drawing remind me of Warhol’s “Marilyn Monroe” colour prints. I’m sorry if you misunderstood. I like your picture very much because it conveys an artistic style and I’m serious now.

  • Jürgen

    19/11/2021 at 16:23 in reply to: Music, Myths and Fairy Tales

    Great job David. Once again Dave Dee & Co. What Don Juan was to Spanish, Rasputin was to Russians: A mysterious lover with a questionable curriculum vitae.

    Boney M. was a German Disco Music Group who reached a number 1 hit in Germany with this song in 1978. They were also highly placed in the UK charts, Canada and Australia.

  • Jürgen

    17/11/2021 at 04:53 in reply to: Music, Myths and Fairy Tales

    Atlantis, but of course. Thanks David. The aquarium in the video looks great. Do you happen to know where that was filmed?

    Here I have also the suitable cover song or a new edition, however. The formation “No Angels” was a German girl group that had some big hits around the year 2000. In 2001 Donovan and „No Angels“ re-recorded the track for the closing credits of the Walt Disney Feature Animation picture „Atlantis: The lost Empire“. I didn’t even know the original was by Donovan. I’ve always wondered who the man is who sings along. 🙂

  • Jürgen

    16/11/2021 at 18:40 in reply to: Music, Myths and Fairy Tales

    Thank you Jung. A very beautiful song that makes you think and almost even more beautiful pictures. Just fabulous.

    When I think of my school days and the songs we learned there, my first contact with classical music comes to mind. I was in the 3rd grade and our teacher introduced us to the following piece of music: “Peter and the Wolf” by Sergei Prokofiev. The piece left a lasting impression on me. I found an animated version with the narration voice of David Bowie. The video is a little long, but I find the animations very funny. The style reminds me of the cartoon series Looney Tunes, that I liked to watch as a kid (Bugs Bunny, Duffy Duck and co.)

  • Jürgen

    16/11/2021 at 09:53 in reply to: Music, Myths and Fairy Tales

    …and a few more dancing beauties…

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