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  • Jürgen

    02/11/2021 at 06:27 in reply to: Problem with : “I Bought Myself a Politician”

    Hi Pascal, well observed, thank you very much.

    I learned the exact course of the political scandal here from a confidential source that I am not allowed to name:

    The case of the Sebastian K.


    Local time 00:15 am: Scene of the crime in Vienna Meidling: Sebastian K., at this point better known as the Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, lives in an elegant terraced housing estate in a chic district of Vienna. Loud music has been coming from his house for hours. The neighbors are completely unnerved and call the police.

    Local time 00:30 am: The local police arrive. When the officers try to admonish Sebastian K., he refuses to let them into his house, presses a 100 € bill into the hand of one of the policemen and says: ” Schleich’ di du Kapplständer” (” You better leave now -Insulting an official-„). The so offended policeman enters the house of Sebastian K. and is surprised: there are hundreds of CD’s lying around in the whole house.
    All have the same cover” I bought myself a politician”.

    Local time 1:00 am: Sebastian K. is taken to the nearest police station and questioned. He testifies as follows: An Austrian musician named Lisa W. had sent him dozens of these CD’s every day and asked him to do more for environmental politics, to take care of socially weak people in Austria, to promote culture better and to refrain from his corrupt political actions.

    08.10. 2021

    Local time 12:00h am: Sebastian K. is brought before a judge. The judge does not believe his story about the musician, but suspects that the CDs are illegal pirated copies that Sebastian K. wants to sell for personal gain. Sebastina K. is charged and sentenced for theft of intellectual property and receiving stolen goods. However, since Sebastian K. has political immunity at this point, he goes unpunished.


    Local time 5:00h pm: This incident causes a scandal within Sebastian K.’s party, sparks a real storm and more and more dirty details of his political machinations are leaking out. The opposition demands his resignation for corruption and other offenses. Sebastian K. draws consequences from this affair and reluctantly resigns from his office. What remains for him is a single CD that had slipped under his bed and was therefore not found: “I bought my self a politician”.

  • Jürgen

    02/11/2021 at 06:04 in reply to: Sounds of Autumn

    …beautiful melancholic music…

  • Jürgen

    01/11/2021 at 16:29 in reply to: Mona and Lisa’s Special Birthday

    Every day and every chime

    a blink of an eye in the course of time

    but all together

    and here forever

    a moment not to be forgotten

    long after time of life is rotten

  • For Halloween, a quick pumpkin pie recipe:

  • Halloween actually has no great tradition with us. Not to say: actually none at all, until one evening, in a dark stormy night the following happened:
    I heard a ringing at my front doorbell and when I opened it, two small, strange figures were standing in front of me with a large bag. „Sweet or Sour”, they wanted to know (in Germany it is not said „Trick or Treat“, but: „Sweet or Sour“) and so I answered: “I would like chicken sweet and sour but not as much rice as last time”. But as it turned out, it was not the delivery service of the local Chinese restaurant, but my neighbor’s children. No one could have guessed. Since then, I also know: This is Halloween.

    Tim Burton. Always wonderfully weird. “This is Halloween” from his classic movie “Nightmare before Christmas”

  • Jürgen

    30/10/2021 at 20:59 in reply to: Sounds of Autumn

    An old man with something to say:

  • Jürgen

    30/10/2021 at 20:57 in reply to: Sounds of Autumn

    Before the whole Helloween hustle and bustle starts here, I would like to quickly get rid of two last autumn themes:

    Some more colorful foliage and an almost fairy-tale atmosphere.

  • The choice of your topics is starting to scare me Jung. 🙂 Off the top of my head, I can think of something you could scare your parents with: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. (Less because of the scary moments in the movie, but more because of the scary moral from some parents’ point of view. A good school friend of mine was not allowed to see the movie, because of this. Clear case of scared parents).

  • Jürgen

    30/10/2021 at 15:29 in reply to: Sounds of Autumn

    We have a saying: „Aller guten Dinge sind drei“ (all good things should happen three times ). That’s why here is the third version of „Autumn Leaves“ in this topic. This time a nice jazz interpretation of the song.

  • Jürgen

    02/11/2021 at 06:02 in reply to: Sounds of Autumn

    …beautiful relaxing music…

  • Dr. Frankenstein. You’ve given me an idea, Tom:

  • Tim Burton has not only created animated films, Tom (“Corps Bright” is my personal favorite, a bizarre love story), but also live-action films together with Johnny Depp. The most famous films of the two are: “Edward Scissorhands”, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Alice in Wonderland”. I personally love the Pirates of the Caribbean series of films. But Burton was not involved in those movies.

    Thanks for sharing the Dr. Frankenstein video. I’m just scared that there are many politicians whose brains have also been replaced.

  • Jürgen

    01/11/2021 at 14:44 in reply to: Sounds of Autumn

    That sounds like a wonderful idea, Jung. A musical round trip through Austria and Germany. This is one of the dreams that you should definitely realize (if it fits time and financially). I was years ago on the island of Borneo, this I always wanted to have seen once. And the memories I took home from there will accompany me all my life. Whatever happens, no one can take these memories away from me. Vienna, the Alps, Bonn and Hamburg. You’ve got your work cut out for you. How long is the trip supposed to last? And if you’re ever in Hamburg, you really have to visit the „Miniatur Wunderland” in Hamburg. It’s probably the largest model railroad in the world, and it’s absolutely worth a visit even for people who don’t normally go in for model railroading. The layout is located in the historic warehouse district of Hamburg and there you can see all of Europe. The Swiss Alps (20 feet high in total), Berlin, Rome, Scandinavia (the fjords filled with real water and remote controlled ships) and even parts of the Grand Canyon are reproduced there. Large model planes take off, land and you can watch them taxi down the runway. The space shuttle in Cape Canaveral takes off every hour and flashing fire engines regularly go on missions in downtown Hamburg. Every half hour the sun sets and everything is fantastically illuminated.

    If you ever travel to Bonn, get in touch beforehand (I’m serious now). Bonn is about an hour’s drive from me. That’s not much. Nur ein „Katzensprung“ (just a cat jump away). Then we visit a nice restaurant there and have „Rheinischer Sauerbraten mit Kartoffelklößen und Rotkohl“ (I can’t translate that). A local specialty. Very tasty. And maybe you’ll take me to the Beethoven House in Bonn, then I’ll finally learn something more about Beethoven. True. Beethoven was born in Bonn. I have somehow pushed that out of my memory (oh, how ignorant I am…). Then he is a Rhinelander, just like me. Who knows, maybe a lot of music flows in my veins and I don’t even know it.

    PS: „Leberkäse mit Spiegelei, Röstzwiebeln und Bratkartoffeln“ („Liver loaf with fried egg, fried onions and fried potatoes“) tastes good. Schnitzel, Knödel, Mehlspeisen (Kaiserschmarrn), Gullasch I would eat better in Vienna or Austria. Hamburg cuisine prefers fish dishes like Labskaus, Finkenwerder Scholle, Hamburger Aalsuppe.

  • Tom, „The Rocky Horror Picture Show“ enjoys great popularity in our country. In Berlin, Cologne, Munich and other major cities, there are cinemas that show the film permanently at fixed times. The musical will be back on tour next year. In February 2022, even right around the corner from me. Many spectators are dressed up, throw rice at each other and “Time Warp” is danced along. Just like you do. Yes, Susan Sarandon was very charming.

  • Jürgen

    31/10/2021 at 10:09 in reply to: Sounds of Autumn

    Thanks Jung. Very nice photos. I think Vancouver is a very beautiful place. I like the course of the river very much. The third photo could also be a park right near me. In general, the whole vegetation looks like ours. Probably you have a very similar climate in Vancouver. I also like to take pictures and I like to film. Crazy enough, mostly only on vacation. I capture the magic of my own landscape far too seldom. A pity, actually.

    This is what it looks like here with us. Industry, nature, culture. A little bit of each. It wasn’t always like this.

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