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  • Jürgen

    24/10/2021 at 12:37 in reply to: Sounds of Autumn

    Great topic, thanks Jung! Very beautiful music and even more beautiful pictures. I love the harmony of music and images above all. All our senses together; the most beautiful thing we have.

    (Sorry Jung, I completely overlooked the fact that Eric Clapton had already sung the same thing earlier in your topic).

  • Jürgen

    23/10/2021 at 22:22 in reply to: Sie liebt dich
  • Jürgen

    23/10/2021 at 22:21 in reply to: Sie liebt dich
  • Jürgen

    23/10/2021 at 09:59 in reply to: NASA launches Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds

    Is this what Lucy saw when she left Earth’s orbit? And if she were human, what do you think Lucy would have felt and thought when she saw these images?

    (? Probe Lucy: neutrum or femininum? )

  • Jürgen

    21/10/2021 at 19:55 in reply to: John Lennon and Because

    Hi Jung, well maybe I’m a bit late with my answer to your topic, but the two videos (Beethoven, „Because“ and John Lennon / How The Beatles made Because) are really interesting and above all very clearly explained. Yes, John Lennon and The Beatles have gone through an insane evolution. Much has already been written, more has been shown and discussed, but to summarize the phenomenon of The Beatles in 7:20 minutes, I find remarkable. Exactly the time you need to enjoy a good “Light Tea” and „Scones”. It’s not the length of the moment, but the depth of the moment.

  • Jürgen

    21/10/2021 at 08:49 in reply to: NASA launches Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds

    Here is a piece of music that will always be very special to me: Jean Michel Jarre is a fantastic pioneer of electronic music and his style has always been associated with space, infinite journeys through the universe and departure to distant planets. Space travel has never sounded more exciting and beautiful.

  • Jürgen

    24/10/2021 at 15:25 in reply to: Sie liebt dich

    Hi David, thank you for your answer. I think it was a very chaotic time for the Beatles. I was as surprised as you: How can the master tapes of “She loves you” just disappear so soon after the song was produced? And I’m a bit confused: I didn’t really understand the exact story behind the translation of the lyrics. Why was a Luxembourg entertainer commissioned to translate the lyrics into German, who used which synonym and when, and who exactly acquired the copyright to the German lyrics and has been considered a co-author ever since? There’s no business like show business…

    I think it’s great that Tom speaks a little German, you speak it well and Jung is going to take a German course soon, then we can discuss the next topics in German. How about: “Does the universe have something like a rudimentary memory“?
    Ich freue mir schon jetzt einen Ast in den Bauch (I am so happy, that I joy a branch in my belly / I’m very happy)

  • Jürgen

    24/10/2021 at 15:10 in reply to: Sie liebt dich

    Hallo Tom, vielen lieben Dank für deine Antwort. I am quite touched. I think The Beatles and the German language are like The Beatles and Music. They used both intuitively. Music later, of course, professionally. It was described well in the video: If you translate a song text from one language into another, you have two problems: The new text should convey as much content as possible as the original, and at the same time it has to fit into the original song’s form or rhythm. It’s a balancing act that usually doesn’t work. And if you are not very familiar with a language, it’s better to get professional help. The best example is the German singer Nena, who translated her hit song “99 Luftballons” into English „Red Balloons“ (I hope you know the song, the video has been presented here in the forum several times). In English there was no such word as “Luftballon” (meaning a balloon used at children’s birthday parties or New Year’s Eve parties). So it became Red Balloon. This fits the melody, but not the content: a balloon in German is a tethered balloon, i.e. something invented by the Montgolfier Brothers. But Nena means the “children’s birthday balloon”. This gives the text an ironic touch. The colour of the balloons is actually irrelant. And a lot of beautiful rhymes and language games are also lost in this song. „She loves you“ and „I wonna hold your hand“, were not meant ironically and were written in quite simple English. Nevertheless, even with these two lyrics the content is slightly distorted. But great songs that will always fascinate me.

  • Jürgen

    24/10/2021 at 15:06 in reply to: Sie liebt dich

    Hi Jung, yes the pronunciation of Paul and John is good, with John getting it better in “Komm gib mir deine hand”. They both sing sometimes at a slightly higher pitch than in the original. Paul’s voice sounds very soft, warm and pleasant. There was once a South African singer who sang in German (Howard Carpendale). He was very popular in Germany. When I heard “Sie liebt dich” for the first time, I thought it was Howard Carpendale singing: the same soft, melodious and elegant voice.I can tell you: women’s hearts melt and hardly an eye stays dry. 🙂

    Funny fact: just as Germans always have problems pronouncing the English “th” correctly, English people cannot pronounce “ch” as in the word “dich”. “ch” is a soft, rather unvoiced sound. Paul sings it like “k”. The whole thing sounds to me like „Sie liebt Dick” (the nickname of Richard). Translated: „She loves Dick“ Who is this mysterious Dick? Is it Richard Starkey? That would give the whole song a whole new meaning 🙂 And you’re right Jung: translating humour, irony, and puns into another language is sometimes disastrous and doesn’t work (ask me…). I always admire translators who translate entire films or books into another language.

    „Leise rieselt der Schnee“ is a beautiful christmas carol and for me connected with many beautiful childhood memories. I am very happy that Mona and Lisa have recorded this song. I only wish they had left the lyrics completely in German (“Leise rieselt der Schnee“).

  • Jürgen

    23/10/2021 at 09:35 in reply to: NASA launches Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds

    Thanks Jung, very nice music and great pictures. Could you lend me your Mustang occasionally times so that I also come to the full enjoyment? 🙂

    PS: when I fully depress the gas pedal on my car, it also eventually takes off, but less controlled than Lucy.

  • Jürgen

    21/10/2021 at 16:35 in reply to: NASA launches Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds

    Thanks Tom. What is “Hearts of space” exactly? A streaming service specializing in meditative and electronic music or still an independent record label? Jarre was very popular in Europe and Asia. He also gave several big live concerts. This was rather unusual at that time for this kind of music. Unfortunately, he never managed to match the great success of his two albums “Oxygen” and “Equinox”. At the moment he seems to be planning another comeback. This time in Germany.I wish him much success.

  • Jürgen

    21/10/2021 at 08:56 in reply to: NASA launches Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds

    Hi David, thanks for the video on Big Bang. I will enjoy the lecture, although in smaller doses: a one-hour lecture on the subject in English: hard stuff 🙂 But the topic is presented in a very entertaining and easy to understand way. Great!

  • Jürgen

    21/10/2021 at 08:42 in reply to: NASA launches Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds

    Hi Jung, thanks for the very nice metaphor “The mysteriousness of space always blows my mind when I start going down that wonderful rabbit hole of “why and how”. I even go so far as to say that there is not only a rabbit hole waiting for us, but a whole wormhole. 🙂

    “Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets” will definitely please you. The plot is rather average, but exciting (but Star Wars is no different). Visually an absolute pearl. And it’s peppered with Luc Besson’s typical humor. Really great. Maybe you also know the movie “Le Cinquième Élément” (The Fith Element). It’s the same style of film and the same kind of humor.

  • Jürgen

    21/10/2021 at 08:38 in reply to: NASA launches Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds

    Thanks Jung. We recently had the topic: Phil Spector and “The Wall of Sound”. The album version is backed with choirs and orchestra, almost a bit too much of a good thing. This version, on the other hand, sounds “very naked”. Such a middle thing would be nice. Admittedly: complaining on the highest level.

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