Forum Replies Created

  • Mike Dresen

    23/11/2023 at 03:49 in reply to: HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE

    I don’t want to get to heavy here, but this is the time of year many people suffer and see no hope.

    I would suggest sit and look a dog in the eyes and talk to them, they really listen, go sit in the country and just listen and watch and think of what you have, your health, friends, family, a pet and if you believe, a heigher being. There is always something to be thankful for. There are also many people willing to listen and help when your down.

    Sorry! I don’t want to be a Buzz Kill, but for many people the holidays are tough!

  • Mike Dresen

    23/11/2023 at 03:09 in reply to: HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE

    I think we ALL have things to be thankful for and need not be celebrated just one day a year!!!

    Just my two cents worth!!

    Everyone stay safe and be HAPPY!

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by  Mike Dresen.
  • I now believe I could add country music writer to my list of acomplishments.🤣


  • Mike Dresen

    09/11/2023 at 02:37 in reply to: Musicians pushing instruments to the limit and beyond

    They make it look sooooo easy. So much talent!

  • Mike Dresen

    06/11/2023 at 22:06 in reply to: Mother Nature’s Tricks

    Daryl, never had it blow 28F here, we have Lake Michigan to keep us warm till late in the year.

    Today we have sunny skies and 67F. Ya just gotta take what Mother Nature gives ya!

    Our normal temp for this time of year is mid 40sF and lows mid 20sF.

  • Mike Dresen

    02/11/2023 at 20:09 in reply to: Mother Nature’s Tricks

    Total snowfall for the day…….. 11.5″ A Halloween that goes down in the record book.

  • Hello all.

    The people on the east coast are getting the worst of it, here in central lower Michigan, we also had several hazy days . Then to boot we also had a wildfire in northern Michigan that burned several thousand acres. They are calling for rain over the weekend, lets all hope!. All this smoke has lead to some very colorful and beautiful sunsets, but at great expense to wildlife and Mother Nature.

    PLEASE! Be carefull and don’t burn for now. Above all stay safe.


  • Mike Dresen

    01/11/2023 at 00:28 in reply to: Happy Halloween 2023 #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified

    Lookin GOOD Tim

  • Mike Dresen

    11/06/2023 at 03:44 in reply to: HELLO FROM THE FUNNY FARM!

    Hey Jacki. Good clean humor never goes out of style, and that crew were some of the best. Enjoy life, stay safe!!!


    PS. Dudly Do-Right was a cartoon from the 60’s about the RCMP.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Mike Dresen.
  • Mike Dresen

    10/06/2023 at 14:03 in reply to: HELLO FROM THE FUNNY FARM!

    Hello again, Jung, I have always said life is what you make of it, you can let it beat you down or you can fight back, I chose the latter. I really want to ride this big ol orbe a few more times around the sun😛. Have a GREAT day!


  • Mike Dresen

    09/06/2023 at 23:06 in reply to: HELLO FROM THE FUNNY FARM!

    Hay Jacki. You can call me whatever you like, Ya can’t hurt my feeling. (only have one) I see your from Canada, hope your safe from the massive fires going on. I also have been told my sense of humor is warped, I believe I look at life from a different angle. I watched the elephant skit when it originally aired and whenever it pops up on YouTube, still cracks me up. Good to chat with our neighbors in the north. Do you know Dudley Do-Right? lol. Please be safe and have a great summer!

    Funny Farm Mike 😉

  • Mike Dresen

    09/06/2023 at 18:38 in reply to: HELLO FROM THE FUNNY FARM!

    Hey Tim. You can’t beat the beauty of lake Michigan and the surrounding states. I have been to Wisconsin several times very pretty country and clean cities, Your winters are colder but here along the western shoreline of Michigan we can get some really interesting lake effect snow storms, but wouldn’t change it for anything. Hope you have a great summer! Enjoy and stay safe.


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