Forum Replies Created

  • Nima Rosepiper

    13/08/2023 at 21:40 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    Ian and Tom:

    It is upsetting to have to defend and explain all this here. MLT Club is not the place.

    Yes. Most of the island is untouched. Much of the island is undeveloped volcanoes. As I said, most if Maui’s economy was in Lahaina. Trust me. People are and will step up. But it’s not as easy as you make it sound.

  • Nima Rosepiper

    16/12/2022 at 23:50 in reply to: Still Nacht, heilige Nacht

    Yes. I agree, Stuart. In fact, I’d love you two to do what I believe is the original version: soprano and alto accompanied by guitar. Auf deutsch.

  • Nima Rosepiper

    04/03/2022 at 22:15 in reply to: Happy Birthday Papa Rudi!

    (I hope I say this right). Fröhliche Geburtstag, Papa Rudi! My Dad had a March birthday too. March 2d.

  • Nima Rosepiper

    15/08/2023 at 23:45 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    thank you

  • Nima Rosepiper

    15/08/2023 at 21:20 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    I agree 100%. I did not imagine the post would go this way. I just posted to share I was using MLT’s music for comfort. I emailed Mona, Lisa, and Michaela about it. I don’t know if it should come down, and I don’t know how to do it.

  • Nima Rosepiper

    15/08/2023 at 20:09 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    Oh, my. I didn’t know about your rains. I hope you’re ok.

  • Nima Rosepiper

    14/08/2023 at 23:28 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    I knew he had a restaurant on Front St. that’s now destroyed. I hope he does donate money and time. And, I just heard today from a friend who was completely cut off — travel, phone, electric, internet — until yesterday by the Upcountry fire. They didn’t even know about Lahaina. Thanks for caring.

  • Nima Rosepiper

    14/08/2023 at 14:00 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    Thank you,Ian.

  • Nima Rosepiper

    14/08/2023 at 13:59 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    Thank you, Tom.

  • Nima Rosepiper

    13/08/2023 at 21:34 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    You just described Lahaina: businesses and residences. Look at the before and afters. All of the waterfront (which was Lahaina) is completely gone.

    Why are you and Ian Boggs diminishing what happened?

  • Nima Rosepiper

    13/08/2023 at 21:27 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    I find your comment confusing in places. I’m answering, and I’m not sure why.

    1. What do you mean “it’s kinda the CBD that got hit the worst”?

    2. I lived on Maui for 10 years. I have friends living there. I’ve been following the coverage online. Nowhere have I seen reports that it was the whole island. There are 3 areas of fires. Lahaina by far the worst. Dry windy conditions, with non-native grasses. The fire just exploded. Nearly all of Lahaina is flattened like a bomb hit it.

    3. No. The boats didn’t leave the marina. They burned. Fish? Yes. And you need boats, equipment, people. You need fish markets. The boats burned. Many of the people are dead/missing.

    4. Not blaming it on climate change; it’s and important piece of explaining how and why this happened. And, hurricanes are more powerful. While Lahaina was on the dry west, leeward, side of the island, it has been hotter and drier than in the past.

    5. Not the whole island. But tourism is THE economic engine in the islands. Lahaina was the biggest draw on Maui. Emergency services are dealing with thousands of visitors to evacuate AND thousands of displaced residents with no food, clothing, shelter.

    6. I don’t know what you mean by “story as told versus big picture”. And you are diminishing people’s experience. Because I can compare them to reports from residents of Maui, I can tell you that every report I’ve seen is fair and accurate.

    I’m not sure what comments or replies I expected. I didn’t expect this.

  • Nima Rosepiper

    11/08/2023 at 20:41 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    Thank you.

  • Nima Rosepiper

    09/08/2023 at 23:51 in reply to: My heart is breaking

    Thank you.

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