Forum Replies Created

  • Peter White

    24/12/2023 at 14:33 in reply to: Thank You For The Livestreams

    Mona, Lisa, Rudy and Michaela, I didn’t know I needed your music in my life until I heard the Twins’ singing, your wonderful harmonies and the insightful original lyrics and found that I needed them in my life! Thank you all for those livestreams, for letting me share some time with such gifted and talented people. Much love, Pete

  • Peter White

    04/12/2023 at 02:23 in reply to: Competition?

    L & M have beautiful voices and look so young! Though I think the uploads are older? Their songs create a mood right from the start.

    And we have yet another pair of sisters with nigh unto angelic voices. The Webb Sisters accompanied Leonard Cohen for nearly a year on I believe his last tour. Here they perform ‘If It Be Your Will’ starting at the 1 minute mark following a recitation by ol’ gravel-voice.

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by  Peter White.
  • Peter White

    03/12/2023 at 18:48 in reply to: Competition?

    David, I didn’t even look because their views are so relatively slim that I just figured I was the first. They do a lot of work in the studio as well, including Beatrice as she branches out to a solo career. Like in the MLT’s ‘Questionable’, she doubles and triples herself, which to me is an Art. I also like how goofy the ladies can be at times, again as with the Twins, looking like they really enjoy what they are doing. See ‘Johnny B Good’, for ex. And good grief, harking back to the MLT’s earlier days, these gals are <young>! Ages 18 and 20 for example. Thanks for your reply.

  • Peter White

    07/12/2023 at 15:42 in reply to: Competition?

    The Corrs! Their cover of REM’s ‘Everybody Hurts ‘ on MTV unplugged or whatever is to die for. Always a fine sound from them. And in fact the Twins could do a great job with that song.

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