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  • Hi Jacki, I’m glad you are ok! I live in Alabama and I know how scary tornados can be. We get a round of them at least once or twice a month from February til October. We had as many as 27 in one day in Alabama several years ago, but usually we only have two to ten, on a bad day, in our State. They aren’t all concentrated in one area so it’s not as bad as it sounds. I guess we are just used to them here.

  • Phil Whitley

    16/06/2023 at 01:54 in reply to: Happy Birthday!! 🎈🎈🎉

    That is the cutest picture! May your twin nieces prosper as do the MonaLisa twins!🙏😊

  • Phil Whitley

    15/06/2023 at 20:16 in reply to: Today is your birthday!

    Lisa was born about 5 minutes before Mona wasn’t she? Anyway I’m just glad they were born into this crazy mixed up world to spread joy to us all! Mona and Lisa are a dynamic duo and I know everything I’ve seen about you, Tim, you are a great fan. They are “Groovy”🎤🎸 and I wish them a Happy Birthday too!🎂🎁⭐💖

  • Phil Whitley

    15/06/2023 at 20:09 in reply to: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONA AND LISA

    Couldn’t have said it better myself! They are the best🎤🎸at anything they do. Papa Rudi should be very proud of them!😁

  • Hi Jacki, I saw on the news this morning that, here in Alabama, we even got a taste of the smoke from Canada. I didn’t notice it but it could have been in north Alabama. Funny how the wind blows. Y’all stay safe up there!🙏👍

  • Phil Whitley

    01/06/2023 at 16:49 in reply to: MLT Poetical By Jax… ” Wings of MLT “

    Hi Jacki,

    With some music, you could probably “conjure” these beautiful words into a song! 🎤💖

  • Phil Whitley

    13/07/2023 at 19:02 in reply to: Born Song Writing Geniuses

    These songs are great but the creativity of the song “WHY?” is actually genius. The musical transitions, vocals and, to me, everything about it is better than anything I have ever heard! Maybe it’s because I listen to it with a musician and recording mixers ear. And, of course, their dad is a master of mixing and mastering.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by  Phil Whitley.
  • Phil Whitley

    15/06/2023 at 20:21 in reply to: No Emails

    I only use my desktop (actually, it’s on the bottom so it’s a deskbottom, lol) and after I went to the Notification Settings under my account, I have been receiving emails about all of the latest discussions.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Phil Whitley.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Phil Whitley.
  • Phil Whitley

    15/06/2023 at 20:04 in reply to: Today is your birthday!

    I think their birthday is tomorrow on the 16th. I could be wrong but I wish them a Happy Birthday and I hope they have a wonderful day and maybe some new gear!🎂🎁

  • Phil Whitley

    15/06/2023 at 04:18 in reply to: No Emails

    Same thing here. I had a notification on the bell but no email. I checked for spam and nothing in that folder. My internet has been down all day and just recently was restored.

  • Phil Whitley

    13/06/2023 at 23:50 in reply to: No Emails

    I watched the Notifications video in Help and found that I can go to “Account>Notifications” and set them up there. I don’t understand why I don’t have the “Settings” button though.

  • Phil Whitley

    13/06/2023 at 23:39 in reply to: No Emails

    I just saw your and Rogers posts today. I clicked on the Notifications in the drop down from my photo, but there isn’t a settings button next to the other two buttons “Read” and “Unread”. I also clicked on the Notification bell and got the same results. Am I missing a step or something? I am going to do some more investigating to see if I can find these check boxes.

  • Phil Whitley

    01/06/2023 at 17:27 in reply to: MLT Poetical By Jax… ” Wings of MLT “

    Good Info Jacki!

    I play the guitar in church but I have a terrible singing voice. I have a home recording studio where I mess around most of the day. Jessica, my late wife, and I recorded a Christian CD back in 2005 but we didn’t publish it. I think she had a beautiful voice and she played several instruments as well. So, I’m re-mixing the songs with some new guitar parts using the latest recording software. I’m just doing this for myself because I wasn’t happy with the previous mixes in the CD. I don’t try to do any recording professionally. I do it just for fun!

  • Phil Whitley

    30/05/2023 at 19:26 in reply to: New Member Here

    Thanks Tim, I’m gonna have to slow down a little. I don’t want to take in too much in one day, but I will investigate your recommendations as well as those of everyone else. I have spent half of the day already poking around and listening to some of the twin’s music I’ve never heard before. I need to take a break to work on some of my music, but I will be back to dive into MLT Club soon, maybe tonight.🙏👍

  • Phil Whitley

    30/05/2023 at 17:10 in reply to: New Member Here

    Thanks Jacki, I really enjoyed watching Mona Lisa and family’s early videos. Back then, Lisa was good on the guitar and Mona on drums. I loved hearing their thick accents on some of the songs. I love to see families that play music🎤🎸🎹🥁 together so well!

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