Forum Replies Created

  • Philip Nesbitt

    23/12/2023 at 23:29 in reply to: Thank You For The Livestreams

    Thank you to Mona, Lisa, Michaela and Rudi for making the build up to Christmas so wonderful.

    Also thank you to all the MLT members who joined in the fun and to help make it.


  • Like a lot of the replies here I find some of the people/bands listed as being influential difficult to believe and in some cases mystifying (Neil Young, Ramones for a start). Having said that it is all down to personal taste.

    Everyone’s first musical experiences are what their parents play/listen to be it on the radio or on the turntable (in most of our cases). My dad was into trad jazz but also liked classical music. Motown really caught him when it arrived in the UK probably visually as much as anything. After he died I used to play his jazz records (mostly Chris Barber and The Dutch Swing College Band) as well as my own collection of 50s, 60s and 70s pop music. My mother was basically into classical music but was open to anything. Like most teenagers we tried to ‘shock’ her with some of the stuff we played but soon gave up as she would fairly often say something like ‘that’s nice, who is it?’. My presents to her over the years ranged from Ravel’s Bolero to Queen’s Greatest Hits! All received with great appreciation and often played.

    So, whilst the 50s and 60s were/are my bedrock (Chuck Berry, the Beatles, the Searchers, the Hollies etc (even Bill Haley)) I have received a mass of musical input but when push comes to shove it has to be melodic for me to be able to listen to it.

    Sadly I never had any talent to be able to make my own music. Well possibly I also didn’t have the patience with myself.

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