Forum Replies Created

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  • Refugio Arellano

    22/01/2021 at 03:03 in reply to: Look what I got today!

    [postquote quote=119840][/postquote]
    Happy birthday Jacki. (one day late but with a lot of love????????)

  • Refugio Arellano

    22/01/2021 at 02:51 in reply to: Look what I got today!

    Congratulations Jackie and Bill, it’s great

  • Refugio Arellano

    16/01/2021 at 21:20 in reply to: Calendar

    <p class=”MsoNormal”><span lang=”EN-US”>I’m still waiting for mine, apparently it will take 15 more days for the issue of the pandemic.</span></p>
    <p class=”MsoNormal”></p>
    <p class=”MsoNormal”>best regards</p>

  • Refugio Arellano

    11/01/2021 at 23:50 in reply to: Hello from Mississippi, USA

    Welcome Tim.


    best regards

  • Refugio Arellano

    09/01/2021 at 06:22 in reply to: Scandinavian Nisse joining the fun

    Welcome, Leif.


    best regards

  • Refugio Arellano

    25/12/2020 at 01:58 in reply to: Merry #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Xmas/Happy Holidays

    [postquote quote=118150][/postquote]

    Thank you Jacki, I also wish you, the Wagner family and everyone in the club a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

  • Refugio Arellano

    20/12/2020 at 18:20 in reply to: Dreaming of Streaming

    It’s great about the live stream on the 23rd, at that time I’m at work.

    I will make a space to participate and if necessary to answer calls I will do it quickly and ask to answer them later.

    best regards.

  • Refugio Arellano

    16/12/2020 at 14:17 in reply to: The day just got GROOVY!

    Great Jeffery, Santa was early a few days

  • Refugio Arellano

    13/12/2020 at 13:35 in reply to: Hello Friends ????????

    Hi Ian, welcome to the best club in the world, here everything is great

  • Refugio Arellano

    11/12/2020 at 05:08 in reply to: YouTube Milestones

    Hi Lynn, at this time there are only 223 visits left


    As you say it reached 1.5 million tomorrow





  • Refugio Arellano

    08/12/2020 at 13:54 in reply to: John Winston Lennon

    Hi Joe, if I remember it was all over the news

    It was something tragic that saddened many

  • Refugio Arellano

    08/12/2020 at 04:00 in reply to: New Album

    Hi Bill, i agree with you.

    For now it is the closest Thing I will have a live presentation de MonaLisa Twins.


    Best Regards

  • Refugio Arellano

    06/12/2020 at 23:27 in reply to: Picture of Bill and Maddie

    Excellent Bill, it’s great that little Maddie is a Fan of Mona and Lisa.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Refugio Arellano

    03/12/2020 at 01:56 in reply to: Duo Sessions

    Good afternoon everyone, I join the song…

    Down with Covid! Up with MLT!

  • Refugio Arellano

    29/11/2020 at 03:18 in reply to: Brighten my day

    Hi joung, I’m sorry to hear about your father but as you say, he’s starting to get better.

    Let’s hope in God that he soon recovers

    And how good that you already received your order, the poster is great. (I’ll have to order mine)

    best regards

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