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  • Roger Penn

    18/08/2021 at 16:57 in reply to: Summer Rain

    Wow. What a story. We went through that same situation here in Oregon last year, and while we were able to come back home after evacuating, I know many people who weren’t as entire towns were wiped off the map. Too bad M&L didn’t release summer rain last year – a lot more might have been saved! LOL.

  • Roger Penn

    01/08/2021 at 05:03 in reply to: Favourite MLT drawing/painting

    I also really like Mona’s watercolors in general. “Silhouettes of Life” is my favorite. I also like Lisa’s Obligatory Sunset. And we sort of have you, Jung, to thank for the existence of Midnight Thoughts, so, thanks! 😀 However, all three of the recent Janitor Joe pieces blow everything else away in my opinion.

  • Roger Penn

    18/07/2021 at 20:02 in reply to: MLT: CURE FOR THE COVID BLUES

    Hear, hear! Well said, sir.

  • Roger Penn

    17/07/2021 at 06:34 in reply to: 7/15/21 5:55am eastern standard time

    That’s awesome! Next thing I know I’ll be hearing them in the supermarket while I’m getting groceries!

  • Roger Penn

    29/06/2021 at 00:01 in reply to: MLT swag

    Me too. If it has to be one extreme or the other, I’d prefer it hot. But I also need to stain my deck and it’s too hot to apply stain. Grr.

  • Roger Penn

    28/06/2021 at 23:30 in reply to: MLT swag

    Very nice! 90 degrees sounds so much nicer than the 112 it is here.

  • Fascinating tidbit. All school administrators with budgetary influence should be forced to watch this.

  • Roger Penn

    06/04/2021 at 06:25 in reply to: Greatest Beatles Guitar Moments

    All those on the list you posted definitely belong there, but for now I can just say that for my money one of my favorites is “I Want You.” The intro alone is worth the inclusion. Some of the solos are just plain Clapton-worthy. And it’s all so groundbreaking.

    Second place would probably go to “Norwegian Wood.” I also like the Dylanesque “Her Majesty”. Very short, but great guitar. “Here Comes the Sun” for sure. I’m very surprised that “Rain” wasn’t on the list. Brilliant guitar work! And lastly, while not really a guitar song, in terms of my favorite lick, it would have to go to the opening and closing lick that repeats itself throughout “In My Life”. So simple but so beautiful.

  • Roger Penn

    02/04/2021 at 18:45 in reply to: Your photography

    As an amateur photographer for years (I still use my own film darkroom), the Internet and digital photography is both a blessing and a curse. The blessings are obvious, but the curses include:
    1. We are bombarded with people who think that just because they can use a camera, they should, and just because they take a bunch of crappy pictures, they’re “photographers.” (I mean, yes, technically…)
    2. The number of brilliant photographers whose work is now more available and the sheer volume of amazing photos can make me feel despondent about my own work by comparison. Even my best work is now just another drop of water in a vast sea of great images.
    3. The need to be a good photographer and take great “negatives” has been replaced by having a talent for using Photoshop and faking it.

    All the same can be said about my work as a poet.

    Your photos, Lisa’s and the others, are breathtaking, imaginative, intimate, and inspirational. Damn good photography and it constantly blows me away.

    I wonder, do you ever feel the same about your music as I do about the photography and poetry (specifically point #2 above). Does the proliferation of great music because of the Internet ever make you question your own abilities or that you can’t possibly be heard in such a sea of excellent material? You both seem so grounded, confident, and with healthy perspectives, but I wonder if sometimes those thoughts don’t creep in.

  • Roger Penn

    19/03/2021 at 07:00 in reply to: Peter, Paul, Mary & Andy

    Thank you! It just doesn’t get any better.

  • Roger Penn

    03/03/2021 at 07:34 in reply to: Calendars

    Amazing. I got mine the first week in January and I’m in Oregon, USA. The “delay” seems so arbitrary and random.

  • Glad Dylan was brought up. Even he liked Hendrix’s version of All Along the Watchtower better than his own, and proceeded to perform it Hendrix’s way thereafter. While I personally don’t mind his singing, the fact that so many of his songs made other acts famous is a testament to his incredible and timeless songwriting.

  • Roger Penn

    14/04/2021 at 19:51 in reply to: Your photography

    Sorry Jung,
    I’m bad enough with trees, but shrubs?
    Thanks for the photos, though.

  • Roger Penn

    06/04/2021 at 17:47 in reply to: Gardening

    OMG Thomas! I haven’t heard that song in many many years, and I’ve heard a lot of versions including Seger, Guthrie, Denver, and others, but never this one by David and I think it’s my favorite of all of them! Thanks!

  • Roger Penn

    06/04/2021 at 17:36 in reply to: Untouched Beatles Songs

    Doug – Those are the exact same two that immediately came to my mind! And also Within You Without You would be kinda weird, but I’d sure enjoying hearing how they would do it!

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