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  • Roger Penn

    09/12/2023 at 19:14 in reply to: Chester, today

    One day people will look back on some of these places the way they do now at hallowed Beatles sites. People will be making pilgrimages to sit on a bench and take selfies (if those still exist) where Mona and Lisa sat.

  • Roger Penn

    07/12/2023 at 20:27 in reply to: Mona and Lisa solo? Isn't there's something missing.

    My choices would be for:

    Mona: Cry Baby by Janice Joplin
    Lisa: Crying by Roy Orbison

    Obviously I’m kidding. But yes, while both are amazing on their own, what’s special about them is their harmonies, synergy, and well, “when they’re together…”
    I can’t imagine wanting to take that apart.

  • OMG Jung, this is freaky! Just a couple days ago I was pondering what I should use the MLT journal for, and I came up with the same idea! Since I have so many fountain pens to keep flowing (thanks to someone else we know :D) I thought that would be perfect. I thought I would also write more “typical” journal entries with reflections of thoughts or feelings after listening to MLT music and record what effect it has on my frame of mind and attitude. Glad you shared this. Now I feel almost like part of a collective consciousness!

  • Roger Penn

    04/12/2023 at 01:54 in reply to: Competition?

    My other favorite sisters are Lily & Madeleine. They built their following on these beautiful harmonies and melodies, but unfortunately have moved away from that the last couple albums. Here are a couple of my favorites:

    The Devil We Know:

    In the Middle:

  • Roger Penn

    04/12/2023 at 01:34 in reply to: Competition?


  • Roger Penn

    27/11/2023 at 18:27 in reply to: Yuletide is coming and greetings to you all

    Very nice! The best to you and yours!

  • Roger Penn

    20/11/2023 at 17:43 in reply to: Thank You Songs

    Good grief. This list could be endless.

    Just immediately coming to mind without even thinking about it are:

    Led Zeppelin – Thank You (
    Dido – Thank You (
    Beth Hart – Thankful (

    And if I started thinking I’m sure I could come up with about 50 more.

  • ROFL!!!

  • Roger Penn

    01/11/2023 at 20:46 in reply to: The Greatest Soundtracks Of All Time

    Have to agree with you on that one, Jürgen. I enjoyed the film the first time I saw it but it was that song in particular that smacked me in the face and made me want to see it again! (At the time you couldn’t just stream the movie or the song; the only way to hear it again was to go see the movie again!). Now it’s one of my favorite movies and was thrilled to see it make the leap to Blu-ray.

    However, when it comes to soundtracks overall, some really stand head and shoulders above others. Most of them, for me, aren’t the popular ones, (Dirty Dancing, the Bodyguard, et. al.). It’s also not fair to discuss a “regular” (compilation) soundtrack alongside those that are from a move specifically about music (Once, Almost Famous, et. al.) or biopics (Walk the Line, Bohemian Rhapsody, et. al.). And then there are those made in reverse; instead of finding great music to go with the film, they write a film to go with the music (Mama Mia, numerous Beatles and Elvis films). Then there is also the niche of films along the same lines but based on a specific album (The Wall, Tommy, etc.). And of course, films made from stage musicals (Les Mis, Phantom, hundreds of others including, again, Mama Mia) don’t even count.

    And of course, a soundtrack is a completely different thing than a score, which opens up a whole other world of great music and artists/composers.

    Having said all that, I think one of my favorite compilation soundtracks is Garden State. In fact, Zack Braff won a Grammy for it.

  • ROFL Daryl! I don’t know if the pun was intended, but people flinging ink are indeed ne’er-do-wells. At least they made sure no one in that school could bring their wells any more.

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by  Roger Penn.
  • “When there’s so many things that need to get done, I’d just rather do none of them instead of doing any of them.” THAT’S ME!!!

    But to me, journaling and productivity management are two entirely different things. I do write down my tasks and goals on paper (they’re spot-on about the phone) in a similar way, but just on a notepad on my desk. I save the [often expensive] journals for the creative process.

  • The Oxblood is on the top of my list, along with the Diamine Sherwood Green. I also like that the Diamine has 30ml bottles because they’re cheaper and I won’t be using colors all that much. I just can’t afford that kind of thing right now until I get a job, and sample bottles are too small to complete a whole entry with. But I probably won’t get started with the writing until after Christmas anyway, and probably not until I find work, so by that time I can probably order some.

  • Oh my! I hadn’t though about different colors! Now I’m going to have to buy some because I only have blacks and near-black purples. That is such a great idea! I hadn’t really explored any of the meanings of anything on the cover; I tend just to enjoy the artwork at face value rather than trying to read anything into it or derive hidden meanings that are most likely all in my imagination. In this case, everything there is clearly purposefully representing something, mostly songs. But I’ll have to take a closer look. I did notice that for the notebook cover they had to narrow it down because it isn’t square, so she chopped about 1/4 of it out on the right side and then slid the individual elements to the left, and also moved the crest/boilerplate up a bit to reveal some additional detail that was covered up on the album cover, which is kinda cool.

  • Funny. For me recently, since I’ve been trying to get back to a nice cursive rather than my own brand of hybrid writing (well, not rather than, but in addition to), I find the writing stressful and anxiety-producing, because I still can’t make it come out the way I’d like it to, and I keep having to “stutter” in my writing while I think about the next letter because my brain still hasn’t fully automated the flow. But it’ll get there.

  • Roger Penn

    04/11/2023 at 00:29 in reply to: The Greatest Soundtracks Of All Time

    That’s an interesting point about the languages. Probably true for most places/languages that aren’t the native language of Hollywood. One of the greatest things about Netflix is the access to so many international works.

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