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  • Roger Penn

    11/10/2022 at 06:56 in reply to: Blown away

    I have often wished they would do an updated studio recording of this. Maybe one day. I just hope that if they do they resist the temptation to completely rework it. The simplicity and guitar counterpoint really makes the vocals and the message swell with emotion.

  • Roger Penn

    23/08/2022 at 02:20 in reply to: Your MLT Joy 3

    Very nice. I have to agree with you about Jump Ship, although we seem to be two of a very small minority. One of my favorite songs ever, with so many dimensions. The Wide, Wide Land, and Still a Friend of Mine come right behind it. In fact, I believe I will listen to them now. 😀

  • Roger Penn

    16/06/2022 at 16:08 in reply to: Breaking news: Club 27 shunned by MLT!

    ROFL! That’s hilarious. I, too, hope that “club 28” is a much better club. Happiest birthday ladies!

  • Roger Penn

    01/06/2022 at 17:10 in reply to: Golden Goose

    There are very few songs that mention geese in more than just a passing list of animals (“Unicorn” comes to mind, and of course there are 6 geese a-laying in the “12 Days of Christmas”). I’m afraid most mentions are along the lines of “your goose is cooked” which is certainly not what we want for little Neve.

  • Roger Penn

    28/05/2022 at 18:46 in reply to: Ready for anew all female group playing Heavy Metal?

    I remember watching them back when they first started and was blown away then. It’s great to revisit them and see how they’ve evolved.

  • Roger Penn

    09/04/2022 at 00:25 in reply to: A Day…

    Well said!

  • Roger Penn

    01/04/2022 at 21:05 in reply to: 1976—-2022

    What everyone else said…that’s incredible! I’m so excited for your next chapter in life and will be even more excited to hear about it. Coaching a youth sports team of any kind makes you into a different person. Kids not only say the darndest things, they can teach you the darndest lessons, too. I coached 8-10 yrs old boys soccer for a couple years. I’m so jealous of your travel plans. One day I hope to do the same. Bon voyage!

  • Roger Penn

    01/04/2022 at 19:34 in reply to: Foolish Songs

    So I’ll throw in 2:

    The first one just belongs in this group. In fact I’d love to see M&L sing this one:

    (Why Do Fools Fall in Love? – Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers)

    The other is very apropos for many of us who live in less sunny climes:

    (Led Zeppelin – Fool in the Rain)

  • Roger Penn

    01/04/2022 at 19:25 in reply to: Foolish Songs

    This will be a loooong list. There are 25 of them just in my own library.

  • Roger Penn

    28/10/2022 at 04:51 in reply to: Happiest Day in a Long Time

    It would be interesting to know how many times each song got streamed before the album is officially released. I don’t know whether to keep streaming it to bolster those stats, or play the CD to save them the bandwidth charges.

  • Roger Penn

    28/10/2022 at 04:48 in reply to: Happiest Day in a Long Time

    It fascinates me the way mail delivery is so unpredictable and random. I didn’t expect mine for another week, at least, and then surprise! Sometimes when I send stuff to Mona and Lisa it gets there in 10 days, other times 3 weeks.

  • Roger Penn

    28/10/2022 at 04:44 in reply to: Happiest Day in a Long Time

    Good thinking! If nothing else…can you imagine if you had an early Beatles Merch (had there been such a thing) guitar strap? One day an MLT strap could be just as cool!

  • Roger Penn

    13/10/2022 at 03:36 in reply to: Blown away

    OK, if M&L don’t write a song about this silliness I’ll be sad. lol

  • Roger Penn

    12/10/2022 at 07:31 in reply to: Blown away

    I have always assumed that, not only because they’re twins but just for people who might be new to them and not know, since they’re the MonaLisa Twins, they take care to appear in that order so that people will know which is which. I think it’s quite considerate of the casual fan, actually. I had never even thought about the fact that on the WWT cover, because they’re facing the other way, they were technically reversed. Mind blown. LOL

  • Roger Penn

    28/05/2022 at 18:40 in reply to: Wanderlust

    This is the first one that came to mind for me while I was reading your post. But you saved me the trouble of looking it up. LOL.

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