Forum Replies Created

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  • Roger Penn

    05/11/2021 at 00:04 in reply to: Thursday goes too slow

    Me, too. I can never wait to see what M&L have in store for us on Fridays.

  • Roger Penn

    02/11/2021 at 20:30 in reply to: Problem with : “I Bought Myself a Politician”

    Wow Jürgen! That was Epic.

  • Roger Penn

    02/11/2021 at 20:26 in reply to: Topic subscriptions

    Awesome! Thanks!

  • Roger Penn

    02/11/2021 at 20:21 in reply to: Mona and Lisa’s Special Birthday

    I turned 28,000,000 minutes old yesterday. I feel them all.

  • Roger Penn

    26/09/2021 at 05:34 in reply to: Topic subscriptions

    Wow. Thanks Rudy! I’m glad you were able to figure it out even though it will take WP to fix it. Probably something as simple as a CSS element set to display:none or something silly like that. Cheers!

  • I love musicals, too, but they’re a whole different beast than a regular movie with a well done score behind it. And while the greats like John Williams, Danny Elfman (my favorite) or Hans Zimmer certainly dominate the film score landscape, some of my favorites scores are from guitar players and other musicians known for their bands or “regular” work. Mark Knopfler is probably my favorite guitar player and he’s done some fantastic film scores, the Princess Bride being my favorite. Trevor Rabin has also done many incredible scores, and I think my favorite of his is The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.

  • Roger Penn

    10/09/2021 at 18:53 in reply to: Greatest live bands

    Now that just might be something I’d fly to England for. If that ever becomes possible again.

  • Roger Penn

    10/11/2021 at 22:17 in reply to: Eleanor Rigby

    I always figured she was just a fictional instance of one of the lonely people, not an actual person. I definitely agree that the name is better but it makes me wonder…if the song had actually been called Daisy Hawkins and the real person named Eleanor Rigby, would we think that Eleanor Rigby sounded funny?

  • Roger Penn

    28/09/2021 at 17:12 in reply to: Christmas, Shipping, and other stuff

    Thanks Jacki! Good to know. I seem to remember that the UK actually stopped all international deliveries for a time last year, and I sure hope that doesn’t happen again! Like I mentioned, there’s always the option of buying online from a local retailer in the UK and having it shipped domestically 😀 You’d just have to make sure to let MLT know it’s coming and from where and whom or it might wind up being a mystery gift that gets opened in November. lol

  • Roger Penn

    28/09/2021 at 17:08 in reply to: Christmas, Shipping, and other stuff

    Thanks Lisa! I’ll go ahead and get stuff going and make sure it’s obviously Christmas-wrapped! I know your Dad’s looking into some of the web site issues as well, and a quick crawl of the site links will tell if there’s anything amiss, but before anyone goes too crazy, I often use my browser’s auto-complete, and I suspect that it may have just filled in a very old URL and I didn’t notice.

  • Roger Penn

    28/09/2021 at 01:36 in reply to: Christmas, Shipping, and other stuff

    Thank you Jung! I was starting to think maybe everyone had sent everything last year by bike courier! Yikes. It sounds like I’d better just go ahead and ship it now and keep my fingers crossed! And if I buy anything else, I’ll order it from and have it shipped directly to them!

  • Roger Penn

    22/09/2021 at 17:14 in reply to: Christmas, Shipping, and other stuff

    Well, I figured out the problem. That search box wasn’t there for me. Because somehow I got logged into instead of the production server, and it’s not there on that one! Meanwhile you all are thinking I must be blind. LOL! Now I’m logged in correctly, the search box is right there where it should be.

  • Roger Penn

    11/09/2021 at 18:45 in reply to: Greatest live bands

    Hi Jung, I was a bit perplexed at the absence of the Beatles on the list until I really thought about it. I think if they had stayed true to what they were doing in their early years and not gone in all the weird directions they did, they definitely would be on the list. One of the descriptors they used in the video when talking about those bands that they picked is “consistent,” which certainly wouldn’t describe the Beatles! LOL. But even so, there’s still a strong argument for their inclusion. I’m reminded of that “All You Need Is Love” video…you certainly won’t see U2 surrounded by peaceful fans all singing “Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For…” 😀

  • Roger Penn

    10/09/2021 at 20:04 in reply to: Greatest live bands

    3 times? Wow. Fortunate. Totally, right…they made the whole audience a part of the performance and even though it wasn’t the same kind of “electrifying” as Def Leppard, there was still some kind of binding energy.

  • Roger Penn

    10/09/2021 at 19:25 in reply to: Greatest live bands

    “Do we even have to explain this?” ROFL!!! Can’t argue with that list, but I would add Yes, Aerosmith, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan, and (yes, I’m serious) Peter, Paul, and Mary.

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