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  • Sara Pattern

    11/03/2023 at 19:19 in reply to: International Women's Day


  • Sara Pattern

    06/02/2023 at 09:59 in reply to: Rave on

    I must admit I rarely drink myself as I spent most of my life on call looking after my disabled son so at that time you never knew if you needed to get him to hospital at any time so there was that chance that I would have felt awful if I couldn’t have been there for him when he needed me. After he died It never really bothered me about drinking and I have since been out with friends and tried a shot once where you had to suck a slice of lemon before having the shot and the lemon tasted better than the drink. So never really missed alcohol in my life not that I’m against it but never become something that I need to enjoy myself with ,which In a way I’m kind of proud of as I think we all know people in life who are addicted to things that they can’t get off

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by  Sara Pattern.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by  Sara Pattern.
  • Sara Pattern

    25/01/2023 at 20:39 in reply to: MLT Handwritten lyrics and uniqueness of handwriting

    What I’m finding is handwriting is getting to be a lost art as we are all typing into computers these days. On the plus side, I am now able to type with two fingers on a computer now so that’s an improvement

  • Sara Pattern

    25/01/2023 at 20:34 in reply to: Which is your favorite MLT? 😀

    Splendid Girls .Both of them.

  • Sara Pattern

    17/01/2023 at 17:10 in reply to: Many Others Say…

    If the girls need someone to promote them they know to come to you . Well Done

  • Sara Pattern

    01/01/2023 at 00:31 in reply to: Happy New Year MLT and MLT community

    Happy New Year to all xx

  • Sara Pattern

    08/12/2022 at 08:56 in reply to: Fantasy concerts

    Couldn’t agree with you more apart from the spectacle the arena concerts can leave you cold but a small live venue can get you warm in your heart

  • I found it a little tricker to download to I tunes but after realising I could only do it one song at a time it worked fine. If downloading onto other platforms they download easily

  • Sara Pattern

    17/01/2023 at 17:08 in reply to: MLT Poem -1st One for 2023 from me e

    This made me smile today xx well done Jacki

  • Sara Pattern

    14/01/2023 at 23:49 in reply to: The Beatles In Mono

    Thanks for that .Now I can have another relisten

  • Sara Pattern

    14/01/2023 at 10:32 in reply to: The Beatles In Mono

    It’s a strange one as normally i wouldn’t bother with mono releases but the Beatles one was an exception that I’ve enjoyed listening to but it isn’t a significant difference that you would say it’s the definite release but as an enjoyable alternative especially as some of the cd’s had stereo mixes on the albums as well but as technology has moved on so much would we ever experience the music that perhaps most people experienced perhaps through tinny transistor radio speakers back in the 60’s or would we really want to

  • Sara Pattern

    10/12/2022 at 09:01 in reply to: Fantasy concerts

    I do like Rush myself so great that you have met Geddy Lee .

  • Sara Pattern

    08/12/2022 at 08:05 in reply to: Fantasy concerts

    Pink Floyd I missed too. As you say it’s nice having the shows on DVD or Blu-ray but it’s nothing like the experience of watching it live

  • Sara Pattern

    07/12/2022 at 23:55 in reply to: Fantasy concerts

    Karen Carpenter was amazing though looking back at the videos now in hindsight you can see how ill she looked at times. Such a shame she like so many others paid a price for their fame

  • Sara Pattern

    06/12/2022 at 23:50 in reply to: Fantasy concerts

    Yes that concert for George was a fitting tribute to him and it was interesting to see the musicians that were inspired by him and through them his music lives on

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