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  • Sara Pattern

    05/12/2022 at 21:57 in reply to: Fantasy concerts

    It’s a bit like Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher being in Star Wars movies . It’s a troubling thought that anyone can be brought back for what is a filtered performance. At least ABBA are still alive to give permission and do sing the songs but I agree that a hologram live show is hardly live

  • Sara Pattern

    05/12/2022 at 18:06 in reply to: Fantasy concerts

    Amy Winehouse was amazing and was a tragic loss for dying so young. Dusty Springfield had an beautiful voice but I must admit to not realising it for a long while till I spoke to a major fan of hers and I realised what I had missed when I listened to her

  • Sara Pattern

    05/12/2022 at 17:09 in reply to: Fantasy concerts

    I’ve been listening to the anthology cd and I think that was around that time period and to me they had a very raw sound then but you can hear the way they played that their sound was developing even then

  • Sara Pattern

    29/11/2022 at 08:36 in reply to: First music bought however embarrassing

    That brings back memories of my mum having a country compilation album and I remember that as a stand out track on it. Though I must admit I forgot it was Johnny cash who sung it. Bleeps on music that’s a thing of the past. Some modern music these days would sound very different if bleeped nowdays. Just a way society has changed though and in those days if you wanted airplay the censor had to be considered though when I was a kid in U.K. if it was banned it went to the top of the charts because of it as it made it more of a must buy . Relax by Frankie goes to Hollywood one example

  • Sara Pattern

    28/11/2022 at 12:07 in reply to: It Started With The Beatles….

    Another Marillion fan is always nice to meet

  • Sara Pattern

    28/11/2022 at 10:11 in reply to: It Started With The Beatles….

    This is amazing . I knew I would find out stuff about bands on here but the information this group has posted on here is fantastic and makes you appreciate the music even more

  • Sara Pattern

    28/11/2022 at 10:09 in reply to: It Started With The Beatles….

    Great stuff

  • Sara Pattern

    28/11/2022 at 10:09 in reply to: It Started With The Beatles….

    Wow . This group here has amazed me with the post I have seen on here. Just great to see things that inspires everyone to check out music that might pass you by

  • Sara Pattern

    24/11/2022 at 08:41 in reply to: First music bought however embarrassing

    Ahh 8 track my Uncle used to have an 8 track machine. I think I used to listen to The Spinners and Status Quo on that though his machine was faulty as I can remember the 8 track kept stopping and starting. Though his machine was a novelty by the time I was using it in the late seventies early 80’s As for The Monkees I still often listen to them nowdays and I think Headquarters is one of my favourite albums if had to do a list of my top 10 albums.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  Sara Pattern.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  Sara Pattern.
  • Sara Pattern

    24/11/2022 at 00:16 in reply to: First music bought however embarrassing

    I just about remember The Partridge Family but only because I think they appeared on Goober and the Ghost Chasers cartoon which I think was a Scooby Doo clone that hunted ghosts and the dog turned invisible which seemed to make sense in the 70’s

  • Sara Pattern

    23/11/2022 at 20:55 in reply to: First music bought however embarrassing

    I think you have said all that can be said and the reason we are together on this site is that we all have an appreciation of music that moves us. music that can make us smile. Music that can make us cry. Music that makes us remember a time and place that is special to us. Have times changed that much I’m not so sure as I feel that there is music out there that moves people in any generation there is and I’d love to hear modern music that someone else has a passion for and seeing it from their point of view that’s no different from when I was younger and shared music with friends and discovered bands that at that time I could not afford to buy as with every friend I met I enjoyed their passion as well as sharing mine. So each friend made our music collection bigger. Nowdays it’s streaming and though it’s easier to share and it feels it has lost its way that same love of music will always shine through

  • Sara Pattern

    23/11/2022 at 20:42 in reply to: First music bought however embarrassing

    Tut Tut it looks like rain! Tut Tut it looks like rain!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  Sara Pattern.
  • Sara Pattern

    23/11/2022 at 07:29 in reply to: how did you find MLT

    Must admit I’m starting to do that myself these last few days

  • Sara Pattern

    23/11/2022 at 07:23 in reply to: First music bought however embarrassing

    Don’t forget Stevie Knicks who has a voice that is quite unique though you did mention Fleetwood Mac so she’s in your selection , but fantastic collection of artists there

  • Sara Pattern

    23/11/2022 at 07:18 in reply to: First music bought however embarrassing

    That’s got me thinking further back to my Walt Disney Albums which was either The Aristrocats or Whinnie The Pooh and the honey tree. .Funny I’m now humming “I’m just a little black raincloud” Now maybe the Beach Boys should have covered that. Once tried singing Kareokke to a beach boys song and realised how hard their songs were to sing but they make it look so easy but their songs are quite complex to sing to sound right

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  Sara Pattern.
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