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  • Tobias Kaiser

    20/01/2023 at 23:44 in reply to: Chief Lennon

    “Lennon told him he had to be the band’s “royal taste tester.””


  • PS: This exchange has never been about mask mandates and if you think there was some kind of hyperbole, then I’d like to know what that was.

  • Tobias Kaiser

    03/02/2023 at 05:31 in reply to: Drum it!

    I don’t think this has been posted yet. Not only many drummers, but many musicians all together. Your post reminded me of it.

  • Tobias Kaiser

    02/02/2023 at 00:56 in reply to: Millions and Millions of views

    Hey David,
    Are you running some kind of software to keep count or do you simply keep looking at the respective YT video yourself? If the later applies, you’d probably have to deduct at least a hundred views from each video as that would be you 😀


  • You’ll have to just try it out:<wbr>blog/chatgpt/

  • Hi Jung,

    You said: “I don’t think MLT nor their music is political at all, instead it’s about the corruption, and deception”

    By that measure one may argue that our exchange wasn’t political either. But okay 🙂

    I understand that songs are always up for interpretation and are interpreted differently by different people. I recently came across ChatGTP, which is a new AI, that is quite advanced in responding fairly intelligently to questions or requests you might have (it’s kind of scary actually!). I went ahead and asked it for an interpretation of the lyrics of some of the more “controversial” MLT songs, which was actually quite fun! Enjoy!

  • This thread was merely an enquiry about what artist with similar viewpoints might be out there. It was never meant to be a place of contention (and I don’t think it really was, because we ARE treating each other respectfully).

    Having said that, I don’t think it is deniable that some of MLTs songs carry heavy political messages. And so I would welcome a place were the subject matter and philosophy, as what drives the messaging in these kind of songs, can be discussed. I understand that not everyone finds this pleasurable, but after all, what good are political lyrics when – being what they are… political – they cannot be talked about on the platform of the band who wrote them? But perhaps this requires a different area behind a disclaimer wall?! This is where I’d be curious what Mona & Lisa have to say.

  • Hi Len,

    The truth is already coming to light, and so it is interesting to me that even in this fan club there is still a fair amount of people defending everything that has transpired throughout the last 34 months. I didn’t really start this thread to seek a debate, but once again I feel compelled to respond to a couple of things that were said. You said: “it’s a bit of a stretch to assume that MLT, as song writers, are necessarily speaking specifically to libertarian pet peeves and biases.”

    With all due respect, they are not just “pet peeves and biases” of Libertarians! They are inalienable rights – and as such essential freedoms, which are enshrined in most constitutions of the so called “free west” – that have been trampled on by undemocratic means! Eg. Nobody is ever to tell you whether or not you can leave your house, meet your family or go to church. Any order to desist from such activities is an unheard of, unholy transgression and also an abuse of “the science” (which has always been about discovery and learning, but not about fear mongering and imposing).

    The MLT are indeed very freedom loving people. Look up Mona’s response to my comment below their latest video release “If raise your head”. You’ll find that she called herself a freedom nut! 🙂 Furthermore, I’d suggest, you have a closer listen, or read the lyrics of “I bought myself a politician” (the “universal scientist and generous philanthropist” is obviously a reference to Bill Gates), OR “Make Show”, OR “Jump Ship”, OR “Why?”… you’ll know they speak for freedom, personal ownership, normalcy and most importantly against the current narrative.

    Lastly, no offence, but to say that something awful (Canada) isn’t so bad, because there’s something worse (Iran), to me has the feel of camouflage tactics by an apologist. Of course there is worse! You can even find worse than Iran in North Korea! But does that justify any degree of abuse or criminal energy! No it doesn’t! And just in case you may not be aware of the degree of abuse that has been taken place in Canada most recently, let me post this again 👇

  • 💯%

  • *Summer Rain

    The edit function doesn’t seem to work for me.

  • It’s part of the lyrics of Songbird.
    See page 7

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Tobias Kaiser.
  • Haha… now that’s a kind of song MLT will not need to write! 🙂

  • 🙂

  • None of what I said is “conspiracy theory”, though I know MSM insists on that, despite the fact that primary sources proof theses liars wrong on almost every single front! Whatever you think might be conspiracy touching on this subject, let me know. There’s a very good chance I can rebut backed up it with quotations!

    Solution? Simple! Those who are (mis-)guided by fear and MSM-manipulation, can lock themselves into their homes (free to come out of course), whilst acknowledging that it’s not anyone’s responsibility, but their own, to pacify the manufactured anxieties they’re experiencing. This might sound cruel, but not remotely as cruel as what actually happened (see screen shot in my first exchange with you) which in the spirit of Nazi Germany, but not a free and open society! Again, best example is Sweden (numbers for that are also available – no conspiracy!) that went about life normally and came out the other end WAY better than all the new dictatorships of the “free west”!

    Living in the US, I’m sure you’re aware that the founding fathers were all about personal responsibility and the pursuit of happiness. “Live and let live” with other words. Ben Franklin is quoted as saying that (I paraphrase): “They who can give up liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”. And I must say, I have to agree with him wholeheartedly!

    “I will always strive to keep intercourse open with those whom I disagree in order to come together” …which is very honourable and appreciated. For as do I!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Tobias Kaiser.
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