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  • Tomás F. Calvo

    12/05/2019 at 06:23 in reply to: Gilmour Guitars

    Thank you, and Stephen I guess we never give up (especially if we have GAS -Guitar Acquisition Syndrome), but the D-28’s have skyrocketed in the last 10 years or so.

    Still, I am very happy with my choice. Here’s a little snippet of it, if you’d like to know how it sounds:

    J200 Celebrity

    Thank you!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    02/05/2019 at 21:09 in reply to: Sweet Lorraine

    Thank you for all the nice messages. My Aunt was ready to go, but Sweet Lorraine remains 🙂 ❤️

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    02/05/2019 at 04:40 in reply to: Hello from North Carolina

    Hello David! I’m in NC too, Chapel Hill, to be exact.  Welcome!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    18/04/2019 at 04:44 in reply to: Failed to load plugin

    Interestingly enough, well for me at least, I’ve just finished re-building two of my servers and it’s a pain even when you know how to do it and have done it before many times like I have. That the Wagners made the move so smoothly with such few issues is really something to be commended. What they managed was not simple or easy by any means.

    Once again, chapeau.

  • When I first saw the picture of Mona and Lisa with John Sebastian, “Lucy” came to mind and it made me smile, sort of a full circle thing. His gold-top ended up a redhead. There he was all these years later with identical blond and redhead by his side 😉

    Here are a couple of pictures of George and Eric playing Lucy.


    I wonder if John has a picture when she was still a blond?

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    09/04/2019 at 23:29 in reply to: Failed to load plugin

    It’s not happening to me… that code seems related to the text editor. Try the old clearing cache trick if it’s still happening. It could be a remnant from before the move as I don’t see a call to that code on the current plugin.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    07/04/2019 at 00:00 in reply to: ART BY US

    Jung, I so agree with you. When I saw the artwork my jaw just hit the ground. The quality of the art is astounding. If I had to pick 2, I’d pick the top 2 you posted. They are definitively major art gallery worthy. So many brilliant details. Should MonaLisa get into inventing stuff, who knows, they might even put ol’ Leonardo to shame.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    06/04/2019 at 23:54 in reply to: Guitar Photo!

    I’d love that too, but I know it’s so time consuming. I thought I’d expand on that but time flies… I do stuff like that when I need to re-focus the mind or de-stress. The Quizzes have taken that place as of late!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    06/04/2019 at 23:49 in reply to: Photo Expansion

    Hi Howard,

    It seems to be working fine for me. I’m on Windows and use Chrome as a browser. Since they have just moved the site to new servers and made some changes, it’s possible that you’re having a cache issue. Try clearing your cache and see if that helps. An easy way to clear the cache for a page is to hold the shift key while you refresh the page.

    Also a suggestion (not sure it’s the case though). if you’re using Safari, try using Chrome or Firefox as they are much better browsers, and Safari seems to have issues managing cache.

    Hoping this helps!


  • Anyone would like to attend my Dream Concert? Admittedly, I’ve had to leave many good ones out…

    Tomas-dream-concertBut I think it would still be a good show!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    05/04/2019 at 04:32 in reply to: Misheard lyrics

    Oh! Great post Howard. So many! Of course we didn’t have the lyrics, it was what we’d hear on the LP’s. Off the top of my head, for the longest time I couldn’t figure out the the line in “A Hard Day’s Night” So why on earth should I moan… I thought it was So when I cry and get home.

    There is another funny side to this when you add a language change… sometimes innocent words in English come out very raunchy in Spanish, and those are the parts sung the loudest when you’re a teenager.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    05/04/2019 at 04:15 in reply to: Pet Peeve

    This is a head scratcher. I don’t know what possesses someone to go and pick up a performer’s instrument, but it’s never a musician, no matter how drunk. It’s always some clueless-clumsy-drink-spilling-bull-in-a-china-shop that does something that moronic. I used to go frequently to the Hotel Cafe in Hollywood, which is a small music venue (not a hotel) with great acts and a very small stage -with no backstage- just a couple of feet higher than the audience floor. Almost invariably during the breaks, the artists stood right in front of the stage guarding their gear from meandering fools, while pretending to be chatting to fans/friends.

    Straight and simple…
    My Guitars, My Hands. Your Hands, Your Pockets.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    27/03/2019 at 03:28 in reply to: Greetings from Pennsylvania

    Hello Tom from Pennsylvania, this is Tomás from North Carolina!

    You’d think that people would have had enough of Silly Smile Songs
    I look around me and I see it isn’t so…

    MLT songs make me smile too… 🙂

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    03/05/2019 at 22:44 in reply to: Sweet Lorraine

    Thank you Lisa and all the family. Yes, she passed away in peace, without pain and thankfully, on her own terms. A lesson on leaving life be.

    The twists and turns in Sweet Lorraine’s story are definitively a big hugging wink from the universe. After this, for me, a minutely better understanding of the bigger picture.

    Thank you very much. ❤️

  • True Jung! Lucy was named after Lucille Ball, also a blond turned redhead. Given George’s humor, I’m sure the guitar would have a new nickname!

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