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  • Tomás F. Calvo

    13/12/2018 at 06:21 in reply to: Background

    This is one of the amazing things of this “mom & pop” operation called MonaLisa Twins. I use the quotes because they are more professional than the Hollywood pros.  That picture, seems to be just a picture that means something to them. They’ve made it black and white for the background and used it as the backdrop for the video. They’re not at the bar/hotel(?) (note there is some music theme art on the walls). It’s just a “green screen” video with the image replaced in editing.

    The thing with this, is that it is very difficult to do as good as the club video is done. Not every Joe Shmoe can do that, even with all the equipment. Lighting the video is very important or the “green” reflection spills onto heads and shoulders, so it takes learning and skill to do it properly. It seems they have not used green but a white/grey background which helps with the reflections but creates anther bunch of issues when keying the color out and replacing the picture. They’ve also tweaked the picture to make it look like the camera lens and added the bar/restaurant sound faintly to create the ambiance.

    I hope I haven’t spilled too many beans, but this is one of the things that amazes me about all the MLT work. It is so detailed, cared, thought through, loved, smart, professional and done by a group that are all very very talented in all aspects of the arts. Someone is an expert in lighting, someone (as Lisa showed us) is and expert graphic artist, and on and on and on.

    All I can say is chapeau, chapeau, chapeau, chapeau. ????

    Tomás ???? ????

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    10/12/2018 at 02:42 in reply to: Your Top Five MLT You Tube Videos and Why

    It’s hard to choose only five…

    1. While My Guitar Gently Weeps: This is the video that brought me to MLT, hence top of the list. Once I picked up my jaw from the floor, I went through their posted catalog.
    2. Bus Stop: I would play this song over and over as a teenager on a old and tattered Herman Hermits LP. I just loved the song. This MLT version is so fresh, funny and brilliant.
    3. Two of Us: One of my favorite Beatles songs, another really worn out groove. The MLT video is so perfect and reflects that unconditional love. The recent acoustic version highlights the twins’ genius.
    4. The Wide Wide Land: Really masterful video and a super complex video, yet it looks seamless and is very smart. The song is absolutely fab.
    5. Nothing Is In Vain: This video really blew my mind knowing what it takes to do something like this.  I wondered for a while if they had hired a high end studio to do this video, but the behind the scenes vid cleared that up. “Production Value” (the ratio of the perceived cost to produce a film as compared to the actual cost) on it is through the roof.

    Special mentions: “Still A Friend of Mine” and “Yesterday” should be on the top 5, but I’m trying to fit a quart in a pint pot.

    Just my personal picks, though every video is a top 5 contender.


  • Tomás F. Calvo

    24/11/2018 at 23:21 in reply to: Private Reply Option

    Hi Rudy,

    The only option I know for WordPress/bbPress is bbPress Messages but I haven’t tried it. I’ve moved from WordPress to Joomla, and hence use Kunena and UddeIm. I can tell you all about those, but unfortunately it’s been too long since engaging with WordPress.

    Howard, I doubt any Beatles fan, that’s also a MLT fan would not be familiar -and enjoy- Python’s antics. Silly walk, fish slapping…


  • Tomás F. Calvo

    21/11/2018 at 02:53 in reply to: Hello from Tomas in NC


    Tim, I’d love to meet up if you’re ever in this area again. Sorry I just see this, I hand’t set up the replies my mail and missed it. I live very close to the house where James Taylor grew up. Literally the same neck of the woods! I’m 50, so not that much of an age gap!

    Jacki, we’ll keep you posted for sure.

    Howard, I know what you mean, and I’m glad they have taken that route as we are the ones that benefit from it. I’m a big fan and will support them as much as I can, in any way I can. My sister married an Australian from Perth, I love it down there.

    I love the new forum and functionalities that are being added.



  • Tomás F. Calvo

    03/11/2018 at 03:41 in reply to: Received my pre-order today in N.Y.!

    Got mine in NC today (Friday), very happy!

    Seems I’m only using MLT picks to play these days 🙂

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    16/10/2018 at 03:23 in reply to: Hello from Tomas in NC

    Thank you Lisa!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    16/10/2018 at 02:59 in reply to: DREAM MLT COVER CHOICES …

    One song I think MLT can do a fantastic job with is “To Love Somebody” by the Bee Gees from 1967. It’s been covered by everybody from Janis Joplin to Ray Lamontagne. While it’s been having a bit of a resurgence lately, I don’t feel it’s been getting a fair treatment.

    My 2c.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    13/10/2018 at 03:02 in reply to: An MLT CLUB WELCOME POEM…

    That’s great Jacki!

    I’ll follow with a Haiku:

    Talented Sisters
    Singing and Dancing with Joy
    Mona Lisa Twins

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    12/10/2018 at 03:37 in reply to: First Big HELLO!

    Lisa… isn’t like 3 am for you??? Musicians hours??

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