Forum Replies Created

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  • Thomas Randall

    08/05/2020 at 14:17 in reply to: Rudi and Michaela

    [postquote quote=92366][/postquote]

    I’ll be right behind you. 6 feet away with a mask on of course!

  • Thomas Randall

    08/05/2020 at 14:14 in reply to: Oh June please come and take the rain away…

    “June” should be a Duo Session!

  • Thomas Randall

    30/04/2020 at 23:41 in reply to: New Mark Lewisohn interview on Beatles

    Mark’s “Tune in” Vol. 1 is a MUST have. As well as his “The Beatles: Recording sessions”. He really knows his stuff. Thanks for the video!

  • Thomas Randall

    25/04/2020 at 02:02 in reply to: Duo Sessions Requests

    Just thought of a good one, “looking out my back door” by CCR! Fun little song!

  • Thomas Randall

    22/04/2020 at 22:46 in reply to: Equipment

    [postquote quote=91118][/postquote]

    I also preferred nylon tips as well on my 5A’s for that clear, crisp pinging on the ride cymbal. I also preferred 14″ hi-hats.

  • Thomas Randall

    18/04/2020 at 01:16 in reply to: Is everyone okay?

    Got the wire today and hopefully all is well at team MLT. I personally after one month in the house took a short drive yesterday just to get out for a bit. We’re taking a big hit here in N.Y., in my county (about 65 miles north of NYC) we’ve lost 26 folks to this horrible virus so far. Stay safe everyone.

  • Thomas Randall

    05/04/2020 at 23:02 in reply to: Equipment

    [postquote quote=89674][/postquote]

    Ahhh 2b’s. I used 5a’s way back in the day. Pro-mark mostly but I wasn’t too picky about brands.

  • Thomas Randall

    05/04/2020 at 22:57 in reply to: Drum sets and tech?

    The E drums have come along way, I had some of the originals back in the day, a set of Simmons. I HATED them. It was like drumming on concrete. Really hard on the wrists. And the sounds no matter how you set the “Brain” stunk. I sold them. The new sets sound a lot better or course but I still prefer the real things even though I haven’t played in decades. Give me real drums every time. I’m glad Mona is using the real drumset.

  • Got to love that MLT merch!


  • Thomas Randall

    05/04/2020 at 22:40 in reply to: How did you experience your MLT joy today 2

    Very well put Jung! We all can sure use those 2 bright rays of sunshine right now.

  • Thomas Randall

    28/03/2020 at 00:46 in reply to: Choice of Key

    When playing along to MLT’s version of “Please, Please me” you have to play 1 step up (2 frets) from the original for instance. It’s a tad different but still cool! LOVE their version!

  • Thomas Randall

    28/03/2020 at 00:25 in reply to: Greatest guitar intro riffs of all time

    One obvious choice would be “And your bird can sing”! Others off the top of my head include “Sunshine of your love”, “Down on the corner”, “Satisfaction” just to name a couple.

  • Thomas Randall

    23/03/2020 at 15:36 in reply to: A Forgotten Artist

    Melanie only really had a few hit songs but she had a good voice and was certainly attractive. I certainly haven’t forgotten her. She wasn’t really forgotten from what I can tell. Her name pops up once in a while.

  • Thomas Randall

    23/03/2020 at 15:32 in reply to: First song

    I have no idea what mine was. Something no doubt in the early to mid 60’s most likely.

  • Thomas Randall

    21/03/2020 at 00:04 in reply to: Not to get serious but….

    Scary times for sure. Here in N.Y. most businesses are being made to close except groceries, banks, pharmacies starting Sunday night. We’re told to stay home unless food shopping, going for medications, doctors visits. Those of us with COPD and other serious medical conditions are told not to go anywhere and stay away from everyone. I went grocery shopping early Thursday morning and there was basically no meat, no toilet paper, no sugar, almost no paper towels, almost no frozen vegetables, no sweet potatoes, etc. I’ve never seen anything like it in N.Y.! It’s insane and will only get worse in the coming weeks.

    Stay safe everyone! WASH THOSE HANDS!!!

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