Forum Replies Created

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  • Thomas Randall

    02/02/2020 at 22:39 in reply to: Thats Life – Meaning of life

    “That’s life” is definitely a great tune! Probably my favorite off of Orange.

    The meaning of life can be found by watching other creatures. After all, humans are just another species of animal on this big blue marble we call “Earth”.

  • Thomas Randall

    02/02/2020 at 22:35 in reply to: Terry Jones – RIP

    Great video. GREAT troupe of funny men. So sad losing these great people. I love Monty Python. So silly, so funny! Been digging them since the 70’s. I will always dig them! Long live the Pythons!

  • Thomas Randall

    31/01/2020 at 01:08 in reply to: MLT Originals

    Love me some MLT originals! That first album is my favorite so far!

  • Thomas Randall

    31/01/2020 at 00:51 in reply to: Who’s your favorites Mona?!

    Thank you Mona! Ringo certainly kept very good time and his fills were very inventive to be sure. Now Keith Moon for me was a little too busy in his playing but I guess for The Who it fit. I’m not a fan of overplaying or most double bass drummers with the exception of Palmer, Peart, Franco, who to me never overplayed their kick drums. They always seem to know when to use 2 or just one.  Jim’s work on Zappa’s Apostrophe was incredible. Zappa always had some incredible musicians in his groups.

    Thanks again Mona!


  • Thomas Randall

    24/01/2020 at 10:52 in reply to: GUITAR HEAVEN…for me, that is

    My condolences Roger and I hope you are feeling a better. Life can sure throw us curve balls every now and then. New toys always help one’s mood! Whether it’s guitars, drums, MonaLisa videos, albums, etc.!

    Welcome back!


  • Thomas Randall

    13/01/2020 at 18:04 in reply to: Who Was the Hugger and Who Was the Huggee?

    Cuteness overload!

  • Thomas Randall

    03/01/2020 at 19:45 in reply to: The Swinging Sixties

    Love it Howard! The decade I grew up in!

  • Thomas Randall

    30/12/2019 at 18:03 in reply to: Beat Club

    There’s only 2 of the Liverbirds left. The drummer and bassist.

  • Thomas Randall

    26/12/2019 at 12:43 in reply to: Greatest rock song of all time

    Oh there are too many “greatest” songs for me to be able to make a guess at. Just when you think of one another one will pop into your head shortly after!

  • Thomas Randall

    21/12/2019 at 13:35 in reply to: My MonaLisa Twins T-Shirt at Work

    Looking good Brian! I mention the girls whenever I get the chance. Online and offline. Need to get the hoodie one of these days. I still haven’t use my birthday coupon yet!

  • Thomas Randall

    17/12/2019 at 11:04 in reply to: Who is the best guitarist that has ever lived?

    I agree Tomás, Rolling Stone is a joke anyway. That guitarist list is certainly a joke! Richards over Roy Buchanan? Richards over Mark Knopfler? Is Richards good? Yes he is but better than those 2 guys? No way. At least in my opinion. It’s like the so called “Rock & Roll Hall of Fame”. It should be renamed the “Music Hall of Fame” since so many non rock & roll acts get in and so many rock acts that deserve to get in don’t.

  • Thomas Randall

    16/12/2019 at 15:14 in reply to: Christmas Question and Funny Stories

    Awwwww, how sweet is that video! WONDERFUL!

  • Thomas Randall

    16/12/2019 at 15:10 in reply to: Red Skelton Sixties, 1962-1970

    Red was a riot! I remember him well. Also Jonathan Winters, Uncle Miltie, George Burns and Gracie, etc. The BEST time for television in my opinion!

  • Thomas Randall

    15/12/2019 at 12:05 in reply to: Who is the best guitarist that has ever lived?

    Wow Stephen, how can I forget about Tommy?! He is beyond incredible. And for ukulele fans check out a young man on Youtube named Feng E! This kid is UNBELIEVABLE! He’s also amazing on a guitar as well. Lisa may already know of this young man.

  • Thomas Randall

    09/12/2019 at 16:37 in reply to: Who is the best guitarist that has ever lived?

    I think the answer is very subjective. A few off the top of my head would be Roy Buchanan, Buck Owens, Frank Zappa, Hendrix, J.Geils, Steve Miller, John “The cat” Gatto, Richie Blackmore, Greg Lake to name a few of MY faves. It will be fun reading everyone’s response!

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