Forum Replies Created

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  • Thomas Randall

    03/06/2019 at 22:43 in reply to: Lead Guitar

    The fact that Mona & Lisa can play multiple instruments extreamely well AND sing like angels is just flat out fantastic. “Our” twins are so special.

  • Thomas Randall

    24/05/2019 at 14:30 in reply to: Oh June please come and take the rain away…

    GREAT song, GREAT video, GREAT album! Take the rain away indeed!

  • Thomas Randall

    22/05/2019 at 13:43 in reply to: They Say It's Your Birthday

    I too got a lovely greeting on the 4th! It brought a HUGE smile to my face! So thrilled they took the time to make and sent it! Thanks AGAIN girls!!!

  • Thomas Randall

    20/05/2019 at 22:43 in reply to: Lisa's Ukelele

    I LOVE MLT’s version of “Tonight You Belong To Me”! There is one or 2 videos of them doing it on Youtube.

  • Thomas Randall

    18/05/2019 at 23:06 in reply to: Hello There From New York

    Hi Paul and welcome from another New Yorker (Poughkeepsie)!

  • Thomas Randall

    16/05/2019 at 00:44 in reply to: Mona Lisa, or Lisa Mona?

    Good answer Rudi!

  • Thomas Randall

    14/05/2019 at 23:41 in reply to: Lisa's Ukelele

    I bought my first uke because of Lisa last year! A concert size. I recently bought a Kala Baritone which you play like a regular guitar without the E and A strings. FUN! I  LOVE when Lisa uses her ukes. It definitely adds something special to the songs.

  • Thomas Randall

    14/05/2019 at 23:36 in reply to: The Seekers

    “I’ll never find another you” is a FANTASTIC song! Judith had one hell of a voice! I listen to that one every now and then myself.


  • Thomas Randall

    11/05/2019 at 20:01 in reply to: Happy (Step) Mother's Day Michaela – May 12th

    Yes indeed, have a GREAT day Michaela! I’m sure you will with that great family of yours!

  • Thomas Randall

    08/05/2019 at 01:40 in reply to: Your favorite MLT merch

    My favorite merch is the CDs. I’m a little behind on some of their stuff but I’ll catch up soon enough!


  • Thomas Randall

    01/05/2019 at 12:04 in reply to: Percussion

    Here’s another vote for seeing Mona playing those skins! I used to LOVE (still do) watching Karen Carpenter play back in the day. Man she was an awesome drummer.

  • Jung, oh yes, I remember the 70’s! I always had top of the line Pioneer stereos, cranking up some of those rock bands to learn the drums to a lot of the songs. Alice Cooper, Deep Purple, early Kiss, Iron Maiden, Priest, etc. Most of us guys had long hair back then, at least until disco came along and ruined everything. I refused to get my hair cut, I never followed the fads and trends and still don’t. Although mother nature and age finally made my hair short! LOL!

    I haven’t played drums in many, many years now, instead I’ve been playing guitar which I started learning back in my drumming days. I’m so-so at it. I am no where near as good as “our” Twins.

  • Thomas Randall

    29/04/2019 at 01:43 in reply to: 3,000 Guitars?

    Mona I’m SO glad you use the Ludwigs for recording! I know the newer electronic kits sound pretty good but nothing beats REAL drums! My first real kit was from Pearl. I was a Zildjian cymbal guy myself as well. I tried a Simmons electric kit when they first came out, man did they STINK. They killed your wrists too.

  • I have no idea what’s “hip” today music wise. What I hear and see I can’t really stand at all. I’ll be 61 very shortly and this generation of kids today is far different than mine. But I guess the generation before mine said the same thing. Finding MLT late last June was a breath of fresh air to me! Why I didn’t discover them earlier I have no idea but I am so glad I did. It’s so great seeing these 2 girls being really into the music I grew up with!

  • Thomas Randall

    20/04/2019 at 10:51 in reply to: Song Titles For new Album?

    Yeah My Sharona was over played to death. While not a huge fan of them my favorite of theirs is “Good girls don’t”, far more fun to play musically.

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