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  • Well I think they should stay the coarse they are on, they obviously know what they are doing. Obviously getting out there again and playing gigs (and making sure to film them!) has to happen at some point. But I’m sure they know that quite well. But let’s wait for them to respond!

  • Thomas Randall

    23/11/2018 at 23:12 in reply to: Hello

    Hi Frank and welcome from N.Y.!

  • Thomas Randall

    22/11/2018 at 18:31 in reply to: 20% off

    Order placed! Not a huge order but hope it helps! Thanks team MLT!

  • Thomas Randall

    21/11/2018 at 13:23 in reply to: Club Members

    I’m curious as to how many of us club members there are. I’ll also try to donate whenever funds allow but I’m retired and recently been told I have a few bad medical issues. Emphysema being the worst. I hope to help out whenever I can. The girls have given me a ton of joy since “discovering” them back in June.


  • Thomas Randall

    21/11/2018 at 13:11 in reply to: I Saw Him Standing There

    It doesn’t bother me at all, I get what they’re doing.

  • Thomas Randall

    13/11/2018 at 18:53 in reply to: Ballads or Rockers?

    I prefer rockers but Mona & Lisa have such awesome voices I like their slower songs almost as much.


  • Thomas Randall

    11/11/2018 at 18:40 in reply to: Your Top Five MLT You Tube Videos and Why

    It’s a little hard to pick, there are so many! But at the moment:

    “When we’re together”


    “Please Please me”

    “Drive my car”

    “Bus Stop”

    I can’t say why, there are too many reasons.

  • Thomas Randall

    09/11/2018 at 20:47 in reply to: Great Family

    I totally agree! What a wonderful family. Just LOADED with talent every one of them! It makes me wish I lived in Liverpool!


  • Thomas Randall

    08/11/2018 at 00:06 in reply to: Driving

    Skydiving I would never do! Jump out of a perfectly good plane? NO THANKS! When I saw that video of one of you girls doing it I nearly fainted!

  • Thomas Randall

    31/10/2018 at 11:35 in reply to: Coming to America

    Well cost would be a huge factor obviously but I would think they’d have to build up lots of radio play in the states first. Youtube is a great way for them to get out world wide of coarse and as I type this they have over 68,000 subscribers and rising! In time they may be able to pop over to America, I’d love to see them live and meet them to say thanks in person. But I’m sure they’ve thought about this before so we’ll just have to wait and see what the future holds…..

  • Thomas Randall

    29/10/2018 at 11:06 in reply to: Mona as a drummer?

    I was a drummer MANY, MANY years ago and hauling a drum kit around is a big pain in the you know where! I had a big kit. Mona’s kit is more movable being a smaller standard kit. Thinking back, that’s what I should have bought but I wanted lots of tom toms.

    In any case I like Mona’s drumming and always look forward to hearing more of it.


  • Thomas Randall

    25/10/2018 at 19:00 in reply to: Quite Simply~Just Because and IT DOES TRULY !!

    Music to me is essential for life. Just like air, water, sunlight and sleep. These girl’s music give me a definite energy boost daily! I’m a child of the 60’s and SO glad I found these girls a few months ago!

  • Thomas Randall

    23/10/2018 at 14:53 in reply to: Fave Funny and/or Moments in MLT videos …!?!

    “Bus Stop” is full of funny moments! Love it!

  • Thomas Randall

    22/10/2018 at 16:19 in reply to: The Carpenters and The MonaLisa Twins

    I’m a BIG Karen Carpenter fan. So much talent and beauty. She was actually an excellent drummer and hated being out front singing, she loved drumming. She’s the greatest female vocalist of all time IMHO.

  • Thomas Randall

    31/10/2018 at 17:48 in reply to: Coming to America

    Hi Maxhouse,

    Well with the kind of so called “talents” being touted as great today it’s no wonder great stuff like the MLTs don’t get much of a shot. Granted I’m 60 and can’t stand the music from the 80’s up to today. The girls would have to start writing and playing the type of garbage being played today to get anywhere. I sure hope they never do that.

    Team MLT may very well be perfectly happy sticking with what they’re doing and have been doing and that’s fine! Time will tell what their future plans are. They know better that us what ‘s best for them.

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