Forum Replies Created

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  • Thomas Randall

    20/10/2018 at 13:24 in reply to: Are You Identical Twins?

    My guess is their not identical but really close to it. But it really doesn’t matter does it ? They’re both gorgeous young ladies and you can always see the love they have for each other in their videos and photos.  It’s undeniable! They have the same musical tastes it seems and both are so super talented.

    They sure do make my day!




  • Thomas Randall

    17/10/2018 at 15:25 in reply to: DREAM MLT COVER CHOICES …

    Definitely ‘Carrie Anne’ , The Byrds “Turn, Turn, Turn” off the top of my head.

  • Thomas Randall

    17/10/2018 at 14:53 in reply to: Lisa vs. Mona

    Nope, I will not pick! They are both so lovely. Oh to be 24 again……

  • Thomas Randall

    17/10/2018 at 14:49 in reply to: Mona as a drummer?

    I love seeing vids of Mona drumming. We need to see more of that!  Karen Carpenter HATED singing up front, she always wanted to be behind her drum kit but at least she got to do some songs behind her drums. She was actually a superb drummer! She’s my favorite all time female vocalist. No one can match that voice and range. Mona seems very happy out front playing her guitars though.

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