Forum Replies Created

  • Richard Raighn

    03/03/2022 at 16:28 in reply to: You got the beat

    I find it interesting that you cover a subject such as this. My son and I were recently discussing how you go about recording songs as he is pro tool certified and is A recording engineer part time for now since covid stopped him dead in his tracks after graduating one month before we went in to lockdown.He majored in music in college.

    Anyhow in the conversation he told me they usually start with the drums 1st to get a beat and maybe come and check in with the bass guitar and I just found this question something that I could relate to after discussing this with someone.

    Good question Rick!

    Great answer Mona!

    Thanks to both of you????

  • Richard Raighn

    03/03/2022 at 15:59 in reply to: Playing the drums

    Personally I find it a treat when we get a chance to see Mona playing the drums as it does not happen often.

  • I enjoyed that Joe thank you

  • Richard Raighn

    16/06/2020 at 16:30 in reply to: Read/Unread badges and headlines

    Great idea Rudi

    It definitely makes maneuvering around the site much easier for me. Thank you

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