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  • Jung you must be a writer. Very well said and your so right, if you listen to Count on Me it really lands home to just how great these ladies are at writing lyrics and creating songs that I wish all on the planet could enjoy!!!!!! They bring such happiness to me everyday in there own Music and their covers. Great topic Jung, you are also a true believer in 2 beautiful women making dreams from the stars come true. Stay Groovy!!!!

  • Walter Music

    14/11/2021 at 15:42 in reply to: MLT Club Membership Q&A

    I am sure this question is somewhere, however, ask the MLT, it says awaiting moderation. What can I do? What caused it?

    Thanks Walt

  • Walter Music

    08/11/2021 at 01:02 in reply to: Awesome things i have learned from the MLTC

    Thanks guys

  • Walter Music

    07/11/2021 at 13:09 in reply to: Awesome things i have learned from the MLTC

    It is so awesome that in these times we can all Come Together on just about any subject that we put out there, we learn from people from all over the world and it all started with a family all together making the best Music allowing us to be in the best forum on you tube. It all started with 2 young girls from Austria wanting to sing and play Music from over 50 years ago. I have become more relaxed and blown away by everyone in the MLT because of our Love of 2 wonderful ladies and their family realizing their dream and we get to watch that dream come true, we are a part of something really big!!! I have also learned that I can ask questions like this one, does anyone know what awaiting moderation means in ask Mona and Lisa and how I can resolve that, I don’t believe they can see it on their end.

    Thanks to everyone in the MLT family and I believe we are all apart of the MLT family!!!

  • Walter Music

    01/11/2021 at 23:35 in reply to: What is your favourite pop/rock music film?Why?

    You know I really enjoyed HELP! It was kind of silly but the Music was awesome and the guys didn’t do a bad job of acting. Ringo was at Center.

  • Walter Music

    29/10/2021 at 13:45 in reply to: If you interviewed Mona and Lisa

    I like Darryl’s idea. Has anyone asked you to just Jam? Let’s play some Rock n Roll!!!!!

    Johnnie B Goode or Revolution or 12 bar Blues!!!!! Now that would make my day 3 hours later!!!

  • If I am not mistaken, this was the first song I heard surfing you tube by MLT!!!! I was just drawn in and once there I listened to another and another, etc. I haven’t stopped. That was May of this year. Yung and Bill whoever sent that to that you tuber was a genius. We all have said it before but Mona and Lisa are absolutely the best!!! They have it all. The kind of Ladies that I would be proud if they were my daughters. There songs just resonate, their video’s, voices, musicianship are always at it’s best. They care about their fans making this club so much fun. I listen to them every day and I never can get enough, I don’t know if they realize just what they do to all of us!!! Thanks guys that was a blast!!!!!

  • Walter Music

    05/10/2021 at 23:03 in reply to: Lazy Sunday Afternoon

    Let it become Chronic as I can take it! I play around with the studio but I will say I love playing the guitar, thanks Jurgen and your right Diana and I also would love to be there when they are on stage again!!! Wouldn’t that be a blast!!!

  • Walter Music

    05/10/2021 at 15:42 in reply to: Lazy Sunday Afternoon

    LOL Jurgen, you are probably right. I think a lot of us in the Club feel that way. Since May when I joined I have been able to come out of a funk that I was in. Now, more positive, playing and singing more. Doing more Studio work, so if it’s a Syndrome than I hope it continues!!!!!

  • Walter Music

    05/10/2021 at 04:52 in reply to: Vegamite

    Wasn’t there an I Love Lucy show where she was promoting Vegemite on a commercial, it was a cough syrup or something and she got drunk, Funny!!!!

    Actually it sounds fairly good!

  • Walter Music

    05/10/2021 at 04:17 in reply to: Lazy Sunday Afternoon

    You know what guys, no one can hold water to MLT!! I am just Hopllessly Devoted to MonaLisa!!!! Now that would be a great song for them to sing but it is in the later 70’s.

    The first thing I have to do when I get home is Listen to MLT and that’s after riding home in the car with a MLT CD on!!! I have never done that in my life. What is it????? There just so damn good!

  • Walter Music

    05/10/2021 at 03:53 in reply to: HAS THIS HAPPENED TO YOU
  • Walter Music

    05/10/2021 at 03:40 in reply to: HAS THIS HAPPENED TO YOU
  • Walter Music

    30/09/2021 at 19:16 in reply to: Degree of difficulty

    I agree with you all, they give all of us so much when their singing and playing, but with everything else they have to do to get ready for a video or a recording, I don’t see how they do it. Practicing a song takes hours and hours or days with the riffs or Licks that have to be right on in order to put it out and every song has a different lick which can scramble the mind. Mona/Lisa are just so good and I really respect what they do!!

  • Walter Music

    30/09/2021 at 14:19 in reply to: Lyrics girls/boys

    Hi Pascal, LOL, with these Ladies they are the best no matter what they sing. When I am listening, I mean to the really good bands that play covers and they change a word or two, I believe they are doing it because they are self conscience of who they are as a gender and someone will think something weird, I don’t know show justice to the lyrics and melody, that’s why Lisa and Mona really pay attention to all the Licks that they get it as close to the original as possible. I play with a friend and he started playing Landslide one day, he looked at me and said no one said you can’t play and sing a song by a girl. I said let’s play it but just don’t change anything. I have made this way to long, sorry.

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