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  • Walter Music

    29/09/2021 at 13:02 in reply to: VOLUME 3 ALBUM

    I agree JP, Morning Has Broken is one of my favorite songs by the Cat and Lisa the way you doubled up on tracks with the classical guitar, it was a brilliant idea. The Boss effects pedal is a really good effects pedal to get that right sound and Mona with the drums is just tremendous. Baker is in the top 3 drummers in the world, I don’t know who is better, Baker or Bonham or Mona. Mona should play a solo on the drums at some point in time when your doing another video. I know that’s not her #1 instrument but I think it would be cool. Were you able to get the Orange Amp, JP? I hope you did. Stay Groovy everyone.

  • Walter Music

    20/09/2021 at 00:57 in reply to: Anniversary

    Thanks guys and thanks for bringing it up Jerry as I didn’t know.

  • Walter Music

    19/09/2021 at 18:08 in reply to: Anniversary

    Yes definitely, Happy Anniversary Michela and Rudolf!!! Happy Anniversary Jung to you and your’s. Mine was August 29th, a beautiful 45 years! Wow time flies, I hope you both had a wonderful day!!!!! Stay Groovy!!!!!

  • Walter Music

    31/08/2021 at 12:58 in reply to: Greetins from France

    Welcome Alexandre, you are absolutely in the right place. I am fairly new in the Club also. I don’t remember the first song I heard by Mona and Lisa but once I heard one song I couldn’t stop. For me it’s like an addiction because they are so good at anything they put to Music. There are a lot of area’s in the Club that I seem to find new all the time. MLT really cares about their fan base and so down to earth.

  • Walter Music

    23/08/2021 at 23:59 in reply to: Favorite strings

    Yep I heard 13’s as well. I tried one time and my hands ached after. I use 9 and 10’s now. Good question!

  • Walter Music

    22/08/2021 at 19:04 in reply to: Mona’s Wazinator

    Thanks Mona great advise, thank you!

  • Walter Music

    21/08/2021 at 02:16 in reply to: Orange Amplifiers

    You got it, didn’t you LOL. Very cool amp. Adrian Belew has played with a lot of groups. That guitar is crazy cool!!! With all the guitars he has on there and everything, man I would love that. Thanks for telling me about him because I didn’t realize he played one.

  • Walter Music

    19/08/2021 at 13:03 in reply to: Orange Amplifiers

    Really nice guitars JP! I always wanted to get a Parker. The Lead player for Alabama always played one, I’m not into country that much but they were pretty good. Garth always plays a Takamine which both of your guitars have a very bright sound to them. Garth is on the come back trail. I like the way he gave up Music to raise his daughters and then made a come back. A really great song writer and entertainer. How did I get into this, anyway I really like you guitars. I saw a Parker Fly I think down at Guitar Center and I almost bought one, but, you know. Just go down and plug into a few different amps and see which one fits you. Thanks JP for showing us them. Walt

  • Walter Music

    17/08/2021 at 02:04 in reply to: Orange Amplifiers

    Hey JP,

    I really didn’t mean to put you on the spot but I was thinking does it matter what guitar you are using as in

    an acoustic or electric to come up with an amp. Some times I play a $400.00 Yamaha because it sounds good

    and a player Stat because it sounds good. But one thing is now I have arrived at a time in my life where I prefer to buy quality when I can, but again Debbie has a say and it’s usually no. I would rather play old tube amps as I think they sound better. Now Darryl has the right idea in a Marshall but again Debbie is in the factor. After 45 years being married I still have to ask permission!!!!!!! Maybe one day we will be lucky to get the kind of instruments we want. Thanks for bringing it up JP.


  • Walter Music

    15/08/2021 at 22:25 in reply to: Orange Amplifiers

    I forgot what kind guitars and amps do you play now?

  • Walter Music

    15/08/2021 at 21:57 in reply to: Orange Amplifiers

    Hi JP,

    I have a friend that has a 50 watt Rockerverb. Really a great amp and tube, however, I tend to stay with Fender, like I have a Bandmaster Head and Mustang V 4-12 cabinet or Vox MVX-150C1 150 WATT. I was going to buy one 3 years ago, however, mama Debbie put an end to that. They are very smooth and clean. They will definitely put out the wattage even at 50 watts. I am thinking of a few Xmas presents for myself and Debbie like the Vox AC 30. They are just clean as everything. Have you ever played a Wazinator? Actually Mona uses one. I was thinking about that but I’m not sure it has a good sound or is it just for keeping in time? Anyway go check the Orange out. The other reason I wanted the Orange Crush was because of the Denver Bronco’s, yea go Bronc’s, oh oh I may have started something.


  • Walter Music

    30/09/2021 at 00:58 in reply to: Mona’s drumming

    What about a solo Mona on a video?

  • Walter Music

    30/09/2021 at 00:56 in reply to: Lyrics girls/boys

    I agree Lisa, covers are not the same if you start changing the he/she!!

  • Walter Music

    06/09/2021 at 00:50 in reply to: Violin in Rock and Roll

    That was so cool Jurgen! Fantastic arrangement and I too love that, it all fit!!

    Thank you so much for uploading that.

  • Walter Music

    06/09/2021 at 00:37 in reply to: Violin in Rock and Roll

    Hey Jim,

    They were really good, I have to admit I don’t remember them but I will

    bet the Mixers sure have changed since then. The strings really added

    a lot to the mix. Thanks for sharing that.

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