Close To You – New Video

Close To You (Original) – Duo Session

As we’re writing this, thick snowflakes are drifting by our window. That doesn’t happen a lot here in England and it reminds us of the winters at home in Austria. Everything is quiet and making us feel a little melancholic. It kind of fits with the song we are sharing with you today, so we are embracing the sentimental feelings as we’re sipping on our hot cup of tea and typing up this Newsletter (well, it’s me Mona typing right now while Lisa is preparing the Social Media posts that will go out later :-)).

How are you all feeling? How has the start of 2021 been for you? Are you happy and doing alright?
These past few weeks we have been busy preparing for some new Duo Session videos. As you might know, they are a series of stripped-back videos that we are releasing regularly over at the MLT Club.
We also upload them on YouTube sometimes, and today we want to share with you a Duo Session of our original “Close To You”.
It is a song we initially released on our album ORANGE as a full studio production, but this more “minimal” version with just the two of us is part of our first “The Duo Sessions” compilation album (that you can find here).

Get “The Duo Sessions” Album

We will start posting the first new exclusive Duo Sessions of the year over at the MLT Club next month, and of course we warmly invite you to stop by there if you are able to do so and support our creative endeavours.

We are about to do a big relaunch of the MLT Club with a lot of upgraded features but we will let you know about that in more detail soon! The weekly videos there will remain a constant, and last Friday we just posted a brand new 20-minute Q&A video all about “Live Performing”. We talk about our future plans, our biggest mess ups and the time we performed with Rod Stewart in the audience. 😉

On the coming Friday we will be drawing the winners of a give-away for a signed drum head and t-shirt (there is still time to enter)! 

We hope you’re having a lovely Sunday and send big virtual hugs to you all,

Mona & Lisa


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  1. Great song, and happy birthday to (both of) you! And no worries, you ARE going to break the “27” jinx!

  2. Hallo Mädels Ihr seid spitze weiter so …
    Ich wünsche euch alles gute für die Zukunft…
    Greatings from Austria 😉

  3. Wow, does this version of ” Close To You” ever pack an #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Musical Punch, it’s just as genuine, moving as the Orange Album version, dare I say, even a tad more “umph” dimension to it, when done as a ” Duo Session” song chouce. I ‘ve found the vocals, instrumentation in the simpler , more raw form demonstrated here, just gives me goosebumps , such conveyance of musicianship. It was tge heeded Sunshine to brighten and bring warmth on a cold Canadian Winter day….Thankyou kindly for the smile and urge/need to sing along loud and proud with you on this while watching.?.????????????????

  4. just watching this today, (not your fault), is making me cry…. next week Feb 4 would have been ‘our’ 26yr anniversary…. she had cancer and didn’t make it to 25yrs…. just watching you together and the song touched me….. I think you are wonderful artists. keep up the good work

  5. Hi Mona ! Hi Lisa ! thank you for your email ! and your new video ! Your voices and 2 guitars and it’s magic ! This afternoon I was listening in my car your cover on the song Revolution and I was wondering why not a new song with drums and electrical guitars ? A rock song ! Do you see ? Yeayeah ! Come on ladies and take care ! Stay groovy and healthy !

  6. Robin Gibb once said that he realized he had a very unique voice, and that unique voices are either really good or really bad, his was really good, and so our yours, you have such unique voices and enunciations you are unmistakable , and your songs are beautiful, I couldn’t be happier then when listening to you both, I actually prefer your version of Starman , I think you are both very wonderful, very talented, and very beautiful

  7. Wonderful performance my favorites! The vocals are so awesome – can’t decide if I like Lisa’s lead or Mona’s lovely high harmonies better.
    With your fabulous Christmas livestream under your belts, would you ladies consider a livestream mini concert of maybe four songs with just you two in the DuoSessions format? I’m sure you’d have many people pay per view to see that…of course I can’t wait to see you play live in person but that seems a ways off.

  8. You guys have 100% captured the sound of the late 60’s & early 70’s. I remember when this was sort of music was on the radio 24/7. 50 years later and all we hear is crap. For us oldies, it is reassuring to hear some young people who have retained a sense of taste, understand what a melody is, and know how play with feeling. Well done!

  9. All of us at Jonny G and Friends love you girls. Love your new song. You two are so talented and so beautifully sounding. Keep up the wonderful work. ????❤️

  10. 73 years old and didn’t think music could any longer make the magic for me, but I was was wrong .
    Your songs are both nostalgic and new at the same time.

    Hope you continue your path for the remainder of my life.
    Thanks for creating.

  11. I bought your ‘Orange’ DVD before Xmas, and have been enjoying it. Your Duo version of ‘Close To You’ is delightful, with lovely harmony, and it’s great to see you playing the guitars!

  12. From where I come from (NW Slovenia), we were also greeted by winter with a rich snow cover. Silence, in fact true serenity when it snows, brings calmness and memories can evoke a kind of melancholy.
    “Close To You” is a beautiful song, ideal for a snowy morning and sitting in the warm and in front of the window, where the view and thinking drift into white infinity.
    Thank you for creating this beautiful song and sharing your emotions with us!
    p.s .: it’s evening and I’m still whistling this song. 😉

  13. Yet again, I marvel at your talent. Things in the USA are looking up with a new administration but the pandemic still rages. The hymn that has been going through my mind is “In the Bleak Mid-Winter.” It is artists like you both that bring joy to the world, even in the most difficult of times. Alle das Beste! Gerry

  14. When things calm down on this dang virus, come to the US and to Bowling Green, KY in particular. We have a great theater for you to sing in. It is called SKYPAC.

  15. I want to hear this song again and again – You sing and play so well I could cry and then you are both so beautiful – my whole day is saved when I have seen you two…love you…❤️

  16. Hello my little Beatlets. It’s so nice to hear the continuing melody driven songs you write. It’s truly a continuing sound of the 1950’s and 60’s.
    I really like it ????????

  17. You ladies are beautiful and talented. Can’t wait until you guys tour the states after things return to normal. I just know you’ll be a big hit here.

  18. You guys are beautiful and talented. Can’t wait until you tour the states after this crazy virus goes away and we return to normal.

  19. I have only recently discovered you and your marvelous music on You Tube so I splashed out on your Albums at Christmas.
    I’ve shared them with my daughter too! Your xmas album arrived just in time for us to have it playing in the background on xmas day.

  20. J’adore écouter ces deux voix. Tant de fraîcheur et de naturel dans leurs sets. Pour moi, le meilleur groupe du moment. Je vous passe en boucle.

  21. I really loved that song. I’ve been following you for a year and I truly enjoy your love of the music from the sixties especially when you sing songs of the Beatles. You truly do them justice. Plus I enjoy your original music also. I was young in the sixties and grew up in that wonderful period of music. You both are very talented instrumentalists and have beautiful voices.

  22. Love your new song “close to you”. incredible sound on Lisa’s guitar. I could listen to the sound of the guitar all day. Good job, ladies.

  23. If either of you are interested in marrying a guy in his 70’s, I’m available. HAHA Continue doin the great music. Luv ya both!!!!!

  24. Several years I’ve discovered that Monalisa Twins produced very exciting songs by The Beatles and one thing for sure, both of you involved your family. That’s very Great.
    For the Year 2021 the whole World still faced the pandemic COVID-19 and as for me a very quiet beginning. No more the usual face to face New Year’s greetings but we’ll survived.
    All the Best to Mona, Lisa & family.

  25. Nothing lasts forever, and that’s why I’m making sure I enjoy your music as much and as often as I can, right now.
    Thank you, ladies.

  26. Wowzee wowzee woowoo. Seriously, such great voices, such fine guitar work. Excellent song. Well done.

  27. Another great performance! But, I must say, when I saw the title of the song, I was thinking it was the song of the same name done by The Carpenters back in the 1970s.

  28. Your twindle harmonies are angelic! Your precise yet expressive playing matches your vocals, exactly. Carry on, please, with the lovely art!

  29. I was a radio DJ up and down the east coast of U.S. from Maine to Atlanta Georgia and you ladies are as good as anyone of the “hit” records I played from 1973-2009

  30. Hi there,
    it’s been a while since I was in touch ..all kind of hectic
    watching the video would seem you are all fine
    and still producing very very very fine music
    I salute you and wish you all the very best x

  31. What a wonderful song, complete in every way. Good lyrics, good chord progressions, and key changes. I loved it! The only love that lasts for ever is God’s love for us through Jesus Christ. But at 73, I had a lot of those relationships that seemed so good and just ended!! I wrote a few songs like this, too. I pray for you daily even like my friends. Be blessed. You two are special! Your friend, Peter

  32. Great, sounds almost Beatlish. Stay safe in the snow. Being from Canada, I have to remind myself down here in the Carolinas, it’s not me it’s the other drivers without snow driving experience.

  33. That was beautifully composed, I thought of the early Beatles and how they brought joy to every one’s souls. It’s comforting to hear that there is still music that can make you smile. That’s why I write music. Continue!

  34. another beautiful piece of work from you 2 ladies. thanks for helping get 2021 off to a good start and boy do i hope you get to do a US tour in the next year or so. i would do my darndest to come see you anywhere in the country.

  35. This is such a beautiful shining gem, really showcases the excellence in your song writing and brilliance in your singing, harmonies and superb guitar work. This duo session acoustic version captures such beautiful feelings and the longing of love lost or someone you miss. This song just grabs me to the core every time, such is the power of your original music! This is the kind of music creation you expect from artists like the Beatles or Joni Mitchell and goes to show the level of artistry you have achieved. Love everything about this song.

  36. Love your music and so disappointed in my family. Didn’t get your CD’s for Christmas – it was on my list. I’m just going to have to buy them myself! Love the song!

  37. And those sweet melodies keep flowing. You’re such a refreshing breath of air. Your music and performances bring a smile to my face and sunshine to my heart. Thanks for all of that. Jxx

  38. I loved the Stones , above the Beatles, ,
    however, I’ve grown to like the Beatles, which drew me to you Twins . ????????????

  39. Wow, I love this! I just discovered the two of you a couple of months ago and now listen to your music daily. I will soon be joining the MLT club. The Beatles came to the US when I was ten. The music of the sixties became the soundtrack of my life.

    It delights me That you both find this music as meaningful as I do. I have long thought to myself that they don’t make music like that anymore. And now they do. You do.

    The two of you, Mona and Lisa, or entirely endearing and also inspiring. I love that your family does this together and find it remarkable how much you have produced and accomplished. Thank you.

    1. Nicely put, Ed and I’d second that as someone who shared a similar musical experience. I only hope that a new generation is getting as much out of these fab lasses as we did!

      1. Thanks, John. I totally agree. My daughter, two or three years older than these incredible ladies, is into the music as well. Julia, meet the MonaLisa twins.

  40. Yet another in the ever-lengthening line of beautiful songs set to duo vid from our favorite songstresses! Lisa’s facial expressions are appropriately melancholy, which is a huge switch, considering how much joy of performing music usually radiates from them both. Fabulous harmonies and instrumental artistry, as always! Even their feet are musically talented! Bless you ladies for being such a blessing for so many of us!

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