• Howard

    19/10/2018 at 05:34

    Hi Marcio. May I suggest you click on the tab “Orange is turning 1”, try the Search function or the following link:


    ORANGE is turning 1

  • Marcio Arroyo

    19/10/2018 at 19:10

    tKS, Howard

  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/10/2018 at 21:37

    Hi Marcio,
    Welcome to the Club and to the forum! Last year we wrote a blog post called “Why Orange?” where we go into detail about the inspiration behind the name (spoiler: it came about after watching the Stanley Kubrick movie “Clockwork Orange”) and all the different aspects to it.
    Feel free to read it here and let us know if you’re left with any questions!

  • Marcio Arroyo

    19/10/2018 at 22:23

    Very nice to hear from you, Mona. Thank you.
    I will update myself with these indications that you told me and, in this way, knowing even better about the MonaLisa Twins.
    I stay groovy, hearing and watching, MonaLisa Twins!

  • Steve

    20/10/2018 at 01:26

    Some people may love Paris in the Spring time, but Mother Nature loves the MonaLisa Twins in the Fall.


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