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It’s been a month today since our new album ORANGE came out … 

… and we thought it’s a perfect opportunity for a little story time. We’ve done lots of interviews promoting the album in the last 4 weeks, and the most common question, also from friends and family, has always been:


Why did we chose ORANGE from all the words out there? Well, there were a few things that go with it. The main inspiration came to us while watching the Stanley Kubrick movie ‘A Clockwork Orange’ after a recording session one evening. We got curious about the meaning of the title and decided to look up its origins.

Here’s what we found:
The title refers to a person who “has the appearance of an organism lovely with colour and juice but is in fact only a clockwork toy to be wound up by God or the Devil or (since this is increasingly replacing both) the Almighty State.”

In other words, it stands for the “application of a mechanistic morality to a living organism oozing with juice and sweetness.”  It refers to a person who is robotic behaviorally but one that is, in all other respects, human.

In simplified words, ORANGE stands for the human side, the living organism, the juiciness and sweetness of being alive. We believe the world could do with a lot more of ORANGE and a lot less CLOCKWORK.
And since that is exactly the feeling we wanted to bring across with this album we thought it was the perfect title.

Plus, orange is what you get when you mix our hair colours! Orange is also on the opposite side of the colour spectrum of feeling … blue. And let’s not forget that nothing rhymes with orange. In short – it’s a pretty quirky word 😉

Stay groovy,
Mona & Lisa


6 thoughts on “Why ORANGE?

  1. Thanks for the explanation

  2. Orange is such a brilliant album name. Even the color Orange itself is a very interesting and meaningful color and defined in some sources as:

    “Orange is the color of joy and creativity. Orange promotes a sense of general wellness and emotional energy that should be shared, such as compassion, passion, and warmth. Orange will help a person recover from disappointments, a wounded heart, or a blow to one’s pride.”

    “Studies show that the orange color can create physical effects such as increased hunger, heightened sense of activity, increased socialization, boost in aspiration, stimulated mental activity, increased oxygen supply to the brain, increased contentment, and enhanced assurance. Orange also helps aid decision making, and enhances happiness, confidence, and understanding.”
    Source: Bourncreative,

    But more important than all that, MLT album Orange is a timeless and classic masterpiece rock album carrying on the tradition of brilliant and inspired song writing started in the 60’s by the great legends like the Beatles.

  3. You are both beautiful, vibrant, uplifting young women. Your music makes me feel happy! Thank you!

  4. You two are a wonderful breath of fresh air! Happiness… Exhilaration… So fun to watch and listen to!!

  5. You two are so cool! I love watching and listening to your music videos so much I have to do it in secret. I discovered you while listening to the Beatles… Your names kept popping up. Finally, two weeks ago my curiosity got the best of me. I feel young again when I listen to you….and I now know how the girls felt when seeing the Beatles…in a totally innocent way, of course! I feel happy and exhilarated, just lost in a world of wonder and joy when I hear you. And I just can’t decide who I like more…Mona? Lisa? Lisa? Mona? Who’s kidding? It’s a total and permanent tie!!

  6. I love all of your music, but ORANGE is definitely special. The album is brilliantly constructed, mixed and organized. The songs are amazing! There is something for everyone on this album. I can see people of all ages, gender, and ethnic backgrounds grooving to the sounds of ORANGE! The talent is beyond amazing and the songs brilliant. I love and respect the work done on ORANGE. And, I think it should send the MonaLisa-Twins to the tops of music charts!
    Thank you Lisa and Mona, and all of the MonaLisa-Twins team for producing ORANGE for the World to enjoy. And for giving me such a wonderful experience and place to go whether I’m having a good day or bad day!
    Thank you!

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