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  • Orange VW Camper Van

    Posted by Nigel Mortimer on 27/04/2021 at 17:17

    Hi Mona & Lisa,
    As I write out this question, I hope you are both enjoying the lovely sunshine we are having here in Lancashire at the start of April.
    Here’s my question : ‘ At the moment, I am building a small camper van to get out into the summer countryside and noticed that in the ‘Two of Us’ video you had an orange and white VW classic camper van when you were younger, The van looks fantastic and I am sure you both have many happy memories with it.
    I wondered, was your album ‘Orange’ inspired by the van’s colour?

    Jacki Hopper replied 3 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    27/04/2021 at 17:18

    How gorgeous have the last few weeks been? Fingers crossed it will stay like that for just a little longer.

    So many amazing childhood memories took place in the orange VW camper van you’ve seen in the video! We spent some of our happiest summers driving through Croatia or Corsica with our family exploring the beaches, making friends on campsites and playing in and on top of the van itself. It was our summer-mobile 🙂

    Dad decided to sell it some years ago to a local business owner as it wasn’t really up to scratch for long distance travels anymore. The guy parked it on a road we’d drive past every morning on our way to school so we’d usually greet the old camper van every morning. I used to say that I’d buy it back from the guy when I’m “older” one day, so who knows, maybe when I’m “old” enough (still not sure what age I was referring to), we’ll be reunited ????

    The fact that it was orange just shows that all orange is good and orange brings happiness ???? (You can read more about the album title origins here:

    Hope you’ll get to go on some great adventures with your new build!!

    Why ORANGE?

  • Jung Roe

    06/05/2021 at 03:41

    Hi Lisa
    Wouldn’t that be something if one day in the future if your paths with that Orange VW camper crossed, and you could have it restored like new again! 🙂

    I remember when I was very little and the first car we had was this big black and white 56 Buick Roadmaster with huge side fins on the back. Looked like the Batmobile and I use to pretend I was being driven around in it. I was sad when my dad sold it.

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/05/2021 at 03:35

    In my late Dad’s car /truck ownership history, he did have , though I vaguely remember it, a formerly used mid/late 50s-early to mid 60s Station wagon ambulance…. and at one time had my Grandpa Hopper’s old Coupe, ( after Granpa died) until he sold it… also in my memory, a family friend owned a 1960s convertible mustang, red with black top, a couple of old Model T Ford/Chevy pickup trucks with… circular brake/gas shaped pedals….
    Yes, I love vintage cars, trucks, I got the appreciation to come by honestly from my late Dad … I miss seeing Hot Rod Cruise nights in Tim Hortons or mall parking lots, where all the nice Hot Rods, vintage cars/trucks would come out for show and revving it up…

  • Jung Roe

    07/05/2021 at 05:26

    Hi Jacki, you certainly have had your share/experiences of cool vintage cars, especially that classic Mustang. Near where I live is a small town of Port Coquitlam (well an old town with a city hall and proper small town feel with a 10 lane bowling alley etc that has become a suburb of Vancouver) there is an old fashioned A&W and in the spring and summer on Tuesday evenings they have cruise night and a lot of people bring out there hot rods to the parking lot and have a car meet sipping root beer and chowing down on burgers. It sounds much like your Hot Rod Cruise nights at Tim Hortons.

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/05/2021 at 04:24

    Yes, Jung, exactly, Hot Rod Cruise nights at Tim Horton parking lots at some locations around Ottawa but not all the Tim Hortons, and at some mall parking lots too , but Covid put a halt on those , for indefinitely I guess ????

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