“MonaLisa & Band Live 2007” CD Release

MonaLisa & Band Live 2007

Hooray! Our new (and first) album “MonaLisa & Band Live 2007” CD  is released!

It is a double CD and has got 24 songs on it! The ones we covered with our parents and performed for our family, friends and people we know. We finally got the CDs from the pressing plant! And you can now buy it at our store here on the website or on Itunes and Amazon!

Of course we’d love you to order a copy of “MonaLisa & Band Live 2007” as we’re sure you’re not going to regret it? 24 songs really is a lot of music! The album art is designed by out stepmum Michaela and our Dad did all the recording, mixing & mastering with us. The whole process of making a CD was really new for us but it was so much fun that we can’t wait to do a second one.

We hope to see you soon with some more updates!
Mona & Lisa


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