Sunshine Superman – New Video

Cause I can make like a turtle …

Donovan’s music and lyrics to us are the perfect combination of weird and wonderful.

“Sunshine Superman” has been part of our set list ever since our “Austria” days, when we were just starting out as a band and performing in venues around Vienna. The song has evolved quite a lot for us over the years and is one of those songs that never sounds the same twice.

Today we are sharing with you the recording of our final show at the Cavern Club in Liverpool a few years ago. It is available on our album “Live at the Cavern Club” but so far, the video version has only been available to MLT Club members. We are excited that it is now on our official YouTube channel as well!

Luckily, Lisa had her slide with her that day. She’d often use a blues harp, glass or even the backside of her capo as a makeshift slide when she had left her proper ones at home. It still worked ????

As always, we have the great Callum Williams and Charlie Skeggs on bass and drums.

Mona & Lisa


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  1. This track is what pushed me into buying the Live cavern album sooner than later. I was singing along with the youtube video and I thought how marvelous it would be to record my own version of Sunshine Superman, by basing off a vocal that came from trying to harmonize with my favourite currently working band. You girls are literally inspiring me to make music again. thank you.

  2. Oh my gosh that was so cool! Very nice groove and that slide gave it a nice weirdy delectable taste. As usual lovin your harmonies.

  3. Hey, Mona and Lisa, that was great! Donovan, as you say, has got that combination of weird and wonderful. I’d love to hear you do some more by him! He experimented a lot, so all his material was not always equally commercial, but I remember a song he did with Jeff Beck that I liked a lot you might try it, “Barabajagal” that I always thought was very good (although I was expecting Jeff to put in some more guitarwork, like a fancy guitar solo, but he never did and I think the song lends itself to that). Stay as totally cool as you are, I really admire what you two and your mom & dad are doing!

  4. Great cover ! Congratulations ! I didn’t know you, but I will look forward to listen your other tracks. And as a Vinci’s fan, I really like your name ! ????

  5. The MLT are fantastic! Both their new work and the “oldies” are like a bolt of lightning and energy. Smart and enjoyable. Thank you!

  6. Good Morning the Mona Lisa Twins are very talented! It is time to do only Orginsl
    .The Mona Lisa Twins have to go forward.
    Too many Beatles Faux I have all their music and it Great. It time to do only Orginals but avoid Reglion and political.
    Good blress the Mona Lisa Twins XOXO

    1. Sorry I disagree..Mona Lisa twins should do what they do best..i.e.fabulous covers done in a completely unique(original!) way.
      The world is chock full of ‘original material’..most of it plain boring.
      Not to say they shouldn’t write their own songs..they already do I think.

      1. “Covers”, “original material”… are they really mutually exclusive? I don’t think so! Actually, I think you can be original even when you emulate, and that’s something I see in the MLT. 🙂

  7. Great as always! Interesting to see the ages of your audience – some who grew up with these songs when they were new (like me!).

  8. Bravo. Vous avez beaucoup de talent. J’ai connu l’époque de Donovan. J’aime votre version. Que votre route soit belle et longue. Amicalement.

  9. Donovan was one of my favorites back in the day, but he never looked this good singing Sunshine Superman. Love y’all, keep up the good music.

  10. Loved it. I was impressed by your slide guitar. I hope you’ll play slide more often. You might want to try some Bonnie Rait numbers.

  11. i love watching these beautiful young women covering the music of my youth while honoring the beat and the flavor of the originals. i am a fan!

  12. I just attended a Zoom memorial service for my dear friend Alan Merrill the composer of “I Love Rock ‘N’ Roll” and am feeling sad about his untimely passing last year due to Covid-19. Thank you very much for cheering me up with your wonderful music. <3

    1. I had heard that he had passed. I became interested in Alan Merrill when I rediscovered Joan Jett a few years back. Being curious about the business side of the music business, I found articles about Merrill and interviews. 2 or 3 were from Public Access stations in NY with maybe 150 views each at the time. I just checked. I think I have those still bookmarked. I became impressed with him as he seemed to be a very kind and smart business person. Having kept his songwriting credits, the song continued to make him money, even if his manager and record label let him down when it first came out. I watched some of his later concerts with his new groups, where he gave shoutouts to Joan Jett, Brittany Spears, Miley Cyrus, and others who had covered that song. I assume that each had reintroduced the song to a new generation of listeners.
      I am sorry for the loss of your friend. ~~marca

  13. That was so well done, Mona and Lisa. I was a Donavan fan,. Electra was trying to help our songs being done by him. We were that close to the big time. But I could not stay long enough in New York. I still hope you will do another DVD—I am both visual and sound. Keep the good songs coming. Be blessed!

  14. Love it! We hadn’t seen your CC video of this, it’s perfect! I think that I’ve never seen a whammy used with a slide before. ????
    Keep on truckin, peeps, we loves ya!

  15. I keep imagining Donovan singing this with Mona & that wonderful Robbie Krieger slide guitar sound! Nice playing Lisa. Yeah, I’m a very old Doors fan. Keep on Rockin’ it ladies!

  16. I’ve always loved this song but never as much as I do now that I’ve heard you two sing it. As someone else said, gives me chills. Sing it ladies.

  17. I am so in love with what you are doing. You bring the original energy to the songs you cover and it carries over to your original songs. Sending you much love from New York.

  18. Great song sung and played in a way that captures that era perfectly. I wish I could see you live. Keep going with what you you are doing, especially mixing in your own songs. You are both great.

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