Unboxing our YouTube Play Button + Q&A Video

Unboxing our YouTube Play Button + Q&A!

We just uploaded a new video to out channel where we catch up with everyone and give a little update on our year so far. As well as finally unboxing our YouTube Play Button which we got sent to celebrate 100k subscribers that we reached at the start of the year.

Who knew we’d get emotional over a plaque but for us, more than anything else, it symbolises the community that has grown around our music and the support from all of you groovy folks. So once again, thanks for making YouTube send us the Play Button in the mail by clicking “subscribe” 😉

At the end of the video we also included a Q&A video that we recently recorded for the MLT Club. It’s all about our musical influences and inspirations and gives you a little idea of some of the extra content we have been uploading at the Club recently. 🙂

MLT Club Advent Calendar

With the start of December we will begin our annual MLT Club Advent Calendar! What that means is daily Club exclusive posts from now until Christmas with a big surprise at the end!

The Advent Calendar has become an annual tradition over at the MLT Club and each year we switch it up a little and try a new concept to make every day leading up to Christmas fun and different.

This year we will be doing daily challenges and will ask you all to do them along with us. Every completed day will give you points and at the end there will be lots of prizes for everyone that took part! If you go all out and collect a lot of points you’ll be able to get a prize, worth more than the monthly subscription – a free, signed MLT 2021 Calendar sent in the mail! If you’ve ever thought about checking out the MLT Club, December is the month to do it. 😉 If you take advantage of the current Cyber Monday offer, your first subscription month will be 20% off!

We wish you all a peaceful start to December and we’ll see you very soon with a new video and Newsletter! We send you one last big Thank You and hope you’re all staying groovy. 🙂

Mona & Lisa


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  1. I would have to say Mona and Lisa you are so lucky to have grown up with a built in Engineer/Producer/Composer and dad!! That is so cool. Mr. Wagner you are so lucky to have 2 beautiful, talented girls and you were able to help them to become who they are today. Kudos to you sir. I am really impressed by your family, work and live together and have so much fun!!!! My family would be yelling and screaming at each other from day one!!!! That German blood you know. LOL. My hat’s off to you all, your such an inspiration in everything you all do. I don’t think people realize how hard it is to Produce not only songs but video’s and it’s so hard. I have done a little myself and it’s not easy!!!! Thanks for all your hard work!!!!

  2. Been searching high and low on MLT, looking for touring info without success…..Do you ladies have any plans for a North American tour…..Would love to see you in NYC

  3. I think I heard all of you at YT and you are unbelievably skilled and complement each other. I will not miss a single clip from you. Keep up the good work – love you. I’ve been there before the Beatles broke through, so I’ve heard some.

  4. Dear both, we know that women some times are a little bit stubborn. But I will not stop insisting in two songs of the Black Album that you have mentioned, Dear Prudence and Honney Pie. For you it wont be difficult to do it.
    You are beautiful, Mikaela too and your father is great.

  5. Enjoying Live from the Cavern.I’ve always been a big Beatles fan, and I fell in Love with yas after the first video. Spreading the Love here in Philly. Lit 59 Ridley Park Pa

  6. So proud to see you girls open your YouTube award. I know you will continue to build your fan base because you are so genuine. The traits that make individuals attractive to other people, you two have in spades. Being physically attractive is what folks first notice about both of you but your warm and unpretentious personalities is why people want to know more about you both personally and professionally. Your musical talent is so obvious and inspiring that many just want to become involved in the MLT adventure. I wish I lived next door so we could become close friends. Maybe even pick a few songs together. ❤❤

  7. Congratulations on a great achievement! Whenever I’m in a bad mood, I go to the MLT Club, and my mood lifts instantly. We’re very lucky to have you.

  8. Thanks so much for sharing this important achievement in your amazing careers with us. I just checked and your You Tube subscriber count is now 152K. Congratulations!

    As a charter MLT Club member I can say that the whole MLT experience has enriched my life tremendously since its inception. Getting to know Mona and Lisa and the whole Wagner family has truly been a privilege. How do you put a value on music that touches your heart and soul, beauty that leaves you breathless, and warmth and sincerity that fills you with joy?

    Here’s wishing MLT the greatest happiness possible and may your groovyness continue to flourish and envelope the entire planet.

  9. Congratulations Mona and LIsa for this recognition, which is one of many more.
    I loved seeing how they enjoy opening the box and the excitement they feel when they see the button.
    thank you for sharing your achievements with us.
    best regards
  10. Hey, congrats, kids, for your You Tube plaque. I didn’t know there was such a thing, but I’ll take your word for it. Just bought my first Tablet, so learning how to master You Tube / Play, etc., and all the great musical goodies found there. I especially like the folks who feature their reaction on hearing a renowned work for the first time, and how they review it……you two should try to cultivate those apps and feed them your music, to get into those potential audience builders for you. Then see, in real time, their reactions / reviews to your songs. BTW: check out the Facebook group page “Arranging 60s Music for SATB Chorus / Orchestra.” I have featured one of your videos on it as an example of what that FB page is trying to do. Cheers….Tim In L.A…..

  11. Seeing you both be so moved and touched by this recognition made me feel emotional too! A huge congratulations Mona and Lisa, and Michaela and Rudolf, so well deserved. May the MLT community continue to grow by leaps and bounds exponentially into many millions. Remember, behind that 100K+ number are all the souls you’ve touched and lives you’ve enriched through your beautiful music and all you do.

    I so enjoyed the Q and A, and all the exclusive features at the MLT Club. The MLT Club bring another dimension to the MLT experience, and I highly recommend it to everyone here who love MLT music. You don’t know what you are missing. 🙂

  12. Wow! Congratulations! That’s pretty kool. Thanks for
    sharing this special moment with us. It was fun watching you open your award like a Christmas present. Your glowing smiles shine with pride and humility.

    These updates are great. You are both so natural in front of the camera, it feels like I am watching the MonaLisa Talk Show.

    This is an amazing start for the week, now I’ve got Friday on my mind.
    A new Christmas video?


  13. Auch wenn die Zeiten etwas kompliziert sind, wünsche Ich Mona-Lisa Twins eine schöne Adventszeit und viel Kraft für neue Ideen und Songs. Diese Songs aus den 60zigern und Anfang der 70ziger waren teilweise Mainstream aber eben mit Anspruch. Naja vielleicht BeeGees fand ich ein wenig schnulzig – meine verstorbene Frau stand aber total auf diese Jungs – lach! Eure Interpretationen sind wirklich erste Sahne. Gibt es auch Aufnahmen wo der Papa und die (Stief)-Mama mitmachen? Eine ältere Aufnahme von Stairway to heaven – das kommt so super rüber – da bekomme ich Gänsehaut. Alles Gute und bleibt gesund und vielen Dank für die schönen Songs.

  14. Congratulations team MLT, well deserved.
    Will the 2021 calendar be available for sale for those of us who don’t win one?.

    1. Everyone who will reach a certain amount of points (we will turn this year’s calendar into a bit of a game) can get a calendar. There won’t be any luck involved in “winning” this time. But we will produce a few extra so unless A LOT of people get enough points we will have some spare that we will then sell until they are all gone 🙂

  15. Congratulations, that is one awesome looking Youtube button. Well done. I’m looking forward to the Advent Calendar again this year as it has been such a special feature of the MLT Club. ????❤️

  16. More than a remarkable musician/producer/engineer/ aeronautical engineer…your Dad is an outstanding/ amazing/ incredible Father. I’ve seen all of your YouTube vids from your youth to current and see where he taught, encouraged, and lead the two of you to be fearless and adventurous. And still developed your keen sense of what’s right and kind and loving spirit. My parents were very physically abusive to me and after many hospitalizations I became a foster child. Whe2 what a Blessing to escape at 8 years old. I have often wondered what it would have been like to have been loved and directed and encouraged by actual family members. By age 14 I decided to be ” the white hat wearing” good guy. The knight in shining armour who by truth justice and right doing swooped in and saved the day. I’ve had a very wonderful life but now at 65 Dec. 4th. and many heart attacks since 1982 I have slowed down a bit. I just want you to know that in my quiet times of reflection and when I’m seeking some true light and peace I will play your YouTube offerings and always end with such joy and a smile in my Heart. If I could do it with my budget I would buy all of your albums and contribute to your futures in any way possible. Praise God for your Dad and entire Wagner family for being that ” Bright Shining Light” in this chaotic dark world. I’m so so proud of both of you. Please continue with your unbridled Spirit and untainted Hearts. With much love Thank You…you make me smile and my Heart sing. With much love. Butch Rose U.S.A. ????❤????

  17. Hi Mona Hi Lisa.
    Congratulations on the beautiful plaque YouTube is giving you however you girls deserve so much more. I honestly think that I can speak for other members besides myself that you make our hearts beat to a special drum much faster harder and with much love. I am enjoying the heck out of your last night at the Cavern Club.I have often been asked by other members that I am friends on Facebook with” what is your favorite song on the album” and my answer is always the same and that is that I cannot pick a favorite it’s just impossible. However with the last show at the Cavern Club hearing many of these songs before it seems like you really sang your hearts out that night and for some reason the songs sound extra special but I got to say I think I found a favorite on this album and it’s got to be Lazy Sunday. When I cruise in my vehicle I always hit the repeat button and generally listen to it for 5 or 6 times straight before I continue with the rest of the music. It seems that everything you do you girls just do is better than the originals artists did and I want to thank you so much for just keeping my heart beating as hard as it is I cannot get enough of your music so just let me say thank you and above all , stay groovy!????????????????????????

  18. Congratulations to you both and the rest of the group /team. Well done for your fantastic work, always appreciated by us all. Love and huge respect xx

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