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Something About The Beatles – With Robert Rodriguez – Radio Interview

Let’s talk Beatles! 

Right in time for the release of our two new albums MonaLisa Twins play Beatles & more Vol. 2 + 3 we’ve got something else to share with you that we think a lot of you might enjoy listening to! 

We were guests on the popular podcast “Something About The Beatles” with brilliant host Robert Rodriguez from Chicago. The show is more than an hour long, and we got to talk in detail about all sorts of things, from singing jingles about cheese in our car with Dad when we were growing up, to our first (failed!) attempts at covering “The Night Before” and our opinion on the Beatles’ solo careers. 

LISTEN: 2018/10/25 Nothing But Today – A Conversation with the Mona Lisa Twins

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We also performed two songs acoustically, including a song off ORANGE that we’ve never published online:

Two Of Us – at minute 00:56:00In It For Love – at minute 01:12:30

We also filmed both songs and will upload the videos to the MLT Club in a few weeks (we’re still working on other projects at the moment) so look out for that! If you’re not a Club member yet and want to know how to join click here.

We highly recommend his past episodes, too. He has all sorts of interesting Beatley guests on his show and his interviewing, editing, and audio quality are superb. Big thanks also go out to Robert’s executive producer Richard Wey, who also creates the artwork for all episodes, and Trevor for helping set this up!

Why don’t you head over to Robert’s podcast website, leave a comment underneath the episode and listen to more? 🙂

For the Beatle heads among you, check out his book “Revolver – How The Beatles Re-Imagined Rock’n’Roll”! This will certainly be our Xmas holiday reading.

Stay groovy,Mona & Lisa

17 thoughts on “Something About The Beatles – With Robert Rodriguez – Radio Interview

  1. That was a brilliant interview! Good questions and great performances by the girls!

  2. WOW!!! How did I miss this interview before? What a great discussion… and so refreshing! You did an amazing job Mona and Lisa! Thank you so very much for sharing this.

  3. Thanks for sharing this great interview. You two did a wonderful job explaining what inspires your music. Live performance over Skype well I was just blown away that you could do that so well hammers and pull offs included. The vocals were better than a lot of live in radio studio stuff I have heard before.

    Thanks again.

  4. I really enjoyed this interview you had with Robert! It was very insightful, and adds a great deal to understanding how you both think, create, and have developed your musical tastes. Sharing your story with your fans greatly strengthens their appreciation of your musical journey and reveals your love for what you do and commitment you have to continue providing such wonderful enjoyment to their lives. Clearly, you are in it for love, and I am loving everything you’re doing.

  5. Excellent interview. Both interviewer and interviewees seemed very well prepared, and the songs were wonderful.
    At one point, you expressed some interest in finding post-Beatles material that had quality close to the Beatles themselves. Might I suggest the album Ringo? All four Beatles wrote songs (George and Ringo co-wrote the powerful “Photograph”) and all 4 play on it (though not all on the same track, obviously) Have fun!

  6. Wow! What insight to your early beginnings and current ideas. Glad to know the Beatles still are the center of all your creativness.
    Its so refreshing that the 60’s will be alive and well as long as the MonaLisa Twins continue writing and performing originals and occasional Covers from that Very Golden Era.
    Mona was deeply Touched by your comment Lisa about not being able to perform without Her. Its obvious that works both ways.
    Team MLT is alive, strong, and well for many many years to come.
    By the way the Two Of Us as I listened to it I could picture the video of you both young and also Big sister pushing Baby sister down making her cry.

    1. Thanks Rick! Glad you loved the interview and performance ♥ But hey, it was little sister pushing big sister haha. Little sister is stronger than you think 😛

      1. Ah. I always wondered which one was Mona , and Lisa there. I am sure Mona made it up to you many times over the years. 🙂

      2. Wow! I always wondered which twin pushed which twin but was afraid to ask. Does this mean we can now call little sister ‘the evil twin’?

  7. Wonderful interview! Very entertaining and the songs you played from your bedroom were soooo good. Wow!!! Loved it.

  8. Excellent interview with great insights into how you girl’s minds work musically. And of coarse the music is the icing on the cake. Thank you!

  9. Well now…That was most enjoyable…I believe I will be listening to this guy more often…I really enjoyed this…What a treat to hear ” IN IT FOR LOVE “….something really special when it’s vocals and accoustic guitars….Thankyou for sharing this with us all…You offer the best in interviews…keeps us all on our toes and then some????????????❤️????????✌️????☮️????????????????

  10. Great interview! Very enjoyable and the songs you played from the bedroom were awesome! Loved the interview. ????❤

  11. Thanks so much for sharing this with me Mona and Lisa. Can’t remember if I’ve heard him before but I definitely will check out Robert Rodriguez‘s podcasts in future. He certainly has a lot of knowledge and insight into the Beatles and the sixties era music scene. Also did his homework regarding your own work. He is an excellent interviewer and I actually learnt new things about your musical journey and experience. He mentioned Van Morrison. Have you checked out his ‘Astral Weeks’?

    Looking forward to the new videos being uploaded to the club.

    1. Whoops, looks like I accidentally deleted my first answer. Again, thank you Howard, we’re glad you enjoyed the interview! ‘Astral Weeks’ – such a great album!

  12. Well done all around. Good questions and good answers. I was amused that the Grateful Dead came up. I thought, “What an intimidating wall of history to come at from your place on the timeline!” The Beatles presented a folder spanning about 7 years.
    The Dead is around 30 years. Then I thought that if I had to equate The Dead with the Beatles in any way, I’d say that the two albums “Workingman’s Dead” and “American Beauty” would be similar in some ways to “Revolver” and “Rubber Soul”. So, I’d say start there. If you just jump in anywhere in their 30 year history, it will seem as jumbled and confused as it truly was. But if you carefully arrange things into a particular order,,, well, it doesn’t ever really make sense, but it gets less nonsensical. Give it a ripple.

  13. What an outstanding show!! I love the live versions of Two of Us and In It For Love- great work, ladies!

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